src/pcg.lisp @ 7781bd17fcdc

Add a ros file for testing with dieharder
author Steve Losh <>
date Sun, 12 Feb 2017 01:14:43 +0000
parents c6a3ab353556
children 94eb90b8d9f3
(in-package :pcg)

;;;; Constants ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defconstant +multiplier+ 6364136223846793005)
(defconstant +modulus+ (expt 2 64))
(defconstant +limit+ (1- (expt 2 64)))

;;;; Utils ---------------------------------------------------------------------

(defmacro defun-inline (name &body body)
  "Like `defun`, but declaims `name` to be `inline`."
     (declaim (inline ,name))
     (defun ,name ,@body)

(defmacro check-types (&rest place-type-pairs)
  `(progn ,@(loop :for (place type . nil) :on place-type-pairs :by #'cddr
                  :collect `(check-type ,place ,type))))

(defun rotate-byte (count bytespec integer)
  "Rotates a field of bits within INTEGER; specifically, returns an
integer that contains the bits of INTEGER rotated COUNT times
leftwards within the byte specified by BYTESPEC, and elsewhere
contains the bits of INTEGER. See"
  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 1)))
  (let ((size (byte-size bytespec)))
    (when (= size 0)
      (return-from rotate-byte integer))
    (let ((count (mod count size)))
      (flet ((rotate-byte-from-0 (count size integer)
                 (let ((bytespec (byte size 0)))
                   (if (> count 0)
                       (logior (ldb bytespec (ash integer count))
                               (ldb bytespec (ash integer (- count size))))
                       (logior (ldb bytespec (ash integer count))
                               (ldb bytespec (ash integer (+ count size))))))))
        (dpb (rotate-byte-from-0 count size (ldb bytespec integer))

(defun-inline % (n)
  (mod n +modulus+))

(defun-inline *+ (a b increment)
  (+ (* a b) increment))

(deftype u64 ()
  '(unsigned-byte 64))

;;;; Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (pcg (:constructor actually-make-pcg))
  (state 0 :type u64)
  (increment 0 :type u64))

(defun-inline compute-increment (stream-id)
  (logior 1 (ash stream-id 1)))

;;;; Permutations -------------------------------------------------------------
(defun-inline permute-xor-shift (data)
  (declare (optimize speed)
           (type (unsigned-byte 37) data))
  ;; The reference implemtation does this:
  ;;   uint32_t xorshifted = ((oldstate >> 18u) ^ oldstate) >> 27u;
  ;; Which is a bunch of shit packed into one line because C programmers don't
  ;; like typing or something.
  ;; oldstate starts as a 64-bit value, which looks roughly like this:
  ;;   SSSSSbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
  ;; * S - 5 "selector" bits for the permutation.  Confusingly the xorshift
  ;;       permutation doesn't use these to select anything, but instead mixes
  ;;       them into the other random bits.  The next permutation uses them to
  ;;       decide how far to rotate.
  ;; * b - 32 decently random bits, which are going to be permuted and used for
  ;;       the output value.
  ;; * x - 27 not-very-random garbage low-order bits that we throw away.
  ;; What this permutation does is xor the top half of the good bits into the
  ;; bottom half of the good bits to mix them up a bit:
  ;;   oldstate:       SSSSSbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
  ;;   oldstate >> 18: 00000000 00000000 00SSSSSb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbbb bbbbbbxx xxxxxxxx ...lost...
  ;;   result:         SSSSSbbb bbbbbbbb bbBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx
  ;; Then it shifts by 27 to drop the garbage bits:
  ;;   SSSSS bbbbbbbb bbbbbBBB BBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB
  ;; And finally it assigns the resulting 37-bit value to a uint32_t which
  ;; clears out the 5 remaining high-order selector bits.
  (ldb (byte 32 0)
       (logxor data (ash data -18))))

(defun-inline permute-rotate (data selector)
  (declare (optimize speed)
           (type (unsigned-byte 32) data)
           (type (unsigned-byte 5) selector))
  #+sbcl (sb-rotate-byte:rotate-byte selector (byte 32 0) data)
  #-sbcl (rotate-byte selector (byte 32 0) data))

;;;; State Advancement --------------------------------------------------------
(defun-inline advance-state (pcg)
  (declare (optimize speed)
           (type pcg pcg))
  (setf (pcg-state pcg)
        (% (*+ (pcg-state pcg) +multiplier+ (pcg-increment pcg))))

;;;; Low-Level API ------------------------------------------------------------
  (ftype (function (pcg) (unsigned-byte 32)) pcg-random%)

  ;; 2^32 streams ought to be enough for anybody
  (ftype (function (u64 (unsigned-byte 32))

  (ftype (function (pcg (integer 1 (#.(expt 2 32))))
                   (unsigned-byte 32))

  (ftype (function (pcg (integer 1 32))
                   (unsigned-byte 32))

  (ftype (function (pcg u64)) pcg-advance% pcg-rewind%)

  (ftype (function (pcg) single-float) pcg-random-float%)

  (ftype (function (pcg) double-float) pcg-random-double%))

(defun-inline pcg-random% (pcg)
  "Return a random `(unsigned-byte 32)`.

  As a side effect, the state of `pcg` will be advanced.

  This is a low-level function that assumes you are passing in the correct types.

  (declare (optimize speed))
  (let* ((state (pcg-state pcg))
         (data (ldb (byte 37 (- 64 37)) state))
         (selector (ldb (byte 5 (- 64 5)) state)))
    (advance-state pcg)
    (permute-rotate (permute-xor-shift data)

(defun-inline make-pcg% (seed stream-id)
  "Create and return a new `pcg` for the given `seed` and `stream-id`.

  This is a low-level function that assumes you are passing in the correct types.

  (declare (optimize speed))
  (let* ((increment (compute-increment stream-id))
         (pcg (actually-make-pcg :state 0 :increment increment)))
    (pcg-random% pcg)
    (setf (pcg-state pcg)
          (% (+ (pcg-state pcg) seed)))
    (pcg-random% pcg)

(defun-inline pcg-random-bounded% (pcg bound)
  "Return a random integer between `0` (inclusive) and `bound` (exclusive).

  As a side effect, the state of `pcg` will be advanced.

  This is a low-level function that assumes you are passing in the correct types.

  (declare (optimize speed))
  (loop :with threshold = (mod (expt 2 32) bound)
        :for n = (pcg-random% pcg)
        :when (>= n threshold)
        :do (return (values (mod n bound)))))

(defun-inline pcg-random-bits% (pcg count)
  "Return a random `(unsigned-byte COUNT)`.

  As a side effect, the state of `pcg` will be advanced.

  `count` must be between `1` and `32` (though `32` would be identical to just
  calling `pcg-random%`).

  This is a low-level function that assumes you are passing in the correct types.

  (declare (optimize speed))
  (ldb (byte count 0) (pcg-random% pcg)))

(defun-inline pcg-random-float% (pcg)
  "Return a random `single-float` between `0.0` and `1.0`.

  As a side effect, the state of `pcg` will be advanced.

  This is a low-level function that assumes you are passing in the correct types.

  (declare (optimize speed))
  (/ (pcg-random% pcg)
     (coerce (expt 2 32) 'single-float)))

(defun-inline pcg-advance% (pcg steps)
  (declare (optimize speed))
  ;; See "Random Number Generation with Arbitrary Strides", Forrest B. Brown:
  ;; The original paper uses single-letter names like G, C, i, f, h because
  ;; math, but we're all literate here so let's use words instead.
    :with increment = (pcg-increment pcg)
    :with multiplier-accumulator :of-type u64 = 1 ; G
    :with increment-accumulator :of-type u64 = 0 ; C
    :for i :of-type u64 = steps :then (ash i -1) ; i
    :for inc :of-type u64 = increment :then (% (* inc (1+ mul))) ; f
    :for mul :of-type u64 = +multiplier+ :then (% (expt mul 2)) ; h
    :while (plusp i)
    :when (oddp i)
    :do (setf multiplier-accumulator (% (* multiplier-accumulator mul))
              increment-accumulator (% (*+ increment-accumulator mul inc)))
    (setf (pcg-state pcg)
          (% (*+ (pcg-state pcg) multiplier-accumulator increment-accumulator)))))

(defun-inline pcg-rewind% (pcg steps)
  (declare (optimize speed))
  (when (plusp steps)
    (pcg-advance% pcg (- +limit+ (1- steps)))))

;;;; High-Level API -----------------------------------------------------------
(defun make-pcg (&key (seed 0) (stream-id 0))
  (check-types stream-id (unsigned-byte 32)
               seed u64)
  (make-pcg% seed stream-id))

(defparameter *global-pcg* (make-pcg))

(deftype pcg-designator ()
  '(or (eql t) pcg))

(defun-inline resolve-pcg (pcg-designator)
  (if (eq t pcg-designator)

(defun pcg-random (pcg)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator)
  (pcg-random% (resolve-pcg pcg)))

(defun pcg-random-float (pcg)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator)
  (pcg-random-float% (resolve-pcg pcg)))

(defun pcg-random-double (pcg)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator)
  (pcg-random-double% (resolve-pcg pcg)))

(defun pcg-random-bounded (pcg bound)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator
               bound (and (unsigned-byte 32)
                          (integer 1)))
  (pcg-random-bounded% (resolve-pcg pcg) bound))

(defun pcg-random-range (pcg min max)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator
               min (unsigned-byte 32)
               max (unsigned-byte 32))
  (assert (< min max) (min max))
  (+ min (pcg-random-bounded% (resolve-pcg pcg) (- max min))))

(defun pcg-random-range-inclusive (pcg min max)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator
               min (unsigned-byte 32)
               max (unsigned-byte 32))
  (assert (<= min max) (min max))
  (pcg-random-range (resolve-pcg pcg) min (1+ max)))

(defun pcg-advance (pcg steps)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator
              steps u64)
  (pcg-advance% (resolve-pcg pcg) steps))

(defun pcg-rewind (pcg steps)
  (check-types pcg pcg-designator
               steps u64)
  (pcg-rewind% (resolve-pcg pcg) steps))

;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
; (defun data (n)
;   (loop :repeat n :collect (pcg-random-single-float% *p*)))

; (losh:gnuplot
;   (data 10000)
;   :x #'identity
;   :y (lambda (i) (/ 1.0 10000))
;   :line-width 1
;   :smooth :cumulative)

; (defun slow-advance (pcg n)
;   (dotimes (_ n) (pcg-random pcg))
;   nil)

; (defun test (n)
;   (let ((a (make-pcg))
;         (b (make-pcg)))
;     (pcg-advance% b n)
;     (assert (= (pcg-random a) (pcg-random b)))))

;;;; TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; as an alternative float generation scheme.