stumpwm/utils.lisp @ 04c414408de5
default tip
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Wed, 05 Mar 2025 11:43:39 -0500 |
parents |
cf74bfa5845a |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :stumpwm-user)
(defun send-key% (key &optional (win (current-window)))
"Send key press and key release events for KEY to window WIN."
;; from
(let ((xwin (window-xwin win)))
(multiple-value-bind (code state) (stumpwm::key-to-keycode+state key)
(flet ((send (event)
(xlib:send-event xwin event (xlib:make-event-mask event)
:display *display*
:root (screen-root (window-screen win))
:x 0 :y 0 :root-x 0 :root-y 0
:window xwin :event-window xwin
:code code
:state state)))
(send :key-press)
(send :key-release)
(xlib:display-finish-output *display*)))))
(defcommand send-key (key &optional (win (current-window))) (:key)
"Send key press and key release events for KEY to window WIN."
(send-key% key win))
(defun string-contains (needle string)
(and (search needle string :test #'char=) t))
(defun string-grep (needle text &key first-only)
(_ text
(split-sequence:split-sequence #\newline _)
(if first-only
(find needle _ :test #'string-contains)
(remove-if-not (alexandria:curry #'string-contains needle) _))))
(defun string-split (delimiters string)
(split-sequence:split-sequence delimiters string
:test (lambda (bag ch)
(find ch bag :test #'char=))))
(defun run-and-echo-shell-command (command &rest args)
(message command)
(apply #'run-shell-command command args))
(defun mod+ (n increment modulo)
(mod (+ n increment) modulo))
(defmacro defcached ((name &key seconds) &body body)
(let ((seconds (coerce seconds 'double-float)))
(with-gensyms (ttl next value)
`(let ((,ttl ,seconds)
(,next nil)
(,value nil))
(defun ,name ()
(when (or (null ,next)
(>= (get-internal-real-time) ,next))
(setf ,next (+ (get-internal-real-time)
(* internal-time-units-per-second ,ttl))
,value (progn ,@body)))
(defun ,(symb name '/uncache) ()
(setf ,next nil ,value nil))))))
(defun current-frame ()
(stumpwm::tile-group-current-frame (current-group)))
(defun keywordize (string)
(_ string
(string-trim (string #\newline) _)
(intern _ (find-package :keyword))))
(defparameter *host* (keywordize (machine-instance)))
(defmacro ehostcase (&body clauses)
`(ecase *host* ,@clauses))
(defmacro hostcase (&body clauses)
`(case *host* ,@clauses))
(defcommand speak (text)
((:string "Text: "))
(message text)
(run-shell-command (format nil "~~/src/dotfiles/bin/say '~A'" text)))
(defun seconds->hours (seconds)
(/ seconds 60 60))
(defun hours->seconds (hours)
(* hours 60 60))
(define-stumpwm-type :integer (input prompt)
;; Annoyingly, StumpWM's built-in :number type isn't actually number, but is
;; actually just integers. Define a better-named type here.
(when-let ((n (or (argument-pop input)
(read-one-line (current-screen) prompt))))
(parse-integer n)
(parse-error (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(throw 'error "Integer required.")))))
(define-stumpwm-type :real (input prompt)
(when-let ((n (or (argument-pop input)
(read-one-line (current-screen) prompt))))
(let ((result (parse-number:parse-number n)))
(assert (typep result 'real))
(error (c)
(declare (ignore c))
(throw 'error "Real required.")))))
(defun window-match-p (query window)
"Return whether `window` matches `query`.
`query` must be of the form `(query-type query-value)`.
`query-type` must be one of `:title` or `:class`.
`query-value` must either be a string (which must be matched exactly) or
a PPCRE scanner.
(destructuring-bind (query-type query) query
(let ((value (ecase query-type
(:title (window-title window))
(:class (window-class window)))))
(etypecase query
(string (string= query value))
(function (ppcre:scan query value))))))
(defun all-windows ()
"Return a fresh list of all windows on all screens. Yes, all of them."
(mapcan #'screen-windows *screen-list*))
(defun find-window (query)
"Find and return the first window that matches `query` under `window-match-p`."
(find-if (lambda (w) (window-match-p query w)) (all-windows)))
(defun find-windows (query)
"Find and return a fresh list of all windows that match `query` under `window-match-p`."
(remove-if-not (lambda (w) (window-match-p query w)) (all-windows)))
(defmacro when-let-window ((symbol title-query) &body body)
`(when-let ((,symbol (find-window `(:title ,(ppcre:create-scanner ,title-query)))))