vim/bundle/rainbow/doc/rainbow_parentheses.txt @ 1fd30a15f4fa

mutt: kill offlineimap, dammit
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 03 Nov 2010 09:06:42 -0400
parents c591465563db
children (none)
*rainbow_parenthsis.txt*	   Colorize Parenthsis

Author: Martin Krischik (
	John Gilmore
	Luc Hermitte (

For Vim version 7.0 and above
Last change: 09 Oct, 2007

1. Overview					|rainbow_parenthsis-about|
2. Commands					|rainbow_parenthsis-commands|
2. Functions					|rainbow_parenthsis-functions|
3. Configuration				|rainbow_parenthsis-configure|

1. Overview~

rainbow_parenthsis allows you to view the contents of a file in real time.  When a
change in the file is detected, the window displaying the file is updated and
repositioned to the last line.

The update is not exactly real time, but usually updates within a few seconds
of the file change.  The update interval of the output is determined by the
|updatetime| parameter, along with continued usage of Vim.  This means that if
you are not doing any editing or motion commands, the preview window will not
be updated.  See |CursorHold| for more information.

Because this window becomes the preview window, it will accept all related
commands.  For more information, see |preview-window|.

2. Commands~

The rainbow_parenthsis plugin does not create any automatic mappings, but provides the
following commands:

	Manualy start rainbow parenthesis.. If no bracket type has been loaded
	yet then round brackets will be loaded by default.

2. Functions~

|rainbow_parenthsis#Activate()|			*rainbow_parenthsis#Activate()*
	Acticate the loaded parenthsis

|rainbow_parenthsis#Clear()|			   *rainbow_parenthsis#Clear()*
	Deactivate rainbow parenthesis

|rainbow_parenthsis#Toggle()|			  *rainbow_parenthsis#Toggle()*
	Toogles rainbow parenthesis status. If no bracket type has been loaded
	yet then round brackets will be loaded.

|rainbow_parenthsis#LoadRound()|	       *rainbow_parenthsis#LoadRound()*
	Load syntax for parenthesis or round brackets '(' ')' - This will be 
	loaded by default if nothing else has been loaded.

|rainbow_parenthsis#LoadSquare()|	      *rainbow_parenthsis#LoadSquare()*
	Load syntax for box brackets or square brackets '[' ']'

|rainbow_parenthsis#LoadBraces()|	      *rainbow_parenthsis#LoadBraces()*
	Load syntax for curly brackets or braces '{' '}'

|rainbow_parenthsis#LoadChevrons()|	    *rainbow_parenthsis#LoadChevrons()*
	Load syntax for  angle brackets or chevrons '<' '>'

3. Configuration~

The best way to use rainbow_parenthsis is to add it to sytax plugin of any
filetype used:
 >if exists("g:btm_rainbow_color") && g:btm_rainbow_color
 >   call rainbow_parenthsis#LoadSquare ()
 >   call rainbow_parenthsis#LoadRound ()
 >   call rainbow_parenthsis#Activate ()
This way you don't need to load all options available but only those which
are of importance to the actual filetype.
