
Oh god it actually connects what have I done
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 01 Dec 2015 00:43:50 +0000 (2015-12-01)
parents 8ead66c5c0fb
children 332f8aadd163
branches/tags (none)
files nrepl.lisp sender.py


--- a/nrepl.lisp	Mon Nov 30 19:06:16 2015 +0000
+++ b/nrepl.lisp	Tue Dec 01 00:43:50 2015 +0000
@@ -94,13 +94,15 @@
         collect key))
 (defun starts-with (prefix str)
-  (string= str prefix :end1 (length prefix)))
+  (string= str prefix :end1 (min (length str)
+                                 (length prefix))))
 (defun l (&rest args)
   (apply #'format *log* args))
-(defun p (&rest args)
-  (apply #'format *log* "~a~%" args))
+(defun p (o)
+  (format *log* "~a~%" o)
+  o)
 ;;;; Sockets ------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -119,7 +121,11 @@
 (defun read-object (socket)
   "Read a map (and bdecode it) from *socket*."
-  (fset:convert 'fset:map (bencode:decode (get-stream socket))))
+  (fset:convert 'fset:map
+                ; fireplace's bencoding is fucked.
+                ; just ignore it its fine
+                (handler-bind ((error #'continue))
+                  (bencode:decode (get-stream socket)))))
 ;;; Patch in support for writing fset data types to bencode
@@ -173,7 +179,7 @@
         '("[(System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
           "(System/getProperty \"java.class.path\")]"))
-      (respond message (make-map "value" '("/" ":"))))))
+      (respond message (make-map "value" "[\"/\" \":\"]")))))
 (defun workaround-fireplace-star (h)
   (lambda (message)
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@
         '("[(System/getProperty \"path.separator\") "
           "(System/getProperty \"fake.class.path\")]"))
-      (respond message (make-map "value" '("/" "\"None\""))))))
+      (respond message (make-map "value" "[\"/\" \"None\"]")))))
 (defun workaround-fireplace-macroexpand-all (h)
   ; this should really do a macroexpand-all but this'll have to do for now
@@ -199,6 +205,7 @@
       message h "eval"
       (starts-with "(clojure.walk/macroexpand-all (quote")
+      ; TODO: Fix the extra done status message here
       (funcall h (with-map message "code"
                            (lambda (s)
@@ -242,7 +249,7 @@
   (setf *sessions* (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
 (defun create-session ()
-  (fset:empty-set))
+  (fset:empty-map))
 (defun register-session! (id session)
   (setf (gethash id *sessions*) session))
@@ -293,6 +300,14 @@
       (remove-session! (fset:lookup message "session"))
       (respond message (make-map "status" '("session-closed"))))))
+(defun wrap-session-clone (h)
+  (lambda (message)
+    (handle-op
+      message "clone" h
+      (let ((new-id (register-session! (random-uuid)
+                                       (fset:lookup message "session"))))
+        (respond message (make-map "status" '("done") "new-session" new-id))))))
 ;;; Eval
 (defclass evaluator ()
@@ -378,6 +393,72 @@
                                         (prin1-to-string arglist))))))))
+;;; Describe
+(defun make-version-map (major minor incremental)
+  (make-map "major" major
+            "minor" minor
+            "incremental" incremental
+            "version-string" (format nil "~d.~d.~d" major minor incremental)))
+(defun wrap-describe (h)
+  (lambda (message)
+    (handle-op
+      message "describe" h
+      (respond message
+               (make-map "status" '("done")
+                         "versions" (make-map
+                                      "lisp" (make-version-map 0 0 0)
+                                      "cl-nrepl" (make-version-map 0 0 0)
+                                      ; we're not nrepl but fireplace wants this
+                                      "nrepl" (make-version-map 0 2 0))
+                         "ops" (make-map))))))
+; {'aux': {'current-ns': 'user'},
+;  'ops': {'clone': {'doc': 'Clones the current session, returning the ID of the newly-created session.',
+;                    'optional': {'session': 'The ID of the session to be cloned; if not provided, a new session with default bindings is created, and mapped to the returned session ID.'},
+;                    'requires': {},
+;                    'returns': {'new-session': 'The ID of the new session.'}},
+;          'close': {'doc': 'Closes the specified session.',
+;                    'optional': {},
+;                    'requires': {'session': 'The ID of the session to be closed.'},
+;                    'returns': {}},
+;          'describe': {'doc': 'Produce a machine- and human-readable directory and documentation for the operations supported by an nREPL endpoint.',
+;                       'optional': {'verbose?': 'Include informational detail for each "op"eration in the return message.'},
+;                       'requires': {},
+;                       'returns': {'aux': 'Map of auxilliary data contributed by all of the active nREPL middleware via :describe-fn functions in their descriptors.',
+;                                   'ops': 'Map of "op"erations supported by this nREPL endpoint',
+;                                   'versions': 'Map containing version maps (like *clojure-version*, e.g. major, minor, incremental, and qualifier keys) for values, component names as keys. Common keys include "nrepl" and "clojure".'}},
+;          'eval': {'doc': 'Evaluates code.',
+;                   'optional': {'eval': 'A fully-qualified symbol naming a var whose function value will be used to evaluate [code], instead of `clojure.core/eval` (the default).',
+;                                'id': 'An opaque message ID that will be included in responses related to the evaluation, and which may be used to restrict the scope of a later "interrupt" operation.'},
+;                   'requires': {'code': 'The code to be evaluated.',
+;                                'session': 'The ID of the session within which to evaluate the code.'},
+;                   'returns': {'ex': 'The type of exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent.',
+;                               'ns': '*ns*, after successful evaluation of `code`.',
+;                               'root-ex': 'The type of the root exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent.',
+;                               'values': 'The result of evaluating `code`, often `read`able. This printing is provided by the `pr-values` middleware, and could theoretically be customized. Superseded by `ex` and `root-ex` if an exception occurs during evaluation.'}},
+;          'interrupt': {'doc': 'Attempts to interrupt some code evaluation.',
+;                        'optional': {'interrupt-id': 'The opaque message ID sent with the original "eval" request.'},
+;                        'requires': {'session': 'The ID of the session used to start the evaluation to be interrupted.'},
+;                        'returns': {'status': '\'interrupted\' if an evaluation was identified and interruption will be attempted\n\'session-idle\' if the session is not currently evaluating any code\n\'interrupt-id-mismatch\' if the session is currently evaluating code sent using a different ID than specified by the "interrupt-id" value '}},
+;          'load-file': {'doc': 'Loads a body of code, using supplied path and filename info to set source file and line number metadata. Delegates to underlying "eval" middleware/handler.',
+;                        'optional': {'file-name': 'Name of source file, e.g. io.clj',
+;                                     'file-path': 'Source-path-relative path of the source file, e.g. clojure/java/io.clj'},
+;                        'requires': {'file': 'Full contents of a file of code.'},
+;                        'returns': {'ex': 'The type of exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent.',
+;                                    'ns': '*ns*, after successful evaluation of `code`.',
+;                                    'root-ex': 'The type of the root exception thrown, if any. If present, then `values` will be absent.',
+;                                    'values': 'The result of evaluating `code`, often `read`able. This printing is provided by the `pr-values` middleware, and could theoretically be customized. Superseded by `ex` and `root-ex` if an exception occurs during evaluation.'}},
+;          'ls-sessions': {'doc': 'Lists the IDs of all active sessions.',
+;                          'optional': {},
+;                          'requires': {},
+;                          'returns': {'sessions': 'A list of all available session IDs.'}},
+;          'stdin': {'doc': 'Add content from the value of "stdin" to *in* in the current session.',
+;                    'optional': {},
+;                    'requires': {'stdin': 'Content to add to *in*.'},
+;                    'returns': {'status': 'A status of "need-input" will be sent if a session\'s *in* requires content in order to satisfy an attempted read operation.'}}},
 ;;; Plumbing
 (defun middleware ()
   "Return the stack of middleware.
@@ -389,6 +470,7 @@
+    #'wrap-session-clone
     ; just kill me please
@@ -396,6 +478,7 @@
+    #'wrap-describe
@@ -419,7 +502,8 @@
 (defun handler (socket lock)
   "Read a series of messages from the socket, handling each."
-  (loop (handle-message socket lock)))
+  (handler-case (loop (handle-message socket lock))
+    (end-of-file () nil)))
 ;;;; Server -------------------------------------------------------------------
--- a/sender.py	Mon Nov 30 19:06:16 2015 +0000
+++ b/sender.py	Tue Dec 01 00:43:50 2015 +0000
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
-            incoming = sock.recv(4096)
+            incoming = sock.recv(1024*1024) # one megabyte ought to be enough for anybody
             if incoming: