src/clojurecraft/mappings.clj @ 57cb38f18a17

Better script. It now checks for dependencies and supports
downloading via either wget or curl. It also prints a message on how to
download the file manually in case neither utility is found. Update URL
to use new download location.
author Eliot <>
date Sat, 10 Sep 2011 01:35:47 -0700
parents 508af48cc605
children e207b5fdb092
(ns clojurecraft.mappings
  (:use [clojurecraft.util]))

(def packet-types {
  0x00 :keepalive
  0x01 :login
  0x02 :handshake
  0x03 :chat
  0x04 :timeupdate
  0x05 :equipment
  0x06 :spawnposition
  0x07 :useentity
  0x08 :updatehealth
  0x09 :respawn
  0x0A :player
  0x0B :playerposition
  0x0C :playerlook
  0x0D :playerpositionlook
  0x0E :playerdigging
  0x0F :playerblockplacement
  0x10 :holdingchange
  0x11 :usebed
  0x12 :animation
  0x13 :entityaction
  0x14 :namedentityspawn
  0x15 :pickupspawn
  0x16 :collectitem
  0x17 :addobjectvehicle
  0x18 :mobspawn
  0x19 :entitypainting
  0x1B :stanceupdate
  0x1C :entityvelocity
  0x1D :entitydestroy
  0x1E :entity
  0x1F :entityrelativemove
  0x20 :entitylook
  0x21 :entitylookandrelativemove
  0x22 :entityteleport
  0x26 :entitystatus
  0x27 :attachentity
  0x28 :entitymetadata
  0x32 :prechunk
  0x33 :mapchunk
  0x34 :multiblockchange
  0x35 :blockchange
  0x36 :playnoteblock
  0x3C :explosion
  0x3D :soundeffect
  0x46 :newinvalidstate
  0x47 :thunderbolt
  0x64 :openwindow
  0x65 :closewindow
  0x66 :windowclick
  0x67 :setslot
  0x68 :windowitems
  0x69 :updateprogressbar
  0x6A :transaction
  0x82 :updatesign
  0x83 :mapdata
  0xC8 :incrementstatistic
  0xFF :disconnectkick
(def packet-ids (invert packet-types))

(def block-types {
  -1   nil
  0x00 :air
  0x01 :stone
  0x02 :dirt-grassy
  0x03 :dirt
  0x04 :cobblestone
  0x05 :planks
  0x06 :sapling
  0x07 :bedrock
  0x08 :water
  0x09 :stationary-water
  0x0A :lava
  0x0B :stationary-lava
  0x0C :sand
  0x0D :gravel
  0x0E :gold-ore
  0x0F :iron-ore
  0x10 :coal-ore
  0x11 :wood
  0x12 :leaves
  0x13 :sponge
  0x14 :glass
  0x15 :lapis-ore
  0x16 :lapis-block
  0x17 :dispenser
  0x18 :sandstone
  0x19 :note
  0x1A :bed
  0x1B :powered-rail
  0x1C :detector-rail
  0x1D :sticky-piston
  0x1E :cobweb
  0x1F :tall-grass
  0x20 :shrub
  0x21 :piston
  0x22 :piston-head
  0x23 :wool
  0x25 :flower-yellow
  0x26 :flower-red
  0x27 :mushroom-brown
  0x28 :mushroom-red
  0x29 :gold-block
  0x2A :iron-block
  0x2B :double-slab
  0x2C :slab
  0x2D :brick
  0x2E :tnt
  0x2F :books
  0x30 :mossy-cobblestone
  0x31 :obsidian
  0x32 :torch
  0x33 :fire
  0x34 :spawner
  0x35 :wood-stairs
  0x36 :chest
  0x37 :redstone-wire
  0x38 :diamond-ore
  0x39 :diamond-block
  0x3A :crafting-table
  0x3B :wheat
  0x3C :farmland
  0x3D :furnace
  0x3E :furnace-lit
  0x3F :sign-standing
  0x40 :wood-door
  0x41 :ladder
  0x42 :rail
  0x43 :cobblestone-stairs
  0x44 :sign-wall
  0x45 :lever
  0x46 :stone-plate
  0x47 :iron-door
  0x48 :wood-plate
  0x49 :redstone-ore
  0x4A :redstone-ore-glowing
  0x4B :redstone-torch-off
  0x4C :redstone-torch-on
  0x4D :stone-button
  0x4E :snow
  0x4F :ice
  0x50 :snow-block
  0x51 :cactus
  0x52 :clay
  0x53 :reeds
  0x54 :jukebox
  0x55 :fence
  0x56 :pumpkin
  0x57 :netherrack
  0x58 :soulsand
  0x59 :glowstone
  0x5A :portal
  0x5B :jackolantern
  0x5C :cake
  0x5D :repeater-off
  0x5E :repeater-on
  0x60 :hatch
(def block-ids (invert block-types))
(def non-solid-blocks #{ :air :sign-wall })

(def item-types {
  -1    nil
  0x100 :iron-shovel
  0x101 :iron-pick
  0x102 :iron-axe
  0x103 :flint-and-steel
  0x104 :apple
  0x105 :box
  0x106 :arrow
  0x107 :coal
  0x108 :diamond
  0x109 :iron-ingot
  0x10A :gold-ingot
  0x10B :gold-sword
  0x10C :wood-sword
  0x10D :wood-shovel
  0x10E :wood-pick
  0x10F :wood-axe
  0x110 :stone-sword
  0x111 :stone-shovel
  0x112 :stone-pick
  0x113 :stone-axe
  0x114 :diamond-sword
  0x115 :diamond-shovel
  0x116 :diamond-pick
  0x117 :diamond-axe
  0x118 :stick
  0x119 :bowl
  0x11A :mushroom-stew
  0x11B :gold-sword
  0x11C :gold-shovel
  0x11D :gold-pick
  0x11E :gold-axe
  0x11F :string
  0x120 :feather
  0x121 :gunpowder
  0x122 :wood-hoe
  0x123 :stone-hoe
  0x124 :iron-hoe
  0x125 :diamond-hoe
  0x126 :gold-hoe
  0x127 :seeds
  0x128 :wheat
  0x129 :bread
  0x12A :leather-helm
  0x12B :leather-chestplate
  0x12C :leather-leggings
  0x12D :leather-boots
  0x12E :chain-helm
  0x12F :chain-chestplate
  0x130 :chain-leggings
  0x131 :chain-boots
  0x132 :iron-helm
  0x133 :iron-chestplate
  0x134 :iron-leggings
  0x135 :iron-boots
  0x136 :diamond-helm
  0x137 :diamond-chestplate
  0x138 :diamond-leggings
  0x139 :diamond-boots
  0x13A :gold-helm
  0x13B :gold-chestplate
  0x13C :gold-leggings
  0x13D :gold-boots
  0x13E :flint
  0x13F :pork-raw
  0x140 :pork-cooked
  0x141 :painting
  0x142 :golden-apple
  0x143 :sign
  0x144 :wood-door
  0x145 :bucket
  0x146 :bucket-water
  0x147 :bucket-lava
  0x148 :minecart
  0x149 :saddle
  0x14A :iron-door
  0x14B :redstone
  0x14C :snowball
  0x14D :boat
  0x14E :leader
  0x14F :bucket-milk
  0x150 :brick
  0x151 :clay
  0x152 :reeds
  0x153 :paper
  0x154 :book
  0x155 :slimeball
  0x156 :minecart-storage
  0x157 :minecart-powered
  0x158 :egg
  0x159 :compass
  0x15A :fishing-rod
  0x15B :clock
  0x15C :glowstone-dust
  0x15D :fish-raw
  0x15E :fish-cooked
  0x15F :ink-sac
  0x160 :bone
  0x161 :sugar
  0x162 :cake
  0x163 :bed
  0x164 :repeater
  0x165 :cookie
  0x166 :map
  0x167 :shears
  0x8D0 :record-gold
  0x8D1 :record-green
(def item-ids (invert item-types))