vim/notreallybundles/vimkata/duane.kata @ 309b770e8a8d

author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 09 Jun 2010 17:53:48 -0400
parents 79b5e20cd96a
children (none)
# Vim Practice
# by Duane Johnson

Use 'j' to move down.

Use 'k' to move up.

Open the following fold: (move to the line and press 'l', or 'za' to toggle)
# Here is the fold {{{1
  1. This folds over 4 lines
  2. Line 2
  3. Line 3
  4. Line 4

#{{{ Answer:
> :set fdm=manual<Cr>
> Vjzf
Create a manual fold:
  1. Two-line fold
  2. Second line

#{{{ Answer:
> zkzk
Navigate to the previous fold, and then to the one before that.

#{{{ Answer:
> mm
Mark this line.

#{{{ Answer:
> gg
Move to the top of the file, then return to the mark.

#{{{ Answer:
> G
Move to the bottom of the file, then return to the mark.

#{{{ Answer:
> H
Move the cursor to the top of the window.

#{{{ Answer:
> L
Move the cursor to the bottom of the window.

#{{{ Answer:
> M
Move the cursor to the middle of the window.

#{{{ Answer:
> C-O
Go back to previous jump (i.e. bottom of the window, top of window, bottom of the file, etc.), then go forward to this.

#{{{ Answer:
> qqI--<Esc>lwwi--<Esc>jq@q@@
Using a macro recording, prefix the first and third words of each
line with a double dash ("--"):
  one two three four
  five six seven eight
  nine ten eleven twelve

#{{{ Answer:
> "qp
Display the contents of the register where you recorded the macro:

#{{{ Answer:
> :s/-/_/g
> "qy
Modify the above macro to use underscores instead of dashes, and
then read the macro back into the register.

#{{{ Answer:
> V4j?
Using the NERD Comment plugin, toggle comment these lines:
  test {
    this {

#{{{ Answer:
> gv
Restore the Visual Mode selection that you just used above.

#{{{ Answer:
> wds'
Using the 'surround' plugin, remove the single quotes. 

#{{{ Answer:
> wds)
Remove parentheses:
  (this is a parenthetical statement)

#{{{ Answer:
> C-T
Remove tags:

#{{{ Answer:
> f_xves'vEs]
Using 'surround', remove the _value and replace with ['value']:

#{{{ Answer:
> fxvf3s)
Add parentheses around the x == 3:
  if x == 3 {

#{{{ Answer:
> VjS{
Surround the above two lines in curly braces.

#{{{ Answer:
> :reg
Show the contents of all registers.

#{{{ Answer:
> "ayy
Yank the following line into register 'a':
  A line for register 'a'.

#{{{ Answer:
> "Ayy
Append the following line to register 'a':
  Now register 'a' has two lines.

#{{{ Answer:
> "ap
Put the two lines in register 'a' below:

#{{{ Answer:
> wwdw
Delete the middle word:
  Fabulous Text Editing

#{{{ Answer:
> dd
Delete this line:
  You have a job to do.

#{{{ Answer:
> dd
And this one:
  Now show how capable you are!

#{{{ Answer:
> "2p
Put the 'You have a job to do' line below, using the register for "two deletes ago":

#{{{ Answer:
> "-p
Put the word 'Text' below, using the register for "small deletes":

#{{{ Answer:
> f|C
Change the text from the | mark to the end of the line:
  This is a sent|ence with stuff that needs to change.

#{{{ Answer:
> C-T
In Insert Mode, shift the following line right by 2 tab widths:
  I feel too left

#{{{ Answer:
> C-D
In Insert Mode, shift the following line LEFT by 2 tab widths:
      I feel too right

#{{{ Answer:
> word C-O w word
In Insert Mode, add a word at the | mark, then use a temporary Normal Mode command to skip a word, then insert another word:
  Feel free to |insert a word.

#{{{ Answer:
> C-U
In Insert Mode, delete everything before the |:
  If you add |words, please clean up after you're done

#{{{ Answer:
> \sbear<Cr>
Replace the word 'tiger' with 'bear' in the following three lines:
  The tiger lived in the jungle.
  There were no other tigers like this tiger.
  Tigers are dangerous.

#{{{ Answer:
> :g/\#/d
Highlight the following lines and delete those that contain hash symbols:
  # Comment
  This is text
  # Another comment
  Some more text

#{{{ Answer:
> :v/\#/d
Undo the changes, and remove lines that DO NOT contain hash symbols

#{{{ Answer:
> V4j:g/^/m'<
Reverse the following lines:
  1. First line
  2. Second line
  3. Third line
  4. Fourth line

#{{{ Answer:
> mm
> (select 4 lines)
> :g//t'm
Mark the following line, then select the above 4 lines and copy them to the mark:
  Mark this line.

#{{{ Answer:
> :hide e other.txt
Edit another file in this window, but don't save the changes you've made to this file.

#{{{ Answer:
> \f
Open the NERD Explorer as a vertical split window.

#{{{ Answer:
> s
Choose a file in the Explorer and then open it in a new vertical split window.

#{{{ Answer:
> :h
Open a help window, then rearrange as a vertical split.

# vim:foldmethod=marker