Commit Log

commit description author date
b0eed33fef1e Add `g:clam_winwidth` v1.4.0 Steve Losh 2016-11-19
7848d65f0425 Add optional parameter for window height Jethro Van Thuyne 2016-05-03
bd953da76618 Syntax-match hg statuses individually Steve Losh 2016-03-25
2ed29341d197 Merge. Steve Losh 2015-12-09
556dbee6b283 Merge pull request #6 from LnL7/fix-ansiesc Steve Losh 2015-12-09
5c4fa6b1aad7 Fix: only run AnsiEsc when creating the Clam window Daiderd Jordan 2013-07-30
9b4257803faa Update README to point at rawgithubusercontent Logan Mohseni 2015-03-26
8533fffd9fbb Fix packaging script to include syntax files. Steve Losh 2012-09-08
35ae60ad86e7 Added tag v1.3.0 for changeset fc154fb9ff58 Steve Losh 2012-09-08
fc154fb9ff58 Update changelog. v1.3.0 Steve Losh 2012-09-08
34dccad2239d Add a tiny hg syntax file. Steve Losh 2012-09-08
ad458d7e3e8d Add syntax support for the ls command (from Ümit Kablan). Steve Losh 2012-09-08
ed67c4908fa0 Fix global variable in clam_winpos example Dan Lidral-Porter 2012-05-04
b528cf3de728 Add license file. Steve Losh 2012-04-12
8ecbfc2693e4 Merge. Steve Losh 2012-04-12
5bf26d7a0c8a Added tag v1.2.0 for changeset 7e3f6e97e92c Steve Losh 2012-04-12
7e3f6e97e92c Update docs. v1.2.0 Steve Losh 2012-04-12
e23d3b14230b Added tag v1.2.0 for changeset c91ebd7e6560 Steve Losh 2012-04-12
c91ebd7e6560 Merge. Steve Losh 2012-04-12
d44a1d7dfc34 add `g:clam_winpos` option Kyo Nagashima 2012-04-10
429731def5a9 Big refactoring. Steve Losh 2012-04-12
2b5144befdbb Derp. Steve Losh 2012-04-03
22048ccb8248 Added tag v1.1.0 for changeset 8de3ef182cb9 Steve Losh 2012-04-03
8de3ef182cb9 Changelog. v1.1.0 Steve Losh 2012-04-03
509be39ca8b7 Added tag v1.0.0 for changeset fa37ec671fb5 Steve Losh 2012-04-03
4b44be488644 Add g:clam_autorun. Steve Losh 2012-04-03
fa37ec671fb5 Add demo to README. v1.0.0 Steve Losh 2012-04-03
521f6d200d6f Fix the refresh mapping. Steve Losh 2012-04-03
0bb5150e8ebf Dammit, BitBucket. Steve Losh 2012-04-03
8ba0b710ddf5 Try to fix BitBuckets silly markdown failing. Steve Losh 2012-04-03
7200fd1fb402 Initial commit. Steve Losh 2012-04-03