vim/bundle/vimclojure/indent/clojure.vim @ 1fd30a15f4fa

mutt: kill offlineimap, dammit
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 03 Nov 2010 09:06:42 -0400
parents fc8ea0a42a45
children (none)
" Vim indent file
" Language:      Clojure
" Maintainer:    Meikel Brandmeyer <>
" URL: 

" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1

let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim

let b:undo_indent = "setlocal ai< si< lw< et< sts< sw< inde< indk<"

setlocal autoindent expandtab nosmartindent

setlocal softtabstop=2
setlocal shiftwidth=2

setlocal indentkeys=!,o,O

if exists("*searchpairpos")

function! s:MatchPairs(open, close, stopat)
	" Stop only on vector and map [ resp. {. Ignore the ones in strings and
	" comments.
	return searchpairpos(a:open, '', a:close, 'bWn',
				\ 'vimclojure#SynIdName() !~ "clojureParen\\d"',
				\ a:stopat)

function! VimClojureCheckForStringWorker()
	" Check whether there is the last character of the previous line is
	" highlighted as a string. If so, we check whether it's a ". In this
	" case we have to check also the previous character. The " might be the
	" closing one. In case the we are still in the string, we search for the
	" opening ". If this is not found we take the indent of the line.
	let nb = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)

	if nb == 0
		return -1

	call cursor(nb, 0)
	call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)
	if vimclojure#SynIdName() != "clojureString"
		return -1

	" This will not work for a " in the first column...
	if vimclojure#Yank('l', 'normal! "lyl') == '"'
		call cursor(0, col("$") - 2)
		if vimclojure#SynIdName() != "clojureString"
			return -1
		if vimclojure#Yank('l', 'normal! "lyl') != '\\'
			return -1
		call cursor(0, col("$") - 1)

	let p = searchpos('\(^\|[^\\]\)\zs"', 'bW')

	if p != [0, 0]
		return p[1] - 1

	return indent(".")

function! VimClojureCheckForString()
	return vimclojure#WithSavedPosition({'f': function("VimClojureCheckForStringWorker")})

function! GetClojureIndent()
	" Get rid of special case.
	if line(".") == 1
		return 0

	" We have to apply some heuristics here to figure out, whether to use
	" normal lisp indenting or not.
	let i = VimClojureCheckForString()
	if i > -1
		return i

	call cursor(0, 1)

	" Find the next enclosing [ or {. We can limit the second search
	" to the line, where the [ was found. If no [ was there this is
	" zero and we search for an enclosing {.
	let paren = s:MatchPairs('(', ')', 0)
	let bracket = s:MatchPairs('\[', '\]', paren[0])
	let curly = s:MatchPairs('{', '}', bracket[0])

	" In case the curly brace is on a line later then the [ or - in
	" case they are on the same line - in a higher column, we take the
	" curly indent.
	if curly[0] > bracket[0] || curly[1] > bracket[1]
		if curly[0] > paren[0] || curly[1] > paren[1]
			return curly[1]

	" If the curly was not chosen, we take the bracket indent - if
	" there was one.
	if bracket[0] > paren[0] || bracket[1] > paren[1]
		return bracket[1]

	" There are neither { nor [ nor (, ie. we are at the toplevel.
	if paren == [0, 0]
		return 0

	" Now we have to reimplement lispindent. This is surprisingly easy, as
	" soon as one has access to syntax items.
	" - Get the next keyword after the (.
	" - If its first character is also a (, we have another sexp and align
	"   one column to the right of the unmatched (.
	" - In case it is in lispwords, we indent the next line to the column of
	"   the ( + sw.
	" - If not, we check whether it is last word in the line. In that case
	"   we again use ( + sw for indent.
	" - In any other case we use the column of the end of the word + 2.
	call cursor(paren[0] , paren[1])

	" In case we are at the last character, we use the paren position.
	if col("$") - 1 == paren[1]
		return paren[1]

	" In case after the paren is a whitespace, we search for the next word.
	normal! l
	let reg = getreg("l")
	normal! "lyl
	if getreg("l") == ' '
		normal! w
	call setreg("l", reg)

	" If we moved to another line, there is no word after the (. We
	" use the ( position for indent.
	if line(".") > paren[0]
		return paren[1]

	" We still have to check, whether the keyword starts with a (, [ or {.
	" In that case we use the ( position for indent.
	let reg = getreg("l")
	normal! "lye
	let w = getreg("l")
	call setreg("l", reg)
	if stridx('([{', w[0]) > 0
		return paren[1]

	if &lispwords =~ '\<' . w . '\>'
		return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1

	normal! w
	if paren[0] < line(".")
		return paren[1] + &shiftwidth - 1

	normal! ge
	return col(".") + 1

setlocal indentexpr=GetClojureIndent()


	" In case we have searchpairpos not available we fall back to
	" normal lisp indenting.
	setlocal indentexpr=
	setlocal lisp
	let b:undo_indent .= " lisp<"


" Defintions:
setlocal lispwords=def,def-,defn,defn-,defmacro,defmacro-,defmethod,defmulti
setlocal lispwords+=defonce,defvar,defvar-,defunbound,let,fn,letfn,binding,proxy
setlocal lispwords+=defnk,definterface,defprotocol,deftype,defrecord,reify
setlocal lispwords+=extend,extend-protocol,extend-type,bound-fn

" Conditionals and Loops:
setlocal lispwords+=if,if-not,if-let,when,when-not,when-let,when-first
setlocal lispwords+=condp,case,loop,dotimes,for,while

" Blocks:
setlocal lispwords+=do,doto,try,catch,locking,with-in-str,with-out-str,with-open
setlocal lispwords+=dosync,with-local-vars,doseq,dorun,doall,->,->>,future
setlocal lispwords+=with-bindings

" Namespaces:
setlocal lispwords+=ns,clojure.core/ns

" Java Classes:
setlocal lispwords+=gen-class,gen-interface

let &cpo = s:save_cpo