--- a/src/bench.lisp Tue Dec 25 22:43:26 2018 -0500
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-(in-package :conserve)
-(defparameter *field-length* 50)
-(defparameter *row-length* 50)
-(defparameter *data-rows* 10000)
-(defparameter *data-repetitions* 10)
-(defun random-char (string)
- (aref string (random (length string))))
-(defun random-field ()
- (with-output-to-string (s)
- (dotimes (i (random *field-length*))
- (write-char (random-char (concatenate 'string (string #\newline)
- " abcdefghijklmnop,\""))
- s))))
-(defun random-row ()
- (loop :repeat (1+ (random *row-length*)) :collect (random-field)))
-(defun random-data ()
- (loop :repeat *data-rows* :collect (random-row)))
-(defun bench-this (data)
- (let* ((str (make-string-input-stream
- (with-output-to-string (s)
- (time (write-rows data s)))))
- (result (time (read-rows str))))
- (equal data result)))
-(defun bench-cl-csv (data)
- (let* ((str (make-string-input-stream
- (with-output-to-string (s)
- (time (cl-csv:write-csv data :stream s)))))
- (result (time (cl-csv:read-csv str))))
- (equal data result)))
-(defun bench ()
- (let ((data (random-data)))
- (write-line "MINE")
- (bench-this data)
- (write-line "cl-csv")
- (bench-cl-csv data))
- )
-(defvar *data* nil)
-(defun generate-large-data ()
- (setf *data* (random-data)))
-(defun write-file-this ()
- (with-open-file (s "test/large-this.csv"
- :direction :output
- :if-exists :supersede)
- (time
- (loop :repeat *data-repetitions* :do
- (write-rows *data* s)))))
-(defun write-file-cl-csv ()
- (with-open-file (s "test/large-cl-csv.csv"
- :direction :output
- :if-exists :supersede)
- (time (loop :repeat *data-repetitions* :do
- (cl-csv:write-csv *data*
- :stream s
- :newline (string #\newline))))))
-(defun write-file-fare ()
- (with-open-file (s "test/large-fare.csv"
- :direction :output
- :if-exists :supersede)
- (fare-csv:with-rfc4180-csv-syntax ()
- (time (loop :repeat *data-repetitions* :do
- (fare-csv:write-csv-lines *data* s))))))
-(defun bench-write-file ()
- (write-line "Generating data.")
- (time (generate-large-data))
- (write-line "Benchmarking this (writing).")
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
- (write-file-this)
- (write-line "Benchmarking cl-csv (writing).")
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
- (write-file-cl-csv)
- (write-line "Benchmarking fare-csv (writing).")
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
- (write-file-fare))
-(defun read-file-this ()
- (with-open-file (s "test/large-this.csv")
- (time (loop
- :with data = *data*
- :for row = (read-row s nil :eof)
- :for expected-row = (progn (when (null data)
- (setf data *data*))
- (pop data))
- :until (eql :eof row)
- :summing 1
- :do (assert (equal expected-row row))))))
-(defun read-file-cl-csv ()
- (with-open-file (s "test/large-cl-csv.csv")
- (let ((result 0))
- (time (handler-case
- (loop
- :with data = *data*
- :for row = (cl-csv:read-csv-row s
- :newline (string #\newline)
- :trim-outer-whitespace nil)
- :for expected-row = (progn (when (null data)
- (setf data *data*))
- (pop data))
- :do (incf result) (assert (equal expected-row row)))
- (end-of-file () result))))))
-;; There are a couple of problems with fare-csv that make it annoying to work
-;; with:
-;; fare-csv:read-csv-line can't tell you the difference between '("") and eof so
-;; we have to check for it manually to know when we're done. This is only
-;; a problem when we're reading line by line.
-;; fare-csv also can't roundtrip '(""). CSV itself is incapable of
-;; differentiating '() and '("") unless you force quoting, but fare-csv chooses
-;; '() over '(""). Why would you sell out the marginally-useful case (a 1-col
-;; CSV) in favor of the utterly useless case (a 0-col CSV)?
-(defun read-file-fare ()
- (with-open-file (s "test/large-fare.csv")
- (fare-csv:with-rfc4180-csv-syntax ()
- (time (loop
- :with data = *data*
- :for eof = (peek-char nil s nil :eof)
- :for row = (fare-csv:read-csv-line s)
- :for expected-row = (progn (when (null data)
- (setf data *data*))
- (pop data))
- :until (eql :eof eof)
- :summing 1
- :do (if (equal expected-row '(""))
- (assert (equal nil row))
- (assert (equal expected-row row))))))))
-(defun bench-read-file ()
- (write-line "Benchmarking this (reading).")
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
- (format t "Read ~D rows.~2%" (read-file-this))
- (write-line "Benchmarking cl-csv (reading).")
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
- (format t "Read ~D rows.~2%" (read-file-cl-csv))
- (write-line "Benchmarking fare-csv (reading).")
- #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
- (format t "Read ~D rows.~2%" (read-file-fare))
- (values))
-(defun bench-file ()
- (bench-write-file)
- (bench-read-file))
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/bench.lisp Tue Dec 25 22:47:24 2018 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+(in-package :conserve)
+(defparameter *field-length* 50)
+(defparameter *row-length* 50)
+(defparameter *data-rows* 10000)
+(defparameter *data-repetitions* 10)
+(defun random-char (string)
+ (aref string (random (length string))))
+(defun random-field ()
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (dotimes (i (random *field-length*))
+ (write-char (random-char (concatenate 'string (string #\newline)
+ " abcdefghijklmnop,\""))
+ s))))
+(defun random-row ()
+ (loop :repeat (1+ (random *row-length*)) :collect (random-field)))
+(defun random-data ()
+ (loop :repeat *data-rows* :collect (random-row)))
+(defun bench-this (data)
+ (let* ((str (make-string-input-stream
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (time (write-rows data s)))))
+ (result (time (read-rows str))))
+ (equal data result)))
+(defun bench-cl-csv (data)
+ (let* ((str (make-string-input-stream
+ (with-output-to-string (s)
+ (time (cl-csv:write-csv data :stream s)))))
+ (result (time (cl-csv:read-csv str))))
+ (equal data result)))
+(defun bench ()
+ (let ((data (random-data)))
+ (write-line "MINE")
+ (bench-this data)
+ (write-line "cl-csv")
+ (bench-cl-csv data))
+ )
+(defvar *data* nil)
+(defun generate-large-data ()
+ (setf *data* (random-data)))
+(defun write-file-this ()
+ (with-open-file (s "test/large-this.csv"
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (time
+ (loop :repeat *data-repetitions* :do
+ (write-rows *data* s)))))
+(defun write-file-cl-csv ()
+ (with-open-file (s "test/large-cl-csv.csv"
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (time (loop :repeat *data-repetitions* :do
+ (cl-csv:write-csv *data*
+ :stream s
+ :newline (string #\newline))))))
+(defun write-file-fare ()
+ (with-open-file (s "test/large-fare.csv"
+ :direction :output
+ :if-exists :supersede)
+ (fare-csv:with-rfc4180-csv-syntax ()
+ (time (loop :repeat *data-repetitions* :do
+ (fare-csv:write-csv-lines *data* s))))))
+(defun bench-write-file ()
+ (write-line "Generating data.")
+ (time (generate-large-data))
+ (write-line "Benchmarking this (writing).")
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+ (write-file-this)
+ (write-line "Benchmarking cl-csv (writing).")
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+ (write-file-cl-csv)
+ (write-line "Benchmarking fare-csv (writing).")
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+ (write-file-fare))
+(defun read-file-this ()
+ (with-open-file (s "test/large-this.csv")
+ (time (loop
+ :with data = *data*
+ :for row = (read-row s nil :eof)
+ :for expected-row = (progn (when (null data)
+ (setf data *data*))
+ (pop data))
+ :until (eql :eof row)
+ :summing 1
+ :do (assert (equal expected-row row))))))
+(defun read-file-cl-csv ()
+ (with-open-file (s "test/large-cl-csv.csv")
+ (let ((result 0))
+ (time (handler-case
+ (loop
+ :with data = *data*
+ :for row = (cl-csv:read-csv-row s
+ :newline (string #\newline)
+ :trim-outer-whitespace nil)
+ :for expected-row = (progn (when (null data)
+ (setf data *data*))
+ (pop data))
+ :do (incf result) (assert (equal expected-row row)))
+ (end-of-file () result))))))
+;; There are a couple of problems with fare-csv that make it annoying to work
+;; with:
+;; fare-csv:read-csv-line can't tell you the difference between '("") and eof so
+;; we have to check for it manually to know when we're done. This is only
+;; a problem when we're reading line by line.
+;; fare-csv also can't roundtrip '(""). CSV itself is incapable of
+;; differentiating '() and '("") unless you force quoting, but fare-csv chooses
+;; '() over '(""). Why would you sell out the marginally-useful case (a 1-col
+;; CSV) in favor of the utterly useless case (a 0-col CSV)?
+(defun read-file-fare ()
+ (with-open-file (s "test/large-fare.csv")
+ (fare-csv:with-rfc4180-csv-syntax ()
+ (time (loop
+ :with data = *data*
+ :for eof = (peek-char nil s nil :eof)
+ :for row = (fare-csv:read-csv-line s)
+ :for expected-row = (progn (when (null data)
+ (setf data *data*))
+ (pop data))
+ :until (eql :eof eof)
+ :summing 1
+ :do (if (equal expected-row '(""))
+ (assert (equal nil row))
+ (assert (equal expected-row row))))))))
+(defun bench-read-file ()
+ (write-line "Benchmarking this (reading).")
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+ (format t "Read ~D rows.~2%" (read-file-this))
+ (write-line "Benchmarking cl-csv (reading).")
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+ (format t "Read ~D rows.~2%" (read-file-cl-csv))
+ (write-line "Benchmarking fare-csv (reading).")
+ #+sbcl (sb-ext:gc :full t)
+ (format t "Read ~D rows.~2%" (read-file-fare))
+ (values))
+(defun bench-file ()
+ (bench-write-file)
+ (bench-read-file))