vim/bundle/histwin/plugin/histwinPlugin.vim @ 1298f3a2df5b

mutt: highlight diffs
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 11 Nov 2010 18:27:24 -0500
parents cdc196e91cd2
children (none)
" histwin.vim - Vim global plugin for browsing the undo tree
" -------------------------------------------------------------
" Last Change: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 23:47:20 +0200
" Maintainer:  Christian Brabandt <>
" Version:     0.15
" Copyright:   (c) 2009, 2010 by Christian Brabandt
"              The VIM LICENSE applies to histwin.vim 
"              (see |copyright|) except use "histwin.vim" 
"              instead of "Vim".
"              No warranty, express or implied.
"    *** ***   Use At-Your-Own-Risk!   *** ***
" GetLatestVimScripts: 2932 9 :AutoInstall: histwin.vim

" Init:
if exists("g:loaded_undo_browse") || &cp || &ul == -1

if v:version < 703
	call histwin#WarningMsg("This plugin requires Vim 7.3 or higher")

let g:loaded_undo_browse = 0.15
let s:cpo                = &cpo
set cpo&vim

" User_Command:
if exists(":UB") != 2
	com -nargs=0 UB :call histwin#UndoBrowse()
	call histwin#WarningMsg("UB is already defined. May be by another Plugin?")

" ChangeLog:
" see :h histwin-history

" Restore:
let &cpo=s:cpo
unlet s:cpo
" vim: ts=4 sts=4 fdm=marker com+=l\:\" fdm=syntax