
Episode 12: Edge Handling (1)
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 17 Apr 2016 20:47:47 +0000 (2016-04-17)
parents 5c1a3615e9fc
children dcf7b53a54df
branches/tags (none)
files src/main.lisp src/math.lisp src/particles.lisp


--- a/src/main.lisp	Tue Apr 12 22:05:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/main.lisp	Sun Apr 17 20:47:47 2016 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
 (in-package #:coding-math)
+(declaim (optimize (speed 3)
+                   (safety 2)
+                   (debug 0)))
 ;;;; Config
 (defparameter *width* 600)
 (defparameter *height* 400)
@@ -13,6 +17,7 @@
 (defvar *fps* 0.0)
+(defvar *mspf* 0.0)
 (defun calc-fps (frames)
@@ -20,10 +25,12 @@
          (elapsed (float (/ (- current-draw *last-draw*)
     (setf *last-draw* current-draw)
+    (setf *mspf* (* 1000 (/ elapsed frames)))
     (setf *fps* (* frames (/ 1 elapsed)))))
 (defun draw-fps ()
-  (text (format nil "FPS: ~,1F" *fps*) 0 0))
+  (text (format nil "MSPF: ~,1F" *mspf*) 0 0)
+  (text (format nil "FPS: ~,1F" *fps*) 0 20))
 ;;;; Sketch
@@ -33,25 +40,22 @@
      (progn ,@body)
-(defmacro wrap (place min max)
-  ;; todo: how do i places
-  (with-gensyms (min-val max-val)
-    `(let ((,min-val ,min) (,max-val ,max))
-      (when (< ,place ,min-val) (setf ,place ,max-val))
-      (when (> ,place ,max-val) (setf ,place ,min-val)))))
+(defun particle-oob-p (particle)
+  (let ((r (particle-radius particle)))
+    (or (outside-p (- 0 r)
+                   (+ *width* r)
+                   (particle-x particle))
+        (outside-p (- 0 r)
+                   (+ *height* r)
+                   (particle-y particle)))))
-(defun draw-ship (ship angle thrustingp)
-  (in-context
-    (translate (particle-x ship) (particle-y ship))
-    (rotate (degrees angle))
-    (when thrustingp
-      (with-pen (make-pen :fill (rgb 1.0 0.0 0.0))
-        (ngon 3 -15 0 10 6))) ; fire
-    (with-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0) :fill (gray 0.5))
-      (rect -10 -3 10 6) ; engine
-      (ngon 3 0 0 10 10) ; hull
-      (ngon 3 6 0 6 3)))) ; cockpit
+(declaim (inline draw-particle))
+(defun draw-particle (particle)
+  (circle (particle-x particle)
+          (particle-y particle)
+          (particle-radius particle)))
 (defsketch cm (:width *width*
@@ -60,17 +64,32 @@
     ((mx 0)
      (my 0)
      (frame 1)
+     (particles (loop :repeat 30
+                      :collect (make-particle center-x *height*
+                                              :gravity 0.05
+                                              :speed (random-range 1.0 6.0)
+                                              :direction (random-around (* tau 3/4) (/ tau 30))
+                                              :radius (random-around 5 3.0))))
   (background (gray 1))
   (incf frame)
-  (with-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0) :fill (rgb 0.0 1.0 0.0))
-    (circle center-x center-y
-            (map-range 0 *height* 5 100 my)))
+  (with-pen (make-pen :stroke (gray 0) :fill (gray 0.5))
+    (loop :for particle :in particles :do
+          (draw-particle particle)
+          (particle-update! particle)
+          (when (> (particle-y particle)
+                   (+ (particle-radius particle)
+                      *height*))
+            (setf (particle-x particle) center-x
+                  (particle-y particle) *height*
+                  (vec-magnitude (particle-vel particle)) (random-range 1.0 6.0)
+                  (vec-angle (particle-vel particle)) (random-around (* tau 3/4) (/ tau 30))))))
   (when (zerop (mod frame 20))
     (calc-fps 20))
-  (draw-fps))
+  (draw-fps)
+  )
 ;;;; Mouse
@@ -116,4 +135,3 @@
 ;;;; Run
 (defparameter *demo* (make-instance 'cm))
--- a/src/math.lisp	Tue Apr 12 22:05:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/math.lisp	Sun Apr 17 20:47:47 2016 +0000
@@ -4,6 +4,15 @@
 (defconstant tau (* pi 2))
+;; Random
+(defun random-range (min max)
+  (+ min (random (- max min))))
+(defun random-around (val range)
+  (random-range (- val range)
+                (+ val range)))
 ;; Number range mapping
 (defun normalize (min max val)
   (/ (- val min)
@@ -33,3 +42,19 @@
   "Map `source-val` from the source range to the destination range."
   (lerp dest-from dest-to
         (normalize source-from source-to source-val)))
+;; Wrapping
+(defun wrap-zero (max val)
+  "Wrap `val` around the range [0, max)."
+  (mod val max))
+(defun wrap-range (min max val)
+  "Wrap `val` around the range [min, max)."
+  (+ min
+     (mod (- val min)
+          (- max min))))
+(defun outside-p (min max val)
+  (or (< val min)
+      (> val max)))
--- a/src/particles.lisp	Tue Apr 12 22:05:57 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/particles.lisp	Sun Apr 17 20:47:47 2016 +0000
@@ -1,16 +1,32 @@
 (in-package #:coding-math)
 (defclass particle ()
-  ((pos :type 'vec :initarg :pos :accessor particle-pos)
-   (vel :type 'vec :initarg :vel :accessor particle-vel)
-   (mass :type 'real :initarg :mass :initform 1.0 :accessor particle-mass)))
+  ((pos :type 'vec
+        :initarg :pos
+        :accessor particle-pos)
+   (vel :type 'vec
+        :initarg :vel
+        :accessor particle-vel)
+   (grv :type 'vec
+        :initarg :grv
+        :accessor particle-grv)
+   (radius :type 'integer
+           :initarg :rad
+           :initform 1
+           :accessor particle-radius)
+   (mass :type 'real
+         :initarg :mass
+         :initform 1.0
+         :accessor particle-mass)))
-(defun make-particle (x y &key (speed 0) (direction 0) (mass 1.0))
+(defun make-particle (x y &key (speed 0) (direction 0) (mass 1.0) (radius 1) (gravity 0.0))
   (make-instance 'particle
     :pos (make-vec x y)
     :vel (make-vec-md speed direction)
-    :mass mass))
+    :grv (make-vec-md gravity (/ tau 4))
+    :mass mass
+    :rad radius))
 (defun particle-x (particle)
@@ -19,6 +35,17 @@
 (defun particle-y (particle)
   (vec-y (particle-pos particle)))
+(defun particle-wrap! (particle width height)
+  (with-slots (radius) particle
+    (setf (particle-x particle)
+          (wrap-range (- radius)
+                      (+ radius width)
+                      (particle-x particle))
+          (particle-y particle)
+          (wrap-range (- radius)
+                      (+ radius height)
+                      (particle-y particle)))))
 (defun (setf particle-x) (new-value particle)
   (setf (vec-x (particle-pos particle)) new-value))
@@ -29,7 +56,9 @@
 (defun particle-update! (particle)
   (vec-add! (particle-pos particle)
-            (particle-vel particle)))
+            (particle-vel particle))
+  (vec-add! (particle-vel particle)
+            (particle-grv particle)))
 (defun particle-accelerate! (particle acceleration)