Commit Log

commit description author date
22da133eca64 Update URLs default tip Steve Losh 2020-01-15
7b67fe4c902a Update URLs and some other minor tweaks Steve Losh 2019-12-23
003becc054f0 Note tests Steve Losh 2018-12-27
caf4d370c1a2 Get tests running on CCL Steve Losh 2018-12-27
5a40b5b38fe3 Add some tests Steve Losh 2018-12-27
9ee409716396 Safety first Steve Losh 2018-12-26
18f9292a0c6c More cleaning Steve Losh 2018-12-26
0b3e65bdbab9 Clean up Steve Losh 2018-12-26
8892239d4834 s Steve Losh 2018-12-26
79e52a6d414d Fix the rest of the hardcoded names Steve Losh 2018-12-26
d5409b20ddbe Warn Steve Losh 2018-12-26
72a8f71c2670 Move things around Steve Losh 2018-12-26
b9239b4fe503 Move benchmark file Steve Losh 2018-12-26
f668996c206c Update README Steve Losh 2018-12-26
c50aa06f13bd Rename library Steve Losh 2018-12-26
9322171b2cc4 Remove unnecessary consing Steve Losh 2018-12-26
a4abd0534b7d Initial commit Steve Losh 2018-12-25
No more entries