vim/sadness/ropevim/src/rope/rope/base/ @ 48cacfdc2ca6

vim: add ropevim
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 06 Oct 2010 12:30:46 -0400
parents (none)
children (none)
import bisect
import keyword

import rope.base.simplify

def get_name_at(resource, offset):
    source_code =
    word_finder = Worder(source_code)
    return word_finder.get_word_at(offset)

class Worder(object):
    """A class for finding boundaries of words and expressions

    Note that in these methods, offset should be the index of the
    character not the index of the character after it.

    def __init__(self, code, handle_ignores=False):
        simplified = rope.base.simplify.real_code(code)
        self.code_finder = _RealFinder(simplified, code)
        self.handle_ignores = handle_ignores
        self.code = code

    def _init_ignores(self):
        ignores = rope.base.simplify.ignored_regions(self.code)
        self.dumb_finder = _RealFinder(self.code, self.code)
        self.starts = [ignored[0] for ignored in ignores]
        self.ends = [ignored[1] for ignored in ignores]

    def _context_call(self, name, offset):
        if self.handle_ignores:
            if not hasattr(self, 'starts'):
            start = bisect.bisect(self.starts, offset)
            if start > 0 and offset < self.ends[start - 1]:
                return getattr(self.dumb_finder, name)(offset)
        return getattr(self.code_finder, name)(offset)

    def get_primary_at(self, offset):
        return self._context_call('get_primary_at', offset)

    def get_word_at(self, offset):
        return self._context_call('get_word_at', offset)

    def get_primary_range(self, offset):
        return self._context_call('get_primary_range', offset)

    def get_splitted_primary_before(self, offset):
        return self._context_call('get_splitted_primary_before', offset)

    def get_word_range(self, offset):
        return self._context_call('get_word_range', offset)

    def is_function_keyword_parameter(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_function_keyword_parameter(offset)

    def is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(offset)

    def is_from_statement_module(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_from_statement_module(offset)

    def is_from_aliased(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_from_aliased(offset)

    def find_parens_start_from_inside(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.find_parens_start_from_inside(offset)

    def is_a_name_after_from_import(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_a_name_after_from_import(offset)

    def is_from_statement(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_from_statement(offset)

    def get_from_aliased(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.get_from_aliased(offset)

    def is_import_statement(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_import_statement(offset)

    def is_assigned_here(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_assigned_here(offset)

    def is_a_function_being_called(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_a_function_being_called(offset)

    def get_word_parens_range(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.get_word_parens_range(offset)

    def is_name_assigned_in_class_body(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_name_assigned_in_class_body(offset)

    def is_on_function_call_keyword(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_on_function_call_keyword(offset)

    def _find_parens_start(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder._find_parens_start(offset)

    def get_parameters(self, first, last):
        return self.code_finder.get_parameters(first, last)

    def get_from_module(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.get_from_module(offset)

    def is_assigned_in_a_tuple_assignment(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.is_assigned_in_a_tuple_assignment(offset)

    def get_assignment_type(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.get_assignment_type(offset)

    def get_function_and_args_in_header(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.get_function_and_args_in_header(offset)

    def get_lambda_and_args(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.get_lambda_and_args(offset)

    def find_function_offset(self, offset):
        return self.code_finder.find_function_offset(offset)

class _RealFinder(object):

    def __init__(self, code, raw):
        self.code = code
        self.raw = raw

    def _find_word_start(self, offset):
        current_offset = offset
        while current_offset >= 0 and self._is_id_char(current_offset):
            current_offset -= 1
        return current_offset + 1

    def _find_word_end(self, offset):
        while offset + 1 < len(self.code) and self._is_id_char(offset + 1):
            offset += 1
        return offset

    def _find_last_non_space_char(self, offset):
        while offset >= 0 and self.code[offset].isspace():
            if self.code[offset] == '\n':
                return offset
            offset -= 1
        return max(-1, offset)

    def get_word_at(self, offset):
        offset = self._get_fixed_offset(offset)
        return self.raw[self._find_word_start(offset):
                        self._find_word_end(offset) + 1]

    def _get_fixed_offset(self, offset):
        if offset >= len(self.code):
            return offset - 1
        if not self._is_id_char(offset):
            if offset > 0 and self._is_id_char(offset - 1):
                return offset - 1
            if offset < len(self.code) - 1 and self._is_id_char(offset + 1):
                return offset + 1
        return offset

    def _is_id_char(self, offset):
        return self.code[offset].isalnum() or self.code[offset] == '_'

    def _find_string_start(self, offset):
        kind = self.code[offset]
            return self.code.rindex(kind, 0, offset)
        except ValueError:
            return 0

    def _find_parens_start(self, offset):
        offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset - 1)
        while offset >= 0 and self.code[offset] not in '[({':
            if self.code[offset] not in ':,':
                offset = self._find_primary_start(offset)
            offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset - 1)
        return offset

    def _find_atom_start(self, offset):
        old_offset = offset
        if self.code[offset] == '\n':
            return offset + 1
        if self.code[offset].isspace():
            offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset)
        if self.code[offset] in '\'"':
            return self._find_string_start(offset)
        if self.code[offset] in ')]}':
            return self._find_parens_start(offset)
        if self._is_id_char(offset):
            return self._find_word_start(offset)
        return old_offset

    def _find_primary_without_dot_start(self, offset):
        """It tries to find the undotted primary start

        It is different from `self._get_atom_start()` in that it
        follows function calls, too; such as in ``f(x)``.

        last_atom = offset
        offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(last_atom)
        while offset > 0 and self.code[offset] in ')]':
            last_atom = self._find_parens_start(offset)
            offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(last_atom - 1)
        if offset >= 0 and (self.code[offset] in '"\'})]' or
            atom_start = self._find_atom_start(offset)
            if not keyword.iskeyword(self.code[atom_start:offset + 1]):
                return atom_start
        return last_atom

    def _find_primary_start(self, offset):
        if offset >= len(self.code):
            offset = len(self.code) - 1
        if self.code[offset] != '.':
            offset = self._find_primary_without_dot_start(offset)
            offset = offset + 1
        while offset > 0:
            prev = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset - 1)
            if offset <= 0 or self.code[prev] != '.':
            offset = self._find_primary_without_dot_start(prev - 1)
            if not self._is_id_char(offset):

        return offset

    def get_primary_at(self, offset):
        offset = self._get_fixed_offset(offset)
        start, end = self.get_primary_range(offset)
        return self.raw[start:end].strip()

    def get_splitted_primary_before(self, offset):
        """returns expression, starting, starting_offset

        This function is used in `rope.codeassist.assist` function.
        if offset == 0:
            return ('', '', 0)
        end = offset - 1
        word_start = self._find_atom_start(end)
        real_start = self._find_primary_start(end)
        if self.code[word_start:offset].strip() == '':
            word_start = end
        if self.code[end].isspace():
            word_start = end
        if self.code[real_start:word_start].strip() == '':
            real_start = word_start
        if real_start == word_start == end and not self._is_id_char(end):
            return ('', '', offset)
        if real_start == word_start:
            return ('', self.raw[word_start:offset], word_start)
            if self.code[end] == '.':
                return (self.raw[real_start:end], '', offset)
            last_dot_position = word_start
            if self.code[word_start] != '.':
                last_dot_position = self._find_last_non_space_char(word_start - 1)
            last_char_position = self._find_last_non_space_char(last_dot_position - 1)
            if self.code[word_start].isspace():
                word_start = offset
            return (self.raw[real_start:last_char_position + 1],
                    self.raw[word_start:offset], word_start)

    def _get_line_start(self, offset):
            return self.code.rindex('\n', 0, offset + 1)
        except ValueError:
            return 0

    def _get_line_end(self, offset):
            return self.code.index('\n', offset)
        except ValueError:
            return len(self.code)

    def is_name_assigned_in_class_body(self, offset):
        word_start = self._find_word_start(offset - 1)
        word_end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1
        if '.' in self.code[word_start:word_end]:
            return False
        line_start = self._get_line_start(word_start)
        line = self.code[line_start:word_start].strip()
        return not line and self.get_assignment_type(offset) == '='

    def is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(self, offset):
        word_start = self._find_word_start(offset - 1)
        line_start = self._get_line_start(word_start)
        prev_word = self.code[line_start:word_start].strip()
        return prev_word in ['def', 'class']

    def _find_first_non_space_char(self, offset):
        if offset >= len(self.code):
            return len(self.code)
        while offset < len(self.code) and self.code[offset].isspace():
            if self.code[offset] == '\n':
                return offset
            offset += 1
        return offset

    def is_a_function_being_called(self, offset):
        word_end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1
        next_char = self._find_first_non_space_char(word_end)
        return next_char < len(self.code) and \
               self.code[next_char] == '(' and \
               not self.is_a_class_or_function_name_in_header(offset)

    def _find_import_end(self, start):
        return self._get_line_end(start)

    def is_import_statement(self, offset):
            last_import = self.code.rindex('import ', 0, offset)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        return self._find_import_end(last_import + 7) >= offset

    def is_from_statement(self, offset):
            last_from = self.code.rindex('from ', 0, offset)
            from_import = self.code.index(' import ', last_from)
            from_names = from_import + 8
        except ValueError:
            return False
        from_names = self._find_first_non_space_char(from_names)
        return self._find_import_end(from_names) >= offset

    def is_from_statement_module(self, offset):
        if offset >= len(self.code) - 1:
            return False
        stmt_start = self._find_primary_start(offset)
        line_start = self._get_line_start(stmt_start)
        prev_word = self.code[line_start:stmt_start].strip()
        return prev_word == 'from'

    def is_a_name_after_from_import(self, offset):
            line_start = self._get_line_start(offset)
            last_from = self.code.rindex('from ', line_start, offset)
            from_import = self.code.index(' import ', last_from)
            from_names = from_import + 8
        except ValueError:
            return False
        if from_names - 1 > offset:
            return False
        return self._find_import_end(from_names) >= offset

    def get_from_module(self, offset):
            last_from = self.code.rindex('from ', 0, offset)
            import_offset = self.code.index(' import ', last_from)
            end = self._find_last_non_space_char(import_offset)
            return self.get_primary_at(end)
        except ValueError:

    def is_from_aliased(self, offset):
        if not self.is_a_name_after_from_import(offset):
            return False
            end = self._find_word_end(offset)
            as_end = min(self._find_word_end(end + 1), len(self.code))
            as_start = self._find_word_start(as_end)
            if self.code[as_start:as_end + 1] == 'as':
                return True
        except ValueError:
            return False

    def get_from_aliased(self, offset):
            end = self._find_word_end(offset)
            as_ = self._find_word_end(end + 1)
            alias = self._find_word_end(as_ + 1)
            start = self._find_word_start(alias)
            return self.raw[start:alias + 1]
        except ValueError:

    def is_function_keyword_parameter(self, offset):
        word_end = self._find_word_end(offset)
        if word_end + 1 == len(self.code):
            return False
        next_char = self._find_first_non_space_char(word_end + 1)
        equals = self.code[next_char:next_char + 2]
        if equals == '==' or not equals.startswith('='):
            return False
        word_start = self._find_word_start(offset)
        prev_char = self._find_last_non_space_char(word_start - 1)
        return prev_char - 1 >= 0 and self.code[prev_char] in ',('

    def is_on_function_call_keyword(self, offset):
        stop = self._get_line_start(offset)
        if self._is_id_char(offset):
            offset = self._find_word_start(offset) - 1
        offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(offset)
        if offset <= stop or self.code[offset] not in '(,':
            return False
        parens_start = self.find_parens_start_from_inside(offset)
        return stop < parens_start

    def find_parens_start_from_inside(self, offset):
        stop = self._get_line_start(offset)
        opens = 1
        while offset > stop:
            if self.code[offset] == '(':
            if self.code[offset] != ',':
                offset = self._find_primary_start(offset)
            offset -= 1
        return max(stop, offset)

    def is_assigned_here(self, offset):
        return self.get_assignment_type(offset) is not None

    def get_assignment_type(self, offset):
        # XXX: does not handle tuple assignments
        word_end = self._find_word_end(offset)
        next_char = self._find_first_non_space_char(word_end + 1)
        single = self.code[next_char:next_char + 1]
        double = self.code[next_char:next_char + 2]
        triple = self.code[next_char:next_char + 3]
        if double not in ('==', '<=', '>=', '!='):
            for op in [single, double, triple]:
                if op.endswith('='):
                    return op

    def get_primary_range(self, offset):
        start = self._find_primary_start(offset)
        end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1
        return (start, end)

    def get_word_range(self, offset):
        offset = max(0, offset)
        start = self._find_word_start(offset)
        end = self._find_word_end(offset) + 1
        return (start, end)

    def get_word_parens_range(self, offset, opening='(', closing=')'):
        end = self._find_word_end(offset)
        start_parens = self.code.index(opening, end)
        index = start_parens
        open_count = 0
        while index < len(self.code):
            if self.code[index] == opening:
                open_count += 1
            if self.code[index] == closing:
                open_count -= 1
            if open_count == 0:
                return (start_parens, index + 1)
            index += 1
        return (start_parens, index)

    def get_parameters(self, first, last):
        keywords = []
        args = []
        current = self._find_last_non_space_char(last - 1)
        while current > first:
            primary_start = current
            current = self._find_primary_start(current)
            while current != first and self.code[current] not in '=,':
                current = self._find_last_non_space_char(current - 1)
            primary = self.raw[current + 1:primary_start + 1].strip()
            if self.code[current] == '=':
                primary_start = current - 1
                current -= 1
                while current != first and self.code[current] not in ',':
                    current = self._find_last_non_space_char(current - 1)
                param_name = self.raw[current + 1:primary_start + 1].strip()
                keywords.append((param_name, primary))
            current = self._find_last_non_space_char(current - 1)
        return args, keywords

    def is_assigned_in_a_tuple_assignment(self, offset):
        start = self._get_line_start(offset)
        end = self._get_line_end(offset)
        primary_start = self._find_primary_start(offset)
        primary_end = self._find_word_end(offset)

        prev_char_offset = self._find_last_non_space_char(primary_start - 1)
        next_char_offset = self._find_first_non_space_char(primary_end + 1)
        next_char = prev_char = ''
        if prev_char_offset >= start:
            prev_char = self.code[prev_char_offset]
        if next_char_offset < end:
            next_char = self.code[next_char_offset]
            equals_offset = self.code.index('=', start, end)
        except ValueError:
            return False
        if prev_char not in '(,' and next_char not in ',)':
            return False
        parens_start = self.find_parens_start_from_inside(offset)
        # XXX: only handling (x, y) = value
        return offset < equals_offset and \
               self.code[start:parens_start].strip() == ''

    def get_function_and_args_in_header(self, offset):
        offset = self.find_function_offset(offset)
        lparens, rparens = self.get_word_parens_range(offset)
        return self.raw[offset:rparens + 1]

    def find_function_offset(self, offset, definition='def '):
        while True:
            offset = self.code.index(definition, offset)
            if offset == 0 or not self._is_id_char(offset - 1):
            offset += 1
        def_ = offset + 4
        return self._find_first_non_space_char(def_)

    def get_lambda_and_args(self, offset):
        offset = self.find_function_offset(offset, definition = 'lambda ')
        lparens, rparens = self.get_word_parens_range(offset, opening=' ', closing=':')
        return self.raw[offset:rparens + 1]