stumpwm/key-mapping.lisp @ 46fd11ae3808
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Thu, 13 Jun 2024 12:30:10 -0400 |
parents |
cf74bfa5845a |
children |
eb9f31c299b8 |
(in-package :stumpwm-user)
;;; Conventions:
;;; * Hyper-dir: move focus
;;; * Hyper-Shift-dir: move window
;;; * Hyper-Shift-Control-dir: swap window
;;; * Hyper-F*: hardware
;;; * Shift-F*: timers
;;; * Hyper-Super-*: layout
;;; * Hyper-*: miscellaneous
;;; * Super-GAMERMOUSE: duplicate stuff to avoid swapping back
(defmacro define-top-keys (&body keyforms)
`(progn ,@(loop :for form :in keyforms
:collect `(define-key *top-map*
(kbd ,(first form))
,(second form)))))
(define-top-keys ;; miscellaneous
("H-m" "terminal")
("H-M" "mark")
("H-SunPageUp" "st-font-up")
("H-SunPageDown" "st-font-down")
("H-z" "fullscreen")
("H-F4" "switch-yubikeys")
("H-\\" "pass-personal")
("H-|" "generate-password")
("s-1" "pass-um-1")
("s-2" "pass-um-2")
("H-b" "browser")
("H-O" "spotify")
("H-o" "files")
("H-P" "papers")
("F26" "prev")
("S-F26" "next")
("H-q" "exec lock-screen")
("H-y" "screenshot")
("H-f" "save-fucked-screenshot")
("H-F" "delete-fucked-screenshot")
("H-r" "rain")
("H-V" "vlc")
("H-e" "budget")
("H-E" "spend")
("S-XF86AudioMute" "terminal-font-size-show")
("S-XF86AudioRaiseVolume" "terminal-font-size-down") ; todo unfuck the backwards mapping in qmk
("S-XF86AudioLowerVolume" "terminal-font-size-up")
("C-BackSpace" "clear-notifications"))
(define-top-keys ;; clipboard
("H-c" "show-clipboard-history")
("H-C" "clear-clipboard-history")
("H-u" "generate-random-uuid")
("H-B" "bee-movie-script"))
(define-top-keys ;; movement
("H-h" "move-focus* left")
("H-j" "move-focus down")
("H-k" "move-focus up")
("H-l" "move-focus* right")
("H-H" "move-window left")
("H-J" "move-window down")
("H-K" "move-window up")
("H-L" "move-window right")
("H-1" "gselect 1")
("H-2" "gselect 2")
("H-3" "gselect 3")
("H-4" "gselect 4")
("H-5" "gselect 5")
("H-6" "gselect 6")
("KP_End" "gselect 1")
("KP_Down" "gselect 2")
("KP_Page_Down" "gselect 3")
("KP_Left" "gselect 4")
("KP_Begin" "gselect 5")
("KP_Right" "gselect 6")
("KP_Home" "gselect 7")
("KP_Up" "gselect 8")
("KP_Page_Up" "gselect 9")
("H-!" "gmove 1")
("H-@" "gmove 2")
("H-#" "gmove 3")
("H-$" "gmove 4")
("H-%" "gmove 5")
("H-^" "gmove 6")
("C-H-H" "exchange-direction left")
("C-H-J" "exchange-direction down")
("C-H-K" "exchange-direction up")
("C-H-L" "exchange-direction right")
("H-`" "next")
("S-H-`" "prev")
("H-n" "next-in-frame")
("H-p" "prev-in-frame")
("H-N" "pull-hidden-next")
("H-," "pull-from-windowlist"))
(define-top-keys ;; splitting
("H-s" "sane-vsplit")
("H-v" "sane-hsplit")
("H-=" "balance-frames"))
(define-top-keys ;; killing
("H-w" "delete")
("H-W" "kill")
("H-BackSpace" "remove")
("S-H-BackSpace" "kill-and-remove")
("H-Delete" "gkill"))
(define-top-keys ;; naming
("H-'" "title"))
(define-top-keys ;; sound
("H-F1" "mute")
("H-F2" "volume-down")
("H-F3" "volume-up")
("XF86AudioMute" "exec mute")
("XF86AudioRaiseVolume" "volume-down") ; todo unfuck the backwards mapping in qmk
("XF86AudioLowerVolume" "volume-up"))
(define-top-keys ;; screen
("H-F5" "rotate-brightness-down")
("H-F6" "rotate-brightness-up")
("H-F7" "screen-laptop")
("H-F8" "screen-external"))
(define-top-keys ;; layout
("s-H-o" "only")
("s-H-t" "restore-from-file thirds")
("s-H-m" "restore-from-file dev")
("s-H-s" "restore-from-file streaming")
("s-H-w" "restore-from-file work")
("s-H-z" "restore-from-file zoom"))
(define-top-keys ;; timers
("s-F7" "tea-timer")
("s-F9" "run-pop-timer")
("s-F8" "set-pop-timer")
("s-p" "posture-start")
("s-P" "posture-stop")
("s-y" "posture-answer-yes")
("s-h" "posture-answer-meh")
("s-n" "posture-answer-no")
("s-\\" "posture-toggle-pause")
("s-o" "posture-snooze"))
(define-top-keys ;; stump
("Pause" "terminal") ; jesus christ
("H-F9" "sleep-machine")
("H-F10" "toggle-stumptray")
("H-F11" "toggle-current-mode-line")
("H-F12" "refresh-heads"))
(defvar *keymap/igv* (make-sparse-keymap))
(define-key *keymap/igv* (kbd "s") "igv/toggle-supplementary-alignments")
(define-top-keys ;; alternate maps
("H-i" *keymap/igv*))
;;; The G A M E R M O U S E:
;;; +----------+----------+----------+ _____
;;; | | ^ | | / \ +--------+
;;; | | | | | | | | |
;;; | | move | | group | | group | |
;;; +----------+----------+----------+ <----- | | -----> | |
;;; | | | | | | | |
;;; | move | | move | | | | |
;;; | <-- | | --> | \_____/ | kill |
;;; +----------+----------+----------+ | |
;;; | | move | | | |
;;; | | | | | +---------+ | |
;;; | | v | | | | | |
;;; +----------+----------+----------+ | next | | |
;;; | split | FULL | split | | | +--------+
;;; | [-] | SCREEN | [|] | +---------+
;;; | | | | | |
;;; +----------+----------+----------+ | prev |
;;; | |
;;; +---------+
(define-top-keys ;; GAMER MOUSE
("s-$" "move-window left")
("s-*" "move-window down")
("s-@" "move-window up")
("s-^" "move-window right")
("M-s-Left" "gprev")
("M-s-Right" "gnext")
("s-Home" "next-in-frame")
("s-End" "prev-in-frame")
("s-+" "sane-hsplit")
("s-)" "sane-vsplit")
("s-_" "fullscreen")
("s-Delete" "remove")
;; (stumpwm::unbind-remapped-keys)
("s-c" . "C-C")
("s-v" . "C-V")
("C-=" . "S-C-SunPageUp")
("C--" . "S-C-SunPageDown")
("C-0" . "S-C-Home"))
("s-[" . "C-S-Tab")
("s-]" . "C-Tab")
("C-a" . "Home")
("C-e" . "End")
;; I always try to hit ctrl-d to kill a browser window because I'm so used
;; to terminal windows, and it ends up bookmarking the damn page. In the
;; interest of not having a random collection of bookmarks grow over time,
;; I'll just add a mapping to compensate for my stupid brain.
("C-d" . "C-w")
;; todo debug why this breaks a really fast C-a-k roll
;; ("C-a" . "Home")
;; ("C-e" . "End")
("s-a" . "C-a")
("s-d" . "C-d")
("s-l" . "C-l")
("s-t" . "C-t")
("s-w" . "C-w")
("s-r" . "C-r")
("s-f" . "C-f")
("s-z" . "C-z")
("s-x" . "C-x")
("s-c" . "C-c")
("s-v" . "C-v"))
("s-z" . "C-z")
("s-x" . "C-x")
("s-c" . "C-c")
("s-v" . "C-v"))))