author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sat, 09 Apr 2016 21:59:53 +0000 |
parents |
9cf977a17d89 |
children |
60462d4304de |
(in-package #:nrepl)
(defvar *log* *error-output*)
(defun pairs (sequence)
"Return a list of cons pairs of the items of the riffle `sequence`."
(loop :for (a b) :on sequence :by #'cddr
:collect (cons a b)))
(defun make-map (&rest keyvals)
"Create an fset map of the given riffle of keys and values."
(fset:convert 'fset:map (pairs keyvals)))
(defun with-when (map &rest keyvals)
"Add the items in the `keyvals` riffle with non-nil values to `map`."
(labels ((build (map keyvals)
(if (null keyvals)
(destructuring-bind (k v &rest remaining) keyvals
(build (if v
(fset:with map k v)
(build map keyvals)))
(defun read-all-from-string (s)
"Read all forms in `s` and return them as a list."
(labels ((read-next-from-string (s results)
(if (equal (string-trim " " s) "")
(multiple-value-bind (i pos) (read-from-string s)
(read-next-from-string (subseq s pos) (cons i results))))))
(nreverse (read-next-from-string s ()))))
(defun curry (fn &rest curried-args)
(lambda (&rest args)
(apply fn (append curried-args args))))
(defun random-uuid ()
"Return a random UUID as a string."
(format nil "~a" (uuid:make-v4-uuid)))
(defun hash-keys (h)
(loop :for key :being :the :hash-keys :of h
:collect key))
(defun l (&rest args)
(apply #'format *log* args))
(defun p (o)
(format *log* "~a~%" o)
(defun respond (message response)
"Respond to `message` with the `response` map.
Takes care of finding the transport and patching the message and session IDs
into the response.
(funcall (fset:lookup message "transport")
(with-when response
"id" (fset:lookup message "id")
"session" (fset:lookup message "session"))))
(defmethod print-object ((object hash-table) stream)
(format stream "#HASH{~%~{~{ (~s : ~s)~}~%~}}"
(loop :for key :being :the :hash-keys :of object
:using (hash-value value)
:collect (list key value))))