
Refactor a bunch of stuff.
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Thu, 03 Dec 2015 15:25:32 +0000 (2015-12-03)
parents 7753eedff7fe
children 15af562c7bca
branches/tags (none)
files nrepl.asd package.lisp src/middleware/describe.lisp src/middleware/documentation.lisp src/middleware/eval.lisp src/middleware/session.lisp src/utils.lisp src/workarounds.lisp


--- a/nrepl.asd	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/nrepl.asd	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
                 #+sbcl :sb-introspect)
-  :serial t
   ((:file "package")
    (:module "src"
--- a/package.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 (defpackage #:nrepl
   (:use #:cl)
-  (:import-from :ppcre :regex-replace)
+  (:import-from :ppcre
+                :regex-replace)
   (:export #:start-server
--- a/src/middleware/describe.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/middleware/describe.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -6,18 +6,14 @@
             "incremental" incremental
             "version-string" (format nil "~d.~d.~d" major minor incremental)))
-(defun wrap-describe (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-op
-      message "describe" h
-      (respond message
-               (make-map "status" '("done")
-                         "versions" (make-map
-                                      "lisp" (make-version-map 0 0 0)
-                                      "cl-nrepl" (make-version-map 0 0 0)
-                                      ; we're not nrepl but fireplace wants this
-                                      "nrepl" (make-version-map 0 2 0))
-                         "ops" (make-map))))))
+(defmiddleware wrap-describe "describe" message
+  (respond message
+           (make-map "status" '("done")
+                     "versions" (make-map
+                                  "lisp" (make-version-map 0 0 0)
+                                  "cl-nrepl" (make-version-map 0 0 0))
+                     "ops" (make-map))))
 ; {'aux': {'current-ns': 'user'},
 ;  'ops': {'clone': {'doc': 'Clones the current session, returning the ID of the newly-created session.',
--- a/src/middleware/documentation.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/middleware/documentation.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -16,19 +16,16 @@
                           (find-package pack)
-(defun wrap-documentation (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-op
-      message "documentation" h
-      (let* ((s (find-symbol-harder (fset:lookup message "symbol"))))
-        (respond message
-                 (with-when
-                   (make-map "status" '("done"))
-                   "type-docstring" (documentation s 'type)
-                   "structure-docstring" (documentation s 'structure)
-                   "variable-docstring" (documentation s 'variable)
-                   "setf-docstring" (documentation s 'setf)
-                   "function-docstring" (documentation s 'function)
-                   "function-arglist" (when-let ((arglist (find-lambda-list s)))
-                                        (prin1-to-string arglist))))))))
+(defmiddleware wrap-documentation "documentation" message
+  (let* ((s (find-symbol-harder (fset:lookup message "symbol"))))
+    (respond message
+             (with-when
+               (make-map "status" '("done"))
+               "type-docstring" (documentation s 'type)
+               "structure-docstring" (documentation s 'structure)
+               "variable-docstring" (documentation s 'variable)
+               "setf-docstring" (documentation s 'setf)
+               "function-docstring" (documentation s 'function)
+               "function-arglist" (when-let ((arglist (find-lambda-list s)))
+                                    (prin1-to-string arglist))))))
--- a/src/middleware/eval.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/middleware/eval.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 (in-package #:nrepl)
-;;; Eval
+(define-condition evaluation-error (error)
+  ((text :initarg :text :reader text)
+   (orig :initarg :orig :reader orig)
+   (data :initarg :data :reader data :initform ())))
 (defclass evaluator ()
   ((standard-input :initarg :in :reader in)
    (standard-output :initarg :out :reader out)
    (standard-error :initarg :err :reader err)))
 (defun shuttle-stream (from-stream stream-name message)
   (do ((data "" (flex:octets-to-string
                   (flex:get-output-stream-sequence from-stream)
@@ -19,31 +22,59 @@
                                  stream-name data)))
     (sleep 0.1)))
-(defun wrap-eval (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-op
-      message "eval" h
-      (let* ((code (fset:lookup message "code"))
-             (captured-out (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
-             (captured-err (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
-             (*standard-output*
-               (flex:make-flexi-stream captured-out :external-format :utf-8))
-             (*error-output*
-               (flex:make-flexi-stream captured-err :external-format :utf-8)))
-        (unwind-protect
-          (progn
-            (bt:make-thread
-              (lambda () (shuttle-stream captured-out "stdout" message))
-              :name "NREPL stdout writer")
-            (bt:make-thread
-              (lambda () (shuttle-stream captured-err "stderr" message))
-              :name "NREPL stderr writer")
-            (loop for form in (read-all-from-string code)
-                  do (let ((result (prin1-to-string (eval form))))
-                       (respond message
-                                (make-map "form" (prin1-to-string form)
-                                          "value" result))))
-            (respond message (make-map "status" '("done"))))
-          (close captured-out)
-          (close captured-err))))))
+(defun get-forms (code)
+  "Get all lisp forms from the given hunk of code.
+   Signal an evaluation-error if the input is mangled.
+   "
+  (handler-case
+    (read-all-from-string code)
+    (error (e)
+           (error 'evaluation-error
+                  :text "Malformed input!"
+                  :orig e))))
+(defmiddleware wrap-eval "eval" message
+  (let* ((code (fset:lookup message "code"))
+         (captured-out (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
+         (captured-err (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
+         (*standard-output*
+           (flex:make-flexi-stream captured-out :external-format :utf-8))
+         (*error-output*
+           (flex:make-flexi-stream captured-err :external-format :utf-8)))
+    (flet ((eval-form (form)
+             (handler-case
+               (let ((result (prin1-to-string (eval form))))
+                 (respond message
+                          (make-map "form" (prin1-to-string form)
+                                    "value" result)))
+               (error (e)
+                      (error 'evaluation-error
+                             :text "Traceback during evaluation!"
+                             :orig e
+                             :data (list
+                                     "form" (prin1-to-string form))))))
+           (error-respond (e)
+             (respond message
+                      (apply #'make-map
+                             "status" '("error")
+                             "error" (text e)
+                             "original" (format nil "~A" (orig e))
+                             (data e))))
+           (make-shuttle-thread (stream desc)
+             (bt:make-thread
+               (lambda () (shuttle-stream stream desc message))
+               :name (format nil "NREPL ~A writer" desc))))
+      (unwind-protect
+        (progn
+          (make-shuttle-thread captured-out "stdout")
+          (make-shuttle-thread captured-err "stderr")
+          (handler-case
+            (progn
+              (loop for form in (get-forms code) do (eval-form form))
+              (respond message (make-map "status" '("done"))))
+            (evaluation-error (e) (error-respond e))))
+        (close captured-out)
+        (close captured-err)))))
--- a/src/middleware/session.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/middleware/session.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -44,26 +44,17 @@
            (*session* session))
       (funcall h (fset:with message "session" session-id)))))
-(defun wrap-session-ls (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-op
-      message "ls-sessions" h
-      (respond message
-               (make-map "status" '("done")
-                         "sessions" (get-sessions))))))
+(defmiddleware wrap-session-ls "ls-sessions" message
+  (respond message
+           (make-map "status" '("done")
+                     "sessions" (get-sessions))))
-(defun wrap-session-close (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-op
-      message "close" h
-      (remove-session! (fset:lookup message "session"))
-      (respond message (make-map "status" '("session-closed"))))))
+(defmiddleware wrap-session-close "close" message
+  (remove-session! (fset:lookup message "session"))
+  (respond message (make-map "status" '("session-closed"))))
-(defun wrap-session-clone (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-op
-      message "clone" h
-      (let ((new-id (register-session! (random-uuid)
-                                       (fset:lookup message "session"))))
-        (respond message (make-map "status" '("done") "new-session" new-id))))))
+(defmiddleware wrap-session-clone "clone" message
+  (let ((new-id (register-session! (random-uuid)
+                                   (fset:lookup message "session"))))
+    (respond message (make-map "status" '("done") "new-session" new-id))))
--- a/src/utils.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/utils.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -102,3 +102,10 @@
      (progn ,@body)
      (funcall ,fallback ,message)))
+(defmacro defmiddleware (name op message-binding &rest body)
+  (let ((fallback (gensym)))
+  `(defun ,name (,fallback)
+     (lambda (,message-binding)
+       (handle-op ,message-binding ,op ,fallback
+                  ,@body)))))
--- a/src/workarounds.lisp	Tue Dec 01 15:31:00 2015 +0000
+++ b/src/workarounds.lisp	Thu Dec 03 15:25:32 2015 +0000
@@ -17,59 +17,52 @@
        (respond ,message (make-map "status" '("done"))))
      (funcall ,fallback ,message)))
+(defmacro defworkaround (name op message-binding &rest body)
+  (let ((fallback (gensym)))
+    `(defun ,name (,fallback)
+       (lambda (,message-binding)
+         (handle-workaround
+           ,message-binding ,fallback ,op
+           ,@body)))))
-(defun workaround-fireplace-classpath (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-workaround
-      message h "eval"
-      (workaround-matches
-        '("(do (println \"success\") "
-          "(symbol (str (System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
-          "(System/getProperty \"java.class.path\"))))"))
-      (respond message (make-map "value" ":")))))
-(defun workaround-fireplace-pathsep (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-workaround
-      message h "eval"
-      (workaround-matches
-        '("[(System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
-          "(System/getProperty \"java.class.path\")]"))
-      (respond message (make-map "value" "[\"/\" \":\"]")))))
+(defworkaround workaround-fireplace-classpath "eval" message
+  (workaround-matches
+    '("(do (println \"success\") "
+      "(symbol (str (System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
+      "(System/getProperty \"java.class.path\"))))"))
+  (respond message (make-map "value" ":")))
+(defworkaround workaround-fireplace-pathsep "eval" message
+  (workaround-matches
+    '("[(System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
+      "(System/getProperty \"java.class.path\")]"))
+  (respond message (make-map "value" "[\"/\" \":\"]")))
-(defun workaround-fireplace-star (h)
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-workaround
-      message h "eval"
-      ((lambda (code)
-         (member code '("(*1 1)" "(*2 2)" "(*3 3)") :test #'equal)))
-      (respond message (make-map "value" "Not yet implemented, sorry :(")))))
+(defworkaround workaround-fireplace-star "eval" message
+  ((lambda (code)
+     (member code '("(*1 1)" "(*2 2)" "(*3 3)") :test #'equal)))
+  (respond message (make-map "value" "Not yet implemented, sorry :(")))
-(defun workaround-fireplace-fakepathsep (h)
+(defworkaround workaround-fireplace-fakepathsep "eval" message
   ; lol what in the fuck even is this for?
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-workaround
-      message h "eval"
-      (workaround-matches
-        '("[(System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
-          "(System/getProperty \"fake.class.path\")]"))
-      (respond message (make-map "value" "[\"/\" \"None\"]")))))
+  (workaround-matches
+    '("[(System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
+      "(System/getProperty \"fake.class.path\")]"))
+  (respond message (make-map "value" "[\"/\" \"None\"]")))
-(defun workaround-fireplace-macroexpand-all (h)
+(defworkaround workaround-fireplace-macroexpand-all "eval" message
   ; this should really do a macroexpand-all but this'll have to do for now
-  (lambda (message)
-    (handle-workaround
-      message h "eval"
-      (starts-with "(clojure.walk/macroexpand-all (quote")
-      ; TODO: Fix the extra done status message here
-      (funcall h (with-map message "code"
-                           (lambda (s)
-                             (ppcre:regex-replace
-                               "clojure.walk/macroexpand-all"
-                               s
-                               "macroexpand")))))))
+  (starts-with "(clojure.walk/macroexpand-all (quote")
+  ; TODO: Fix the extra done status message here
+  (funcall h (with-map message "code"
+                       (lambda (s)
+                         (ppcre:regex-replace
+                           "clojure.walk/macroexpand-all"
+                           s
+                           "macroexpand")))))
-; (def-workaround (+ "[(symbol (str \"\\n\\b\" (apply str (interleave "
+; TODO: (def-workaround (+ "[(symbol (str \"\\n\\b\" (apply str (interleave "
 ;                    "(repeat \"\\n\") (map str (.getStackTrace *e)))) "
 ;                    "\"\\n\\b\\n\")) *3 *2 *1]")
 ;                 [session msg]