src/clojurecraft/data.clj @ ec310473df43

Fix more docs.
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 21 Jul 2011 20:24:43 -0400
parents 85f44db5ab4f
children 4eb927d58734

; Location
; The location of an entity in the world.
; x        -> double
; y        -> double
; z        -> double
; pitch    -> double
; yaw      -> double
; stance   -> double
; onground -> boolean
(defrecord Location [x y z pitch yaw stance onground])

; Entity
; A single entity in the world.
; eid -> integer
; loc -> Location
; despawned -> boolean
;   True if the entity has been despawned.
;   This exists to notify transactions coordinating on this ref that
;   something has changed, since otherwise there would be no way to tell
;   (despawning would simply remove the object from the entity list
;   without modifying it).
(defrecord Entity [eid loc despawned])

; Chunk
; A single chunk in the world.
; blocks -> [block ...]
;   A vector of the blocks in this chunk.
(defrecord Chunk [blocks])

; Block
; A representation of a single block.
; This may be removed in the future if the overhead is too great.
; loc  -> [x y z]
;   A simple vector of three coordinates, NOT a Location (for performance).
; kind -> TODO
(defrecord Block [loc kind])

; Bot
; A single bot, connected to a server.
; connection -> (ref {:in DataInputStream :out :DataOutputStream})
;   The input and output streams.
;   Don't ever touch this -- the writing thread will handle it.
; outqueue -> LinkedBlockingQueue
;   A queue of packets to write, so we can coordinate the writes
;   to avoid mixing packets together.
;   Don't ever touch this.  Use out/-write-packet-* instead.
; player -> (ref Entity)
;   A ref to the Entity representing the bot's player in the world.
;   This is exactly the same thing as (@(world entities) player-id), it's just here
;   for convenience.
; world -> World
;   The world the bot is connected to.
;   NOT a ref.  Coordinating the entire world would be too much of a performance
;   hit.  Instead the individual pieces of the world are refs.
;   Worlds themselves should never need to be updated after creation -- instead the
;   various refs inside them are updated.
; packet-counts-in  -> (atom {:packet-type integer})
; packet-counts-out -> (atom {:packet-type integer})
(defrecord Bot [connection outqueue player world
                packet-counts-in packet-counts-out])

; World
; A representation of a single world/server, shared by all bots connected to it.
; server -> {:name hostname :port port}
; entities -> (ref {eid (ref Entity) ...})
;   A map of all the entities in the world.
; chunks -> (ref {[x y z] [(ref Chunk) ...] ...})
;   A map of all the chunks in the world.
; time -> (ref integer)
;   The current world time.
(defrecord World [server entities chunks time])