src/clojurecraft/in.clj @ 336987d72de4

Dear Java: you are an asshole.
author Steve Losh <>
date Wed, 31 Aug 2011 18:50:53 -0400
parents 674073671e6c
children 7942222da830
  (:use [clojurecraft.util])
  (:use [clojurecraft.mappings])
  (:use [clojurecraft.chunks])
  (:import ( DataInputStream))
  (:require [])
  (:require [ :as events])
  (:import [ Location Entity Chunk])
  (:import ( Inflater)))

(def FULL-CHUNK (* 16 16 128))

; Convenience Functions ------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- blank-entity []
  (Entity. nil
           (Location. nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)
           nil nil false 0.0))

; Reading Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- -read-byte-bare [conn]
    (let [b (.readByte ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]

(defn- -read-byte [conn]
  (int (-read-byte-bare conn)))

(defn- -read-bytearray-bare [conn size]
    (let [ba (byte-array size)]
         (.readFully ^DataInputStream (:in @conn) ba 0 size)

(defn- -read-bytearray [conn size]
  (vec (-read-bytearray-bare conn size)))

(defn- -read-int [conn]
    (let [i (.readInt ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]
      (Integer. i))))

(defn- -read-long [conn]
    (let [l (.readLong ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]
      (Long. l))))

(defn- -read-short [conn]
    (let [s (.readShort ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]
      (Short. s))))

(defn- -read-shortarray [conn size]
  (doall (repeatedly size #(-read-short conn))))

(defn- -read-bool [conn]
    (let [b (.readBoolean ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]
      (Boolean. b))))

(defn- -read-double [conn]
    (let [d (.readDouble ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]
      (Double. d))))

(defn- -read-float [conn]
    (let [f (.readFloat ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]
      (Float. f))))

(defn- -read-string-utf8 [conn]
    (let [s (.readUTF ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))]

(defn- -read-string-ucs2 [conn]
    (let [str-len (.readShort ^DataInputStream (:in @conn))
          s (doall (apply str (repeatedly str-len #(.readChar ^DataInputStream (:in @conn)))))]

(defn- -read-metadata [conn]
    (loop [data []]
      (let [x (-read-byte conn)]
        (if (= x 127)
          (case (bit-shift-right (to-unsigned x) 5)
            0 (recur (conj data (-read-byte conn)))
            1 (recur (conj data (-read-short conn)))
            2 (recur (conj data (-read-int conn)))
            3 (recur (conj data (-read-float conn)))
            4 (recur (conj data (-read-string-ucs2 conn)))
            5 (recur (conj data (assoc {}
                                       :id (-read-short conn)
                                       :count (-read-byte conn)
                                       :damage (-read-short conn))))
            6 (recur (conj data (assoc {}
                                       :i (-read-int conn)
                                       :y (-read-int conn)
                                       :z (-read-int conn))))))))))

; Reading Packets ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defn- read-packet-keepalive [bot conn]

(defn- read-packet-handshake [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :hash (-read-string-ucs2 conn)))

(defn- read-packet-login [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :unknown (-read-string-ucs2 conn)
         :seed (-read-long conn)
         :dimension (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-chat [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :message (-read-string-ucs2 conn))]
    (events/fire-chat bot (:message payload))

(defn- read-packet-timeupdate [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :time (-read-long conn))]
    (dosync (ref-set (:time (:world bot)) (:time payload)))

(defn- read-packet-equipment [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :slot (-read-short conn)
         :itemid (-read-short conn)
         :unknown (-read-short conn)))

(defn- read-packet-spawnposition [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-useentity [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :user (-read-int conn)
                       :target (-read-int conn)
                       :leftclick (-read-bool conn))]

(defn- read-packet-updatehealth [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :health (-read-short conn))]
    (if (<= (:health payload) 0)
      (events/fire-dead bot))

(defn- read-packet-respawn [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :world (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-playerpositionlook [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :x (-read-double conn)
                       :stance (-read-double conn)
                       :y (-read-double conn)
                       :z (-read-double conn)
                       :yaw (-read-float conn)
                       :pitch (-read-float conn)
                       :onground (-read-bool conn))]
      (alter (:player bot)
             assoc :loc (merge (Location. nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)

(defn- read-packet-playerdigging [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :status (-read-byte conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-byte conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :face (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-playerblockplacement [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-byte conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :direction (-read-byte conn)
         :id (-read-short conn)
         :amount (-read-byte conn)
         :damage (-read-short conn)))

(defn- read-packet-holdingchange [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :slot (-read-short conn)))

(defn- read-packet-usebed [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :inbed (-read-byte conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-byte conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-animation [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :animate (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entityaction [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :action (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-namedentityspawn [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :eid (-read-int conn)
                       :playername (-read-string-ucs2 conn)
                       :x (-read-int conn)
                       :y (-read-int conn)
                       :z (-read-int conn)
                       :rotation (-read-byte conn)
                       :pitch (-read-byte conn)
                       :currentitem (-read-short conn))
        entity-data {:eid (:eid payload)
                     :name (:playername payload)
                     :holding (item-types (:currentitem payload))
                     :despawned false}
        location-data {:x (:x payload)
                       :y (:y payload)
                       :z (:z payload)}]
      (let [eid (:eid payload)
            entities (:entities (:world bot))
            entity (or (let [e (@entities eid)] (when e @e)) (blank-entity))
            new-loc (merge (:loc entity) location-data)
            new-entity-data (assoc entity-data :loc new-loc)]
        ; I'm not sure this is right.  We should probably be altering the entity ref
        ; if it already exists.
        (alter entities assoc eid (ref (merge entity new-entity-data)))))

(defn- read-packet-pickupspawn [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :item (-read-short conn)
         :count (-read-byte conn)
         :damagedata (-read-short conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :rotation (-read-byte conn)
         :pitch (-read-byte conn)
         :roll (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-collectitem [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :collectedeid (-read-int conn)
         :collectoreid (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-addobjectvehicle [bot conn]
  (let [basepacket (assoc {}
                          :eid (-read-int conn)
                          :type (-read-byte conn)
                          :x (-read-int conn)
                          :y (-read-int conn)
                          :z (-read-int conn)
                          :moar (-read-int conn))]
    (if (> (:moar basepacket) 0)
      (assoc basepacket
             :unknownx (-read-int conn)
             :unknowny (-read-int conn)
             :unknownz (-read-int conn))

(defn- read-packet-mobspawn [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :type (-read-byte conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :yaw (-read-byte conn)
         :pitch (-read-byte conn)
         :datastream (-read-metadata conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entitypainting [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :type (-read-string-ucs2 conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :direction (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-stanceupdate [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :unknown1 (-read-float conn)
         :unknown2 (-read-float conn)
         :unknown3 (-read-bool conn)
         :unknown4 (-read-bool conn)
         :unknown5 (-read-float conn)
         :unknown6 (-read-float conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entityvelocity [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :velocityx (-read-short conn)
         :velocityy (-read-short conn)
         :velocityz (-read-short conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entitydestroy [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entity [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :eid (-read-int conn))]
      (let [eid (:eid payload)
            entities (:entities (:world bot))
            entity (@entities eid)]
        (when-not entity
          (alter entities assoc eid (ref (Entity. eid nil nil nil false 0.0))))))

(defn- read-packet-entityrelativemove [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :dx (-read-byte conn)
         :dy (-read-byte conn)
         :dz (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entitylook [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :yaw (-read-byte conn)
         :pitch (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entitylookandrelativemove [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :dx (-read-byte conn)
         :dy (-read-byte conn)
         :dz (-read-byte conn)
         :yaw (-read-byte conn)
         :pitch (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entityteleport [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :yaw (-read-byte conn)
         :pitch (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entitystatus [bot conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {}
                       :eid (-read-int conn)
                       :entitystatus (-read-byte conn))]

(defn- read-packet-attachentity [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :vehicleid (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-entitymetadata [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :metadata (-read-metadata conn)))

(defn- read-packet-prechunk [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :mode (-read-bool conn)))

(defn- -parse-nibbles [len data]
  (loop [i 0
         nibbles []
         data data]
    (if (= i len)
      [(byte-array nibbles) data]
      (let [next-byte (get data 0)
            top-byte (top next-byte)
            bottom-byte (bottom next-byte)]
        (recur (+ i 2)
               (conj nibbles bottom-byte top-byte)
               (subvec data 1))))))

(defn- -get-or-make-chunk [chunks coords]
  (or (@chunks coords)
      (let [chunk (ref (Chunk. BLANK-CHUNK-ARRAY
        (alter chunks assoc coords chunk)

(defn- -decode-mapchunk [postdata data-ba]
  (let [len (* (:sizex postdata) (:sizey postdata) (:sizez postdata))
        data (into (vector-of :byte) data-ba) ; Make the data a vector for easier parsing.
        block-types (byte-array (subvec data 0 len))
        data (subvec data len)]
    (let [[block-metadata data] (-parse-nibbles len data)
          [block-light data] (-parse-nibbles len data)
          [sky-light data] (-parse-nibbles len data)]
      [block-types block-metadata block-light sky-light])))

(defn- -decompress-mapchunk [postdata]
  (let [buffer (byte-array (/ (* 5
                                 (:sizex postdata)
                                 (:sizey postdata)
                                 (:sizez postdata)) 2))
        decompressor (Inflater.)]
    (.setInput decompressor (:raw-data postdata) 0 (:compressedsize postdata))
    (.inflate decompressor buffer)
    (.end decompressor)

(defn- -read-mapchunk-predata [conn]
  (assoc {}
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-short conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :sizex (+ 1 (-read-byte conn))
         :sizey (+ 1 (-read-byte conn))
         :sizez (+ 1 (-read-byte conn))
         :compressedsize (-read-int conn)))

(defn- -chunk-from-full-data [postdata]
  (let [decompressed-data (-decompress-mapchunk postdata)
        [types meta light sky] (-decode-mapchunk postdata decompressed-data)] ; These are all byte-array's!
    (Chunk. types meta light sky)))

(defn- -chunk-from-partial-data [{{chunks :chunks} :world} postdata]
  (let [x (:x postdata)
        y (:y postdata)
        z (:z postdata)
        decompressed-data (-decompress-mapchunk postdata)
        [types meta light sky] (-decode-mapchunk postdata decompressed-data)  ; These are all byte-array's!
        chunk-coords (coords-of-chunk-containing x z)
        chunk (force (-get-or-make-chunk chunks chunk-coords))
        start-index (block-index-in-chunk x y z)]
    (Chunk. (replace-array-slice (:types (force @chunk)) start-index types)
            (replace-array-slice (:metadata (force @chunk)) start-index meta)
            (replace-array-slice (:light (force @chunk)) start-index light)
            (replace-array-slice (:sky-light (force @chunk)) start-index sky))))

(defn- read-packet-mapchunk [bot conn]
  (time (let [predata (-read-mapchunk-predata conn)
              postdata (assoc predata :raw-data (-read-bytearray-bare conn (:compressedsize predata)))
              chunk-size (* (:sizex postdata) (:sizey postdata) (:sizez postdata))
              chunk-coords (coords-of-chunk-containing (:x postdata) (:z postdata))]
          (dosync (alter (:chunks (:world bot))
                         assoc chunk-coords (if (= FULL-CHUNK chunk-size)
                                              (ref (delay (-chunk-from-full-data postdata)))
                                              (ref (-chunk-from-partial-data bot postdata)))))

(defn update-delayed [chunk index type meta]
  (let [chunk (force chunk)]
    (assoc chunk
           :types (replace-array-index (:types chunk) index type)
           :metadata (replace-array-index (:metadata chunk) index meta))))

(defn -update-single-block [bot x y z type meta]
    (let [chunk (chunk-containing x z (:chunks (:world bot)))
          i (block-index-in-chunk x y z)]
      (when chunk
        (alter chunk update-delayed i type meta)))))

(defn- read-packet-blockchange [bot conn]
  (let [data (assoc {}
                    :x (-read-int conn)
                    :y (-read-byte conn)
                    :z (-read-int conn)
                    :blocktype (-read-byte conn)
                    :blockmetadata (-read-byte conn))]
    (-update-single-block bot
                          (:x data) (:y data) (:z data)
                          (:blocktype data) (:blockmetadata data))

(defn- read-packet-multiblockchange [bot conn]
  (let [prearrays (assoc {}
                         :chunkx (-read-int conn)
                         :chunkz (-read-int conn)
                         :arraysize (-read-short conn))
        payload (assoc prearrays
                       :coordinatearray (-read-shortarray conn (:arraysize prearrays))
                       :typearray (-read-bytearray conn (:arraysize prearrays))
                       :metadataarray (-read-bytearray conn (:arraysize prearrays)))
        parse-coords (fn [s] [(top-4 s) (mid-4 s) (bottom-8 s)])
        coords (map parse-coords (:coordinatearray payload))]
    (dorun (map #(-update-single-block bot (get %1 0) (get %1 2) (get %1 1) %2 %3)
                (:typearray payload)
                (:metadataarray payload)))

(defn- read-packet-playnoteblock [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-short conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :instrumenttype (-read-byte conn)
         :pitch (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-explosion [bot conn]
  (let [prerecords (assoc {}
                          :x (-read-int conn)
                          :y (-read-short conn)
                          :z (-read-int conn)
                          :unknownradius (-read-byte conn)
                          :recordcount (-read-byte conn))]
    (assoc prerecords
           :records (-read-bytearray conn
                                     (* 3 (:recordcount prerecords))))))

(defn- read-packet-soundeffect [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :effectid (-read-int conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-byte conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)
         :sounddata (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-newinvalidstate [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :reason (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-thunderbolt [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :eid (-read-int conn)
         :unknown (-read-bool conn)
         :x (-read-int conn)
         :y (-read-int conn)
         :z (-read-int conn)))

(defn- read-packet-openwindow [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :windowid (-read-byte conn)
         :inventorytype (-read-byte conn)
         :windowtitle (-read-string-utf8 conn)
         :numberofslots (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-closewindow [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
         :windowid (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-setslot [bot conn]
  (let [preiteminfo (assoc {}
                           :windowid (-read-byte conn)
                           :slot (-read-short conn)
                           :itemid (-read-short conn))]
    (if (= -1 (:itemid preiteminfo))
      (assoc preiteminfo
             :itemcount (-read-byte conn)
             :itemuses (-read-short conn)))))

(defn- -read-packet-windowitems-payloaditem [conn]
  (let [payload (assoc {} :itemid (-read-short conn))]
    (if (= (:itemid payload) -1)
      (assoc payload
        :count (-read-byte conn)
        :uses (-read-short conn)))))

(defn- read-packet-windowitems [bot conn]
  (let [prepayload (assoc {}
                     :windowid (-read-byte conn)
                     :count (-read-short conn))
        items (doall (repeatedly (:count prepayload)
                                 #(-read-packet-windowitems-payloaditem conn)))]
    (assoc prepayload :items items)))

(defn- read-packet-updateprogressbar [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
    :windowid (-read-byte conn)
    :progressbar (-read-short conn)
    :value (-read-short conn)))

(defn- read-packet-transaction [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
    :windowid (-read-byte conn)
    :actionnumber (-read-short conn)
    :accepted (-read-short conn)))

(defn- read-packet-updatesign [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
    :x (-read-int conn)
    :y (-read-short conn)
    :z (-read-int conn)
    :text1 (-read-string-ucs2 conn)
    :text2 (-read-string-ucs2 conn)
    :text3 (-read-string-ucs2 conn)
    :text4 (-read-string-ucs2 conn)))

(defn- read-packet-mapdata [bot conn]
  ; TODO: Fix this
  (let [pretext (assoc {}
                  :unknown1 (-read-int conn)
                  :unknown2 (-read-short conn)
                  :textlength (-read-int conn))]
    (assoc pretext :text (-read-bytearray (:textlength pretext)))))

(defn- read-packet-incrementstatistic [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
    :statisticid (-read-int conn)
    :amount (-read-byte conn)))

(defn- read-packet-disconnectkick [bot conn]
  (assoc {}
    :reason (-read-string-ucs2 conn)))

(def packet-readers {:keepalive                 read-packet-keepalive
                     :handshake                 read-packet-handshake
                     :login                     read-packet-login
                     :chat                      read-packet-chat
                     :timeupdate                read-packet-timeupdate
                     :equipment                 read-packet-equipment
                     :spawnposition             read-packet-spawnposition
                     :useentity                 read-packet-useentity
                     :updatehealth              read-packet-updatehealth
                     :respawn                   read-packet-respawn
                     :playerpositionlook        read-packet-playerpositionlook
                     :playerdigging             read-packet-playerdigging
                     :playerblockplacement      read-packet-playerblockplacement
                     :holdingchange             read-packet-holdingchange
                     :usebed                    read-packet-usebed
                     :animation                 read-packet-animation
                     :entityaction              read-packet-entityaction
                     :namedentityspawn          read-packet-namedentityspawn
                     :pickupspawn               read-packet-pickupspawn
                     :collectitem               read-packet-collectitem
                     :addobjectvehicle          read-packet-addobjectvehicle
                     :mobspawn                  read-packet-mobspawn
                     :entitypainting            read-packet-entitypainting
                     :stanceupdate              read-packet-stanceupdate
                     :entityvelocity            read-packet-entityvelocity
                     :entitydestroy             read-packet-entitydestroy
                     :entity                    read-packet-entity
                     :entityrelativemove        read-packet-entityrelativemove
                     :entitylook                read-packet-entitylook
                     :entitylookandrelativemove read-packet-entitylookandrelativemove
                     :entityteleport            read-packet-entityteleport
                     :entitystatus              read-packet-entitystatus
                     :attachentity              read-packet-attachentity
                     :entitymetadata            read-packet-entitymetadata
                     :prechunk                  read-packet-prechunk
                     :mapchunk                  read-packet-mapchunk
                     :multiblockchange          read-packet-multiblockchange
                     :blockchange               read-packet-blockchange
                     :playnoteblock             read-packet-playnoteblock
                     :explosion                 read-packet-explosion
                     :soundeffect               read-packet-soundeffect
                     :newinvalidstate           read-packet-newinvalidstate
                     :thunderbolt               read-packet-thunderbolt
                     :openwindow                read-packet-openwindow
                     :closewindow               read-packet-closewindow
                     :setslot                   read-packet-setslot
                     :windowitems               read-packet-windowitems
                     :updateprogressbar         read-packet-updateprogressbar
                     :transaction               read-packet-transaction
                     :updatesign                read-packet-updatesign
                     :mapdata                   read-packet-mapdata
                     :incrementstatistic        read-packet-incrementstatistic
                     :disconnectkick            read-packet-disconnectkick})

; Reading Wrappers -----------------------------------------------------------------
(defn read-packet [bot prev prev-prev prev-prev-prev]
  (let [conn (:connection bot)
        packet-id-byte (to-unsigned (-read-byte conn))]
    (let [packet-id (when (not (nil? packet-id-byte))
          packet-type (packet-types packet-id)]

      ; Record the packet type
        (let [counts (:packet-counts-in bot)
              current (get @counts packet-type 0)]
          (swap! counts
                 (inc current))))

      ; Handle packet
      (if (nil? packet-type)
          (println "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
          (println "UNKNOWN PACKET TYPE:" (Integer/toHexString packet-id) packet-id)
          (println "THREE-AGO:" prev-prev-prev)
          (println "TWO-AGO:" prev-prev)
          (println "ONE-AGO:" prev)
          (/ 1 0))
        (let [payload (do ((packet-type packet-readers) bot conn))]
            (when (#{} packet-type)
              (println (str "--PACKET--> " packet-type)))
            [[packet-type payload] prev prev-prev]))))))