
Episode 25: 3D Points and Lines (Part 2)
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 15 May 2016 19:08:06 +0000 (2016-05-15)
parents c716dc6a9a47
children f5e42ff3a78c
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords package.lisp src/3d/demo.lisp src/3d/vectors.lisp src/utils.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Sun May 15 17:46:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/.lispwords	Sun May 15 19:08:06 2016 +0000
@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 (1 scancode-case)
 (1 make-sketch)
 (2 with-vals)
-(2 with-vec with-vec3)
-(1 with-vecs with-vec3s with-vec3-slots)
+(1 with-vec with-vecs)
 (2 with-shape-perspective)
 (1 setf-slots)
 (2 with-cga)
--- a/package.lisp	Sun May 15 17:46:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Sun May 15 19:08:06 2016 +0000
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
+    #:symbolicate
+    #:ensure-car
+    #:ensure-cadr
+    #:with-place
 (defpackage #:coding-math.math
@@ -195,6 +199,7 @@
     #:vec-x #:vec-y #:vec-z
     #:vec-r #:vec-a #:vec-h
+    #:zero-vec
--- a/src/3d/demo.lisp	Sun May 15 17:46:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/3d/demo.lisp	Sun May 15 19:08:06 2016 +0000
@@ -24,81 +24,78 @@
 ;;;; Draw
-(declaim (inline perspective apply-perspective))
-(defun perspective (focal-length z)
-  (/ focal-length (+ focal-length z)))
-(defun apply-perspective (vec focal-length)
-  (let ((p (perspective focal-length (aref vec 2))))
-    (sb-cga:transform-point vec (sb-cga:scale* p p p))))
+(defun draw-point (screen size)
+  (circle (vec-x screen) (vec-y screen) size))
-(defun draw-point (point focal-length size)
-  (let ((p (apply-perspective point focal-length)))
-    (in-context
-      (translate (aref p 0) (aref p 1))
-      (circle 0 0 size))))
-(defun draw-line (p1 p2 focal-length)
-  (let ((p1 (apply-perspective p1 focal-length))
-        (p2 (apply-perspective p2 focal-length)))
-    (line (aref p1 0) (aref p1 1)
-          (aref p2 0) (aref p2 1))))
+;;;; Structs
+(defstruct (point (:constructor make-point (world &optional screen)))
+  world screen)
 ;;;; Sketch
+(defun project (points focal-length)
+  (map nil
+       (lambda (p)
+         (with-vecs ((screen (point-screen p))
+                     (world (point-world p)))
+           (let ((scale (/ focal-length (+ focal-length world.z))))
+             (setf screen.x (* scale world.x)
+                   screen.y (* scale world.y)))))
+       points))
+(defun translate-model (points x y z)
+  (map nil (lambda (p)
+             (with-vec (p (point-world p))
+               (incf p.x x)
+               (incf p.y y)
+               (incf p.z z)))
+       points))
 (defsketch demo
-    ((width *width*)
-     (height *height*)
+    ((width *width*) (height *height*) (y-axis :down) (title "Coding Math")
      (mouse (cons 0 0))
+     ;; variables
      (fl 300.0)
-     (cz 700.0)
-     (radius 400.0)
-     (cyl-height 380.0)
-     (wraps 6)
-     (base-angle 0.0)
-     (angle-speed -0.02)
-     (circle-size 3)
-     (y-speed -0.5)
-     (shapes (loop
-               :with nshapes = 400
-               :for i :from 0 :to nshapes
-               :collect
-               (vec radius
-                    (* i (/ (* wraps tau) (1+ nshapes)))
-                    (+ #+no (random-around 0.0 50.0)
-                       (map-range 0.0 nshapes cyl-height (- cyl-height) i)))))
-     (model-to-world (sb-cga:translate* 0.0 0.0 cz))
-     ;;
+     (r 200.0)
+     (points
+       (make-array 8
+         :initial-contents
+         (list
+           (make-point (vec (- r) (- r) 1000.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec     r (- r) 1000.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec     r (- r)  500.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec (- r) (- r)  500.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec (- r)     r 1000.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec     r     r 1000.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec     r     r  500.0) (zero-vec))
+           (make-point (vec (- r)     r  500.0) (zero-vec)))))
+     (dirty t)
+     ;; pens
      (simple-pen (make-pen :fill (gray 0.1)))
      (line-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0.1) :weight 1))
-    ; (setf angle-speed (map-range 0 *height* -0.08 0.08 (cdr mouse)))
-    ; (setf shapes (sort shapes #'> :key (rcurry #'getf :z)))
-    (with-pen simple-pen
-      (loop :for shape :in shapes
-            :do
-            (setf (aref shape 0) (map-range 0.0 *width* 10 600 (car mouse)))
-            (incf (aref shape 1) angle-speed)
-            (incf (aref shape 2) (random-around 0.0 0.2))
-            ; (incf (aref shape 2) y-speed)
-            ; (wrapf (aref shape 2) (- cyl-height) cyl-height)
-            #+debug (draw-point
-                      (sb-cga:transform-point
-                        (cylindrical-to-cartesian-cga shape)
-                        model-to-world)
-                      fl
-                      circle-size))
-      )
-    (with-pen line-pen
-      (loop :for (a b) :in (n-grams 2 shapes) :do
-            (draw-line (sb-cga:transform-point
-                         (cylindrical-to-cartesian-cga a)
-                         model-to-world)
-                       (sb-cga:transform-point
-                         (cylindrical-to-cartesian-cga b)
-                         model-to-world)
-                       fl)))
+    (flet
+        ((draw-line (&rest vertices)
+           (loop :for (a b) ; lame way to close the loop...
+                 :in (n-grams 2 (append vertices (list (car vertices))))
+                 :do (with-vecs ((a (point-screen (aref points a)))
+                                 (b (point-screen (aref points b))))
+                       (line a.x a.y b.x b.y)))))
+      (when dirty
+        (setf dirty nil)
+        (project points fl))
+      (with-pen simple-pen
+        ; (loop :for p :across points
+        ;       :do (draw-point (point-screen p) 5))
+        nil)
+      (with-pen line-pen
+        (draw-line 0 1 2 3)
+        (draw-line 0 3 7 4)
+        (draw-line 1 2 6 5)
+        (draw-line 6 5 4 7)
+        nil
+        ))
@@ -151,8 +148,18 @@
 ;;;; Keyboard
 (defun keydown (instance scancode)
   (declare (ignorable instance))
+  (setf (slot-value instance 'dirty) t)
   (scancode-case scancode
-    (:scancode-space (sketch::prepare instance))))
+    (:scancode-space (sketch::prepare instance))
+    ;;
+    (:scancode-left  (translate-model (slot-value instance 'points) -15 0 0))
+    (:scancode-right (translate-model (slot-value instance 'points) 15 0 0))
+    (:scancode-up    (translate-model (slot-value instance 'points) 0 -15 0))
+    (:scancode-down  (translate-model (slot-value instance 'points) 0 15 0))
+    (:scancode-s    (translate-model (slot-value instance 'points) 0 0 -15))
+    (:scancode-w  (translate-model (slot-value instance 'points) 0 0 15))
+    ;;
+    ))
 (defun keyup (instance scancode)
   (declare (ignorable instance))
--- a/src/3d/vectors.lisp	Sun May 15 17:46:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/3d/vectors.lisp	Sun May 15 19:08:06 2016 +0000
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
 ;; Wrappers around sb-cga
 (declaim (inline vec3-x vec3-y vec3-z
-                 vec3-r vec3-a vec3-h))
+                 vec3-r vec3-a vec3-h
+                 (setf vec3-x) (setf vec3-y) (setf vec3-z)
+                 (setf vec3-r) (setf vec3-a) (setf vec3-h)))
 (defun vec-x (v) (aref v 0))
 (defun vec-y (v) (aref v 1))
@@ -12,6 +15,16 @@
 (defun vec-a (v) (aref v 1))
 (defun vec-h (v) (aref v 2))
+(defun (setf vec-x) (n v) (setf (aref v 0) n))
+(defun (setf vec-y) (n v) (setf (aref v 1) n))
+(defun (setf vec-z) (n v) (setf (aref v 2) n))
+(defun (setf vec-r) (n v) (setf (aref v 0) n))
+(defun (setf vec-a) (n v) (setf (aref v 1) n))
+(defun (setf vec-h) (n v) (setf (aref v 2) n))
+(defun zero-vec ()
+  (vec 0.0 0.0 0.0))
 (defun random-vec (max-x max-y max-z)
   (vec (random max-x) (random max-y) (random max-z)))
@@ -22,16 +35,34 @@
               (vec-length v2)))))
-(defmacro with-vec (bindings vec &body body)
-  (once-only (vec)
-    `(symbol-macrolet ((,(first bindings) (aref ,vec 0))
-                       (,(second bindings) (aref ,vec 1))
-                       (,(third bindings) (aref ,vec 2)))
-      ,@body)))
+; (defmacro with-vec (bindings vec &body body)
+;   (once-only (vec)
+;     `(symbol-macrolet ((,(first bindings) (aref ,vec 0))
+;                        (,(second bindings) (aref ,vec 1))
+;                        (,(third bindings) (aref ,vec 2)))
+;       ,@body)))
+; (defmacro with-vecs (bindings &body body)
+;   (if (null bindings)
+;     `(progn ,@body)
+;     (destructuring-bind (vars vec-form . remaining) bindings
+;       `(with-vec ,vars ,vec-form
+;         (with-vec3s ,remaining ,@body)))))
-(defmacro with-vecs (bindings &body body)
-  (if (null bindings)
-    `(progn ,@body)
-    (destructuring-bind (vars vec-form . remaining) bindings
-      `(with-vec ,vars ,vec-form
-        (with-vec3s ,remaining ,@body)))))
+;; thanks squirl
+(defmacro with-vec (form &body body)
+  "FORM is either a symbol bound to a `vec', or a list of the form:
+  (name form)
+where NAME is a symbol, and FORM evaluates to a `vec'.
+WITH-VEC binds NAME.x and NAME.y in the same manner as `with-accessors'."
+  (let* ((name (ensure-car form))
+         (place (ensure-cadr form))
+         (*package* (symbol-package name)))
+    `(with-place (,(symbolicate name ".") vec-)
+         (x y z r a h) ,place
+       ,@body)))
+(defmacro with-vecs ((form &rest forms) &body body)
+  "Convenience macro for nesting WITH-VEC forms"
+  `(with-vec ,form ,@(if forms `((with-vecs ,forms ,@body)) body)))
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Sun May 15 17:46:49 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Sun May 15 19:08:06 2016 +0000
@@ -59,3 +59,36 @@
       ,@(loop :for (slot val) :on bindings :by #'cddr
               :append (list slot val)))))
+;; snagged from squirl
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defun symbolicate (&rest things)
+    "Concatenate together the names of some strings and symbols,
+producing a symbol in the current package."
+    (let ((name (make-string (reduce #'+ things
+                                     :key (compose #'length #'string)))))
+      (let ((index 0))
+        (dolist (thing things (values (intern name)))
+          (let ((x (string thing)))
+            (replace name x :start1 index)
+            (incf index (length x))))))))
+    ((define-ensure-foo (place) ; Lisp macros are nice
+       `(defun ,(symbolicate "ENSURE-" place) (place &optional (default place))
+         (if (atom place) default (,place place)))))
+  (define-ensure-foo car)
+  (define-ensure-foo cadr))
+(defmacro with-place (conc-name (&rest slots) form &body body)
+  (let* ((sm-prefix (ensure-car conc-name))
+         (acc-prefix (ensure-cadr conc-name))
+         (*package* (symbol-package sm-prefix)))
+    `(with-accessors
+      ,(mapcar (lambda (v)
+                 (list (symbolicate sm-prefix (ensure-car v))
+                       (symbolicate acc-prefix (ensure-cadr v))))
+               slots)
+      ,form
+      ,@body)))