Commit Log

commit description author date
32ee4d3dee2f Add ABCL support Steve Losh 2016-09-07
330b6240a25c Kill the hash printer Steve Losh 2016-09-07
6d85d8a5d5a2 Return more information on tracebacks Steve Losh 2016-08-21
256edcc8ea1e Use Dissect to clean up the error handling tremendously Steve Losh 2016-08-21
e342c4a78a57 More refactoring and cleanup Steve Losh 2016-08-21
f36b8fd3e9dd Clean up symbol parsing so `foo::bar` works properly Steve Losh 2016-08-21
2b76060dba22 Clean up the server file Steve Losh 2016-08-21
ba758da80c62 Minor utils cleanup Steve Losh 2016-08-21
b7a399c67d24 Keming Steve Losh 2016-08-21
6eb527beb6b9 Add `in-package` Steve Losh 2016-08-21
60462d4304de Use in-package for arglist lookup Steve Losh 2016-07-02
cfbc5d205fbd Add in-package option for `eval` Steve Losh 2016-07-02
b806d22cf665 Fix symbol lookup a bit Steve Losh 2016-04-12
051685b12e07 Make macroexpand less ugly on CCL Steve Losh 2016-04-09
9d3d9514dbd8 Formatting Steve Losh 2016-04-09
7d0cd39ee703 Don't shit the bed when `load`ing a file with errors Steve Losh 2016-04-09
3e9db801d234 Clean up some of the middleware code Steve Losh 2016-04-09
9cf977a17d89 Clean up the godawful utils file Steve Losh 2016-04-09
9f3dbec1414f Clean up the ASD file Steve Losh 2016-04-09
743c0a981785 Oh boy, here we go... Steve Losh 2016-04-09
d74fc3dab8fa Add load-file and macroexpand middlewares Steve Losh 2015-12-09
d5962bdd9186 A few minor changes. Steve Losh 2015-12-09
dcaf8468adb1 Move middleware utils to the middleware module Steve Losh 2015-12-05
15af562c7bca Rename a few macros to play nicer Steve Losh 2015-12-05
c24e85a0b4c0 Refactor a bunch of stuff. Steve Losh 2015-12-03
7753eedff7fe Split apart single file into lisps's nutty packaging style Steve Losh 2015-12-01
332f8aadd163 Add src/scratch.lisp to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2015-12-01
42c1b2d3d75c Oh god it actually connects what have I done Steve Losh 2015-12-01
8ead66c5c0fb Add Fireplace workarounds. In related news: God is dead. Steve Losh 2015-11-30
9038eaf084b9 Convert everything to fset Steve Losh 2015-09-23
e9948763c8ad Fuck around with the session middleware Steve Losh 2015-09-22
48d26670e7a1 Start the main session middleware Steve Losh 2015-09-22
a601ff5d948b Add cautionary readme Steve Losh 2015-09-22
f1f54179cbae Sketch out some session stuff Steve Losh 2015-09-22
ce9f7d2c2d6f A bit more random work Steve Losh 2015-09-19
090434678b84 More random work Steve Losh 2015-09-18
549e41a92839 More work from streaming Steve Losh 2015-09-16
81c5342870b6 Start scratching some things out Steve Losh 2015-09-16
800afac9d63a Initial commit Steve Losh 2015-09-15