Application 1: Ballistics: Episode 1
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Mon, 18 Apr 2016 23:54:44 +0000 |
parents |
21b9503510dc |
children |
7e02590046c6 |
;;;; This file was automatically generated by Quickutil.
;;;; See for details.
;;;; To regenerate:
;;;; (qtlc:save-utils-as "quickutils.lisp" :utilities '(:DEFINE-CONSTANT :SWITCH :WHILE :ENSURE-BOOLEAN :WITH-GENSYMS) :ensure-package T :package "CODING-MATH.QUICKUTILS")
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(unless (find-package "CODING-MATH.QUICKUTILS")
(:documentation "Package that contains Quickutil utility functions.")
(:use #:cl))))
(when (boundp '*utilities*)
(setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:DEFINE-CONSTANT :STRING-DESIGNATOR
(defun %reevaluate-constant (name value test)
(if (not (boundp name))
(let ((old (symbol-value name))
(new value))
(if (not (constantp name))
(prog1 new
(cerror "Try to redefine the variable as a constant."
"~@<~S is an already bound non-constant variable ~
whose value is ~S.~:@>" name old))
(if (funcall test old new)
(error "~@<~S is an already defined constant whose value ~
~S is not equal to the provided initial value ~S ~
under ~S.~:@>" name old new test)
(ignore ()
:report "Retain the current value."
(continue ()
:report "Try to redefine the constant."
(defmacro define-constant (name initial-value &key (test ''eql) documentation)
"Ensures that the global variable named by `name` is a constant with a value
that is equal under `test` to the result of evaluating `initial-value`. `test` is a
function designator that defaults to `eql`. If `documentation` is given, it
becomes the documentation string of the constant.
Signals an error if `name` is already a bound non-constant variable.
Signals an error if `name` is already a constant variable whose value is not
equal under `test` to result of evaluating `initial-value`."
`(defconstant ,name (%reevaluate-constant ',name ,initial-value ,test)
,@(when documentation `(,documentation))))
(deftype string-designator ()
"A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
or a character."
`(or symbol string character))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defmacro with-gensyms (names &body forms)
"Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
(symbol string-designator)
Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
(symbol symbol)
The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
`(let ,(mapcar (lambda (name)
(multiple-value-bind (symbol string)
(etypecase name
(values name (symbol-name name)))
((cons symbol (cons string-designator null))
(values (first name) (string (second name)))))
`(,symbol (gensym ,string))))
(defmacro with-unique-names (names &body forms)
"Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
(symbol string-designator)
Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
(symbol symbol)
The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
`(with-gensyms ,names ,@forms))
) ; eval-when
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun extract-function-name (spec)
"Useful for macros that want to mimic the functional interface for functions
like `#'eq` and `'eq`."
(if (and (consp spec)
(member (first spec) '(quote function)))
(second spec)
) ; eval-when
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(defun generate-switch-body (whole object clauses test key &optional default)
(with-gensyms (value)
(setf test (extract-function-name test))
(setf key (extract-function-name key))
(when (and (consp default)
(member (first default) '(error cerror)))
(setf default `(,@default "No keys match in SWITCH. Testing against ~S with ~S."
,value ',test)))
`(let ((,value (,key ,object)))
(cond ,@(mapcar (lambda (clause)
(if (member (first clause) '(t otherwise))
(when default
(error "Multiple default clauses or illegal use of a default clause in ~S."
(setf default `(progn ,@(rest clause)))
(destructuring-bind (key-form &body forms) clause
`((,test ,value ,key-form)
(t ,default))))))
(defmacro switch (&whole whole (object &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
&body clauses)
"Evaluates first matching clause, returning its values, or evaluates and
returns the values of `default` if no keys match."
(generate-switch-body whole object clauses test key))
(defmacro eswitch (&whole whole (object &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
&body clauses)
"Like `switch`, but signals an error if no key matches."
(generate-switch-body whole object clauses test key '(error)))
(defmacro cswitch (&whole whole (object &key (test 'eql) (key 'identity))
&body clauses)
"Like `switch`, but signals a continuable error if no key matches."
(generate-switch-body whole object clauses test key '(cerror "Return NIL from CSWITCH.")))
(defmacro until (expression &body body)
"Executes `body` until `expression` is true."
`(do ()
(defmacro while (expression &body body)
"Executes `body` while `expression` is true."
`(until (not ,expression)
(defun ensure-boolean (x)
"Convert `x` into a Boolean value."
(and x t))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(export '(define-constant switch eswitch cswitch while ensure-boolean
with-gensyms with-unique-names)))
;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;