author |
Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com> |
date |
Tue, 25 Dec 2018 22:51:18 -0500 |
parents |
c50aa06f13bd |
children |
0b3e65bdbab9 |
(in-package :conserve)
;;;; Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------
(defparameter *delimiter* #\,)
(defun check-delimiter ()
(check-type *delimiter* (and character (not (member #\newline #\")))))
;;;; Reading ------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; We reuse a single string output stream for all the fields in a row, rather
;;; than having a fresh one per field. It's a little more tedious but it's
;;; *significantly* less consing (e.g. 500mb versus 1.5gb).
(defun read-char-if (char stream &optional (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
"If the next character in `stream` is `char`, read and return it. Otherwise, return `nil`."
((eql char (peek-char nil stream eof-error-p nil)) (read-char stream))
((eql char eof-value) char)
(t nil)))
(defun read-unquoted-field (stream delimiter result)
"Read an unquoted field (but not the ending field delimiter) from `stream` into `result`."
(loop :for next = (peek-char nil stream nil delimiter)
:until (cond
((char= next delimiter) t)
((char= next #\newline) t)
((char= next #\") (error "Unquoted field contains quote."))
(t nil))
:do (write-char (read-char stream) result)))
(defun read-quoted-field (stream delimiter result)
"Read a quoted field (but not the ending field delimiter) from `stream` into `result`."
(declare (ignore delimiter))
(read-char stream) ; chomp initial quote
(loop :for char = (read-char stream)
:until (and (char= #\" char)
(not (read-char-if #\" stream nil)))
:do (write-char char result)))
(defun read-field (stream delimiter result)
"Read and return a single field from `stream` into `result`."
(let* ((field (case (peek-char nil stream nil :eof)
(#\" (read-quoted-field stream delimiter result) t)
(#\newline (read-char stream) nil)
(:eof nil)
(t (read-unquoted-field stream delimiter result) t)))
(done (cond
((null field) t) ; empty field at the end
((read-char-if delimiter stream nil) nil) ; normal field
((read-char-if #\newline stream nil #\newline) t) ; last field
(t (error "Bad data after field ~S: ~S"
field (peek-char nil stream))))))
(values (if field
(get-output-stream-string result)
(defun read-row% (stream delimiter eof-error-p eof-value)
(if (eql :eof (peek-char nil stream eof-error-p :eof))
(loop :with field
:with done
:with result = (make-string-output-stream)
:do (setf (values field done) (read-field stream delimiter result))
:collect field
:until done)))
;;;; Writing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun field-needs-quoting-p (field delimiter)
(some (lambda (char)
(or (char= char #\newline)
(char= char #\")
(char= char delimiter)))
(defun write-quoted-field (field stream)
(write-char #\" stream)
(loop :for char :across field :do
(write-char char stream)
(when (char= #\" char)
(write-char char stream)))
(write-char #\" stream))
(defun write-unquoted-field (field stream)
(write-string field stream))
(defun write-field (field stream delimiter)
(if (field-needs-quoting-p field delimiter)
(write-quoted-field field stream)
(write-unquoted-field field stream)))
(defun write-row% (row stream delimiter)
(check-type row (not null))
(loop :for (field . more) :on row :do
(write-field field stream delimiter)
(when more
(write-char delimiter stream)))
(write-char #\newline stream))
;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun read-row (&optional (stream *standard-input*) (eof-error-p t) eof-value)
"Read and return a row of fields from the CSV data in `stream`.
The result will be completely fresh.
If the end of file for the stream is encountered immediately, an error is
signaled unless `eof-error-p` is false, in which case `eof-value` is returned.
(check-type stream stream)
(assert (input-stream-p stream) (stream)
"Stream ~S is not an input stream." stream)
(read-row% stream *delimiter* eof-error-p eof-value))
(defun read-rows (&optional (stream *standard-input*))
"Read and return all CSV rows from the CSV data in `stream`.
The result will be completely fresh.
(check-type stream stream)
(assert (input-stream-p stream) (stream)
"Stream ~S is not an input stream." stream)
(loop :with delimiter = *delimiter*
:for row = (read-row% stream delimiter nil :eof)
:until (eql row :eof)
:collect row))
(defun write-row (row &optional (stream *standard-output*))
"Write `row` to `stream` as CSV data."
(write-row% row stream *delimiter*)
(defun write-rows (rows &optional (stream *standard-output*))
"Write `rows` to `stream` as CSV data."
(loop :with delimiter = *delimiter*
:for row :in rows
:do (write-row% row stream delimiter)))