
Add look and turn actions.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Sun, 14 Aug 2011 15:18:51 -0400 (2011-08-14)
parents 82b346fcfbf2
children 508af48cc605
branches/tags (none)
files docs/source/actions.rst src/clojurecraft/actions.clj src/clojurecraft/in.clj


--- a/docs/source/actions.rst	Fri Aug 12 21:38:25 2011 -0400
+++ b/docs/source/actions.rst	Sun Aug 14 15:18:51 2011 -0400
@@ -42,6 +42,104 @@
 Tells the bot to jump, if possible.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/look-to bot pitch)``
+Changes the position of the bot's head.  ``pitch`` can be anywhere from ``-90`` to
+* ``-90``: looking straight up.
+* ``0``: looking straight ahead.
+* ``90``: looking straight down.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/look-up bot)``
+Changes the position of the bot's head to look straight up.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/look-to bot -90.0)``.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/look-down bot)``
+Changes the position of the bot's head to look straight down.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/look-to bot 90.0)``.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/look-straight bot)``
+Changes the position of the bot's head to look straight ahead.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/look-to bot 0.0)``.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-to bot yaw)``
+Changes the direction the bot is looking.  ``yaw`` can be anywhere from ``0`` to
+* ``0``: looking in the -z direction.
+* ``90``: looking in the -x direction.
+* ``180``: looking in the +z direction.
+* ``270``: looking in the +x direction.
+A few notes:
+* Changing your bot's yaw by too large an increment at once seems to be handled
+  weirdly by the vanilla client.  It will turn partway toward the destination yaw,
+  pause, and then turn the rest of the way.
+* Changing the direction the bot is looking affects the *head* of your bot, not
+  necessarily the *body*.  The body will rotate as much as is necessary to prevent
+  an Exorcist-style head-spin.  I don't know of a way to force the body to face
+  a certain direction at the moment, but I'll keep looking.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-north bot)``
+Changes the direction the bot is looking to north.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-to bot 90.0)``.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-south bot)``
+Changes the direction the bot is looking to south.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-to bot 270.0)``.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-east bot)``
+Changes the direction the bot is looking to east.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-to bot 180.0)``.
+``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-west bot)``
+Changes the direction the bot is looking to west.
+Exactly equivalent to ``(clojurecraft.actions/turn-to bot 0.0)``.
--- a/src/clojurecraft/actions.clj	Fri Aug 12 21:38:25 2011 -0400
+++ b/src/clojurecraft/actions.clj	Sun Aug 14 15:18:51 2011 -0400
@@ -27,6 +27,46 @@
     (write-packet bot :chat {:message message})))
+(defn turn-to [bot yaw]
+  (delay
+    (let [player (:player bot)]
+      (dosync
+        (let [location (:loc @player)
+              new-location (assoc location :yaw yaw)]
+          (alter player assoc :loc new-location))))))
+(defn turn-north [bot]
+  (turn-to bot 90.0))
+(defn turn-south [bot]
+  (turn-to bot 270.0))
+(defn turn-east [bot]
+  (turn-to bot 180.0))
+(defn turn-west [bot]
+  (turn-to bot 0.0))
+(defn look-to [bot pitch]
+  (delay
+    (let [player (:player bot)]
+      (dosync
+        (let [location (:loc @player)
+              new-location (assoc location :pitch pitch)]
+          (alter player assoc :loc new-location))))))
+(defn look-up [bot]
+  (look-to bot -90.0))
+(defn look-down[bot]
+  (look-to bot 90.0))
+(defn look-straight [bot]
+  (look-to bot 0.0))
 (defn respawn [bot]
     (write-packet bot :respawn {:world 0}))) ; Always respawn in the normal (non-Nether) world for now.
--- a/src/clojurecraft/in.clj	Fri Aug 12 21:38:25 2011 -0400
+++ b/src/clojurecraft/in.clj	Sun Aug 14 15:18:51 2011 -0400
@@ -132,10 +132,11 @@
          :z (-read-int conn)))
 (defn- read-packet-useentity [bot conn]
-  (assoc {}
-         :user (-read-int conn)
-         :target (-read-int conn)
-         :leftclick (-read-bool conn)))
+  (let [payload (assoc {}
+                       :user (-read-int conn)
+                       :target (-read-int conn)
+                       :leftclick (-read-bool conn))]
+    payload))
 (defn- read-packet-updatehealth [bot conn]
   (let [payload (assoc {}