Type hinting.2011-08-17, by Steve Losh
Add an example bot and fix the death event.2011-08-16, by Steve Losh
Fix repeater-on mapping.2011-08-15, by Steve Losh
Add look and turn actions.2011-08-14, by Steve Losh
Dead event.2011-08-13, by Steve Losh
Respawn action.2011-08-13, by Steve Losh
Chat event docs.2011-08-13, by Steve Losh
Chat action.2011-08-13, by Steve Losh
Be less lazy!2011-08-12, by Steve Losh
Fix path.2011-08-12, by Steve Losh
Tweaks.2011-08-12, by Steve Losh
Action docs.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
More docs.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
Make handlers return lists.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
Moar docs.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
Start some docs.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
Fix vehicle packet handling. Derp.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
Multiple block change and more.2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
JUMPBOT2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
Gravity. Thanks, Mineflayer!2011-08-10, by Steve Losh
The fuck?2011-08-09, by Steve Losh
Refactor. It's pretty, but not for long. :(2011-08-09, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-08-06, by Steve Losh
Start working on chunks and gravity.2011-08-04, by Steve Losh
Bit twiddling.2011-08-04, by Steve Losh
Block and item type mappings.2011-08-04, by Steve Losh
Add "scratch.clj" to .hgignore.2011-08-03, by Steve Losh
Remove scratch stuff.2011-08-03, by Steve Losh
Entity packets.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Document the random usernames.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Random usernames,.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Update readme.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Add a bootstrap script.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Remove the server.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Mention the docs in the readme.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Fix doc typos.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Docs!2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Readme.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Screw gravity.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Require.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Bundle things and add a README.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Add a git ignore file.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Add "bundled" to .hgignore.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Add "*.orig" to .hgignore.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Remove debug prints.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Update everything to use the new data structures.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Remove invalid declarations.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Rearrange data declarations2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Fix more docs.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Fix more docs.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Tweaks.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Make some data structures. Everything is broken right now.2011-07-22, by Steve Losh
Take a username.2011-07-21, by Steve Losh
Clean up in.clj.2011-07-21, by Steve Losh
Clean up out.clj.2011-07-21, by Steve Losh
Whitespace.2011-07-21, by Steve Losh
Add a todo file.2011-07-07, by Steve Losh
Fix move to update stance.2011-07-07, by Steve Losh
Oh man. We can now move.2011-07-06, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-07-05, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-28, by Steve Losh
Goddamn you, nibbles.2011-06-27, by Steve Losh
Clean. Up. EVERYTHING.2011-06-27, by Steve Losh
Refactor ALL the things!!2011-06-26, by Steve Losh
More bot refactoring.2011-06-25, by Steve Losh
Refactor out the bot.2011-06-25, by Steve Losh
Holy shitcocks it works2011-06-25, by Steve Losh
Whitespace.2011-06-24, by Steve Losh
Refactor into a few files.2011-06-24, by Steve Losh
Holy shit its finished!2011-06-24, by Steve Losh
MOAR2011-06-24, by Steve Losh
MOAR2011-06-24, by Steve Losh
Dear god when will these packet types end?2011-06-24, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Fix license.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Add the rest of the codes.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
More cleanup.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Cleanup. Thanks, #clojure.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Clean up whitespace.2011-06-23, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Moar.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Names2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
s/handle-/read-/2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
s/handle-/read-/2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Holy balls it works.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh
Oh my god.2011-06-22, by Steve Losh