
Change actions to return maps, and add a perform function.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 26 Aug 2011 19:11:44 -0400 (2011-08-26)
parents 4c1055d72377
children 4693c1d0c903
branches/tags (none)
files src/clojurecraft/actions.clj src/clojurecraft/core.clj


--- a/src/clojurecraft/actions.clj	Fri Aug 26 18:40:45 2011 -0400
+++ b/src/clojurecraft/actions.clj	Fri Aug 26 19:11:44 2011 -0400
@@ -9,72 +9,98 @@
     (queue-action-group action-group)))
+; Performers -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defn- move! [bot x-change y-change z-change]
+  (let [player (:player bot)]
+    (when (:loc @player)
+      (dosync
+        (let [location (:loc @player)
+              new-location (merge location
+                                  {:x (+ x-change (:x location))
+                                   :y (+ y-change (:y location))
+                                   :z (+ z-change (:z location))
+                                   :stance (+ y-change (:stance location))})]
+          (alter player merge {:loc new-location}))))))
+(defn- jump! [bot]
+  (let [player (:player bot)]
+    (when (:loc @player)
+      (dosync
+        (let [location (:loc @player)]
+          (alter player assoc-in [:loc :onground] false)
+          (alter player assoc :velocity physics/JUMP-VELOCITY))))))
+(defn- chat! [bot message]
+  (write-packet bot :chat {:message message}))
+(defn- turn-to! [bot yaw]
+  (let [player (:player bot)]
+    (dosync
+      (let [location (:loc @player)
+            new-location (assoc location :yaw yaw)]
+        (alter player assoc :loc new-location)))))
+(defn- look-to! [bot pitch]
+  (let [player (:player bot)]
+    (dosync
+      (let [location (:loc @player)
+            new-location (assoc location :pitch pitch)]
+        (alter player assoc :loc new-location)))))
+(defn- respawn! [bot]
+  (write-packet bot :respawn {:world 0})) ; Always respawn in the normal (non-Nether) world for now.
+(defn perform [action]
+  (let [performer ({:move move!
+                    :jump jump!
+                    :chat chat!
+                    :turn-to turn-to!
+                    :look-to look-to!
+                    :respawn respawn!} (:action action))]
+    (apply performer (:bot action) (:args action))))
+; Public Actions -------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defn move [bot x-change y-change z-change]
-  (delay
-    (let [player (:player bot)]
-      (when (:loc @player)
-        (dosync
-          (let [location (:loc @player)
-                new-location (merge location
-                                    {:x (+ x-change (:x location))
-                                     :y (+ y-change (:y location))
-                                     :z (+ z-change (:z location))
-                                     :stance (+ y-change (:stance location))})]
-            (alter player merge {:loc new-location})))))))
+  {:bot bot :action :move :args [x-change y-change z-change]})
 (defn jump [bot]
-  (delay
-    (let [player (:player bot)]
-      (when (:loc @player)
-        (dosync
-          (let [location (:loc @player)]
-            (alter player assoc-in [:loc :onground] false)
-            (alter player assoc :velocity physics/JUMP-VELOCITY)))))))
+  {:bot bot :action :jump :args []})
 (defn chat [bot message]
-  (delay
-    (write-packet bot :chat {:message message})))
+  {:bot bot :action :chat :args [message]})
 (defn turn-to [bot yaw]
-  (delay
-    (let [player (:player bot)]
-      (dosync
-        (let [location (:loc @player)
-              new-location (assoc location :yaw yaw)]
-          (alter player assoc :loc new-location))))))
+  {:bot bot :action :turn-to :args [yaw]})
 (defn turn-north [bot]
-  (turn-to bot 90.0))
+  {:bot bot :action :turn-to :args [90.0]})
 (defn turn-south [bot]
-  (turn-to bot 270.0))
+  {:bot bot :action :turn-to :args [270.0]})
 (defn turn-east [bot]
-  (turn-to bot 180.0))
+  {:bot bot :action :turn-to :args [180.0]})
 (defn turn-west [bot]
-  (turn-to bot 0.0))
+  {:bot bot :action :turn-to :args [0.0]})
 (defn look-to [bot pitch]
-  (delay
-    (let [player (:player bot)]
-      (dosync
-        (let [location (:loc @player)
-              new-location (assoc location :pitch pitch)]
-          (alter player assoc :loc new-location))))))
+  {:bot bot :action :look-to :args [pitch]})
 (defn look-up [bot]
-  (look-to bot -90.0))
+  {:bot bot :action :look-to :args [-90.0]})
-(defn look-down[bot]
-  (look-to bot 90.0))
+(defn look-down [bot]
+  {:bot bot :action :look-to :args [-90.0]})
 (defn look-straight [bot]
-  (look-to bot 0.0))
+  {:bot bot :action :look-to :args [-0.0]})
 (defn respawn [bot]
-  (delay
-    (write-packet bot :respawn {:world 0}))) ; Always respawn in the normal (non-Nether) world for now.
+  {:bot bot :action :respawn :args []})
--- a/src/clojurecraft/core.clj	Fri Aug 26 18:40:45 2011 -0400
+++ b/src/clojurecraft/core.clj	Fri Aug 26 19:11:44 2011 -0400
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
   (:use [clojure.contrib.pprint :only (pprint)])
   (:require [clojurecraft.chunks :as chunks])
   (:require [clojurecraft.physics :as physics])
-  (:require [clojurecraft.actions :as act])
+  (:require [clojurecraft.actions :as actions])
   (:require (clojurecraft.data))
   (:import [clojurecraft.data Location Entity Block Chunk World Bot])
   (:import (java.net Socket)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     (while (nil? (:exit @conn))
       (let [action (.poll actionqueue 1 TimeUnit/SECONDS)]
         (when action
-          (force action)))))
+          (actions/perform action)))))
   (println "done - action handler")
   (println "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"))