vim/sadness/ropevim/src/rope/README.txt @ 06fe18b5154b

zsh: clean up .zshrc
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 18 Dec 2010 11:19:57 -0500
parents 48cacfdc2ca6
children (none)
 rope, a python refactoring library ...


`Rope`_ is a python refactoring library.

.. _`rope`:

New Features

* codeassist: better handling of unicode in docstrings
* codeassist: handling builtin unknowns, such as sys.stdout
* codeassist: proposals scopes and types revised
* fscommands: handle hg crew ui changes
* patchedast: handle ExtSlice node

Getting Started

* List of features: `docs/rope.txt`_
* Overview of some of rope's features: `docs/overview.txt`_
* Using as a library: `docs/library.txt`_
* Contributing: `docs/contributing.txt`_

To change your project preferences edit
``$PROJECT_ROOT/.ropeproject/`` where ``$PROJECT_ROOT`` is
the root folder of your project (this file is created the first time
you open a project).

Bug Reports

Send your bug reports and feature requests to `rope-dev (at)`_.

.. _`rope-dev (at)`:


This program is under the terms of GPL (GNU General Public License).
Have a look at ``COPYING`` file for more information.

.. _`docs/rope.txt`: docs/rope.html
.. _`docs/overview.txt`: docs/overview.html
.. _`docs/contributing.txt`: docs/contributing.html
.. _`docs/library.txt`: docs/library.html