docs/03-customization.markdown @ ee62f412c6ef

Modified main execution

Checking for arguments has been moved to the executable and render_files takes
the source and destination as arguments. These default to '.' and './build' for
the d executable.

Moving argument checking to the executable and passing source and destination into
d.render_files allows custom executables, like the included 'bin/da' example.
author Mattijs Hoitink <>
date Mon, 06 Feb 2012 15:45:14 +0100
parents e0dd03f99f3b
children (none)

`d` is mostly designed for quick and dirty use.  There are a few customization
options, but if you find yourself wanting more you probably need a different


Project Title

`d` tries to intelligently guess your project's title.  You can override it by
creating a `title` file with the title inside.

Page Titles

`d` takes page titles from the first line of the file, which should be a level
1 Markdown heading.

Page URLs

The URL for each page will be the filename of the page, without an extension.
For example, `usage.markdown` will have a URL of `/usage/`.

There is one exception: if a filename starts with a number and a dash, `d` will
ignore those for the URLs (but will sort on them, so you can use this to reorder


The contents of the footer are rendered from `footer.markdown`, or left blank if
you don't have it.