src/middleware/eval.lisp @ b806d22cf665
Fix symbol lookup a bit
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Tue, 12 Apr 2016 21:25:04 +0000 |
parents |
9d3d9514dbd8 |
children |
cfbc5d205fbd |
(in-package #:nrepl)
(define-condition evaluation-error (error)
((text :initarg :text :reader text)
(orig :initarg :orig :reader orig)
(data :initarg :data :reader data :initform ())))
(defclass evaluator ()
((standard-input :initarg :in :reader in)
(standard-output :initarg :out :reader out)
(standard-error :initarg :err :reader err)))
(defun shuttle-stream (from-stream stream-name message)
(do ((data "" (flex:octets-to-string
(flex:get-output-stream-sequence from-stream)
:external-format :utf-8)))
((and (not (open-stream-p from-stream))
(equal data ""))
(when (not (equal data ""))
(respond message (make-map "status" '("ok")
stream-name data)))
(sleep 0.1)))
(defun get-forms (code)
"Get all lisp forms from `code`.
If `code` is a string, the forms will be read out of it, and an
`evaluation-error` signaled if the input is mangled.
If `code` is anything else it will just be returned as-is.
(if (stringp code)
(read-all-from-string code)
(error (e)
(error 'evaluation-error
:text "Malformed input!"
:orig e)))
(defun clean-backtrace (backtrace)
(format nil "~{~A~^~%~}"
(loop :for line :in (split-sequence:split-sequence #\newline backtrace)
:until (ppcre:scan "NREPL::NREPL-EVALUATE-FORM" line)
:collect line)))
(defun nrepl-evaluate-form (form)
(declare (optimize (debug 3)))
;im so sorry you have to see this
(lambda (err)
; if we hit an error, print the backtrace to the stream before
; reraising. if we wait til later to print it, it'll be too late.
(error 'evaluation-error
:text "Error during evaluation!"
:orig err
:data (list
"form" (prin1-to-string form)
"backtrace" (clean-backtrace
#+sbcl (with-output-to-string (s)
:stream s
:print-frame-source t
:from :interrupted-frame))
#-sbcl "dunno"))))))
(eval form))))
(defun evaluate-forms (message forms)
"Evaluate each form in `forms` and shuttle back the responses.
`forms` can be a string, in which case the forms will be read out of it, or
a ready-to-go list of actual forms.
Other middlewares (e.g. `load-file`) can use this function to evaluate things
and send the results back to the user.
(let* ((captured-out (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
(captured-err (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
(flex:make-flexi-stream captured-out :external-format :utf-8))
(flex:make-flexi-stream captured-err :external-format :utf-8)))
(flet ((eval-form (form)
(let ((result (nrepl-evaluate-form form)))
(respond message
(make-map "form" (prin1-to-string form)
"value" result))))
(error-respond (e)
(respond message
(apply #'make-map
"status" '("error")
"error" (text e)
"original" (format nil "~A" (orig e))
(data e))))
(make-shuttle-thread (stream desc)
(lambda () (shuttle-stream stream desc message))
:name (format nil "NREPL ~A writer" desc))))
(make-shuttle-thread captured-out "stdout")
(make-shuttle-thread captured-err "stderr")
(loop :for form :in (get-forms forms) :do (eval-form form))
(respond message (make-map "status" '("done"))))
(evaluation-error (e) (error-respond e))))
(close captured-out)
(close captured-err)))))
(define-middleware wrap-eval "eval" message
(evaluate-forms message (fset:lookup message "code")))