src/server.lisp @ 743c0a981785

Oh boy, here we go...

Finally getting back to poking at this.  Apparently my Common Lisp has gotten
better in the past six months because good lord this code looks bad now.

Anyway, a few changes:

* Make it run on CCL by working around a usocket bug.
* Remove the workaround hacks.  It's never gonna work with Fireplace anyway.
* Make the socket stream once instead of on every read/write so the GC doesn't hate us.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 09 Apr 2016 20:42:34 +0000
parents d74fc3dab8fa
children ba758da80c62
(in-package #:nrepl)

;;;; Config
(defvar *verbose-debug-output* nil)
(defvar *unthreaded* nil)

;;;; Plumbing
(defun handle-base (message)
  (respond message (make-map "status" '("unknown-op"))))

(defun middleware ()
  "Return the stack of middleware.

   In the future we should make this less horrifyingly inefficient, but for
   NREPL development its_fine.


(defun build-handler (base middleware)
  "Collapse the stack of middleware into a single handler function."
  (if middleware
    (funcall (car middleware)
             (build-handler base (cdr middleware)))

(defun handle (message)
  "Handle the given NREPL message."
  (when *verbose-debug-output*
    (l "Handling message: vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv~%")
    (l "~A~%" message)
    (l "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^~%"))
  (funcall (build-handler #'handle-base (middleware)) message))

(defun handle-message (socket-stream lock)
  "Read and handle a single message from the socket."
  (let ((message (fset:with (read-object socket-stream)
                   "transport" (curry #'write-object socket-stream lock))))
    (handle message)))

(defun handler (socket-stream lock)
  "Read a series of messages from the socket-stream, handling each."
  (p "Client connected...")
  (handler-case (loop (handle-message socket-stream lock))
    (end-of-file () nil))
  (p "Client disconnected..."))

;;;; Server
(defvar *server-thread* nil)

(defmacro run-in-thread (thread-name &rest body)
  "Run `body` in a thread called `name` (usually).  Return the thread.

  If `nrepl::*unthreaded*` is true, the body will be executed immediately in the
  current thread and `nil` will be returned instead.  Useful for debugging.

  `(let ((thunk (lambda () ,@body)))
    (if *unthreaded*
      (progn (funcall thunk) nil)
      (bt:make-thread thunk :name ,thread-name))))

(defun accept-connections (server-socket)
  "Accept connections to the server and spawn threads to handle each."
  (format t "Accepting connections...~%")
    (let* ((client-socket (usocket:socket-accept
                            :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
           (socket-stream (flex:make-flexi-stream
                            (usocket:socket-stream client-socket)
                            :external-format :utf-8))
           (write-lock (bt:make-lock "NREPL client writing lock")))
      (run-in-thread "NREPL Connection Handler"
            (handler socket-stream write-lock)
          (usocket:socket-close client-socket))))))

(defun start-server (&optional (address "") (port 8675))
  "Fire up a server thread that will listen for connections."
  (format t "Starting server...~%")
  (let ((socket (usocket:socket-listen
                  address port
                  :reuse-address t
                  ;; have to specify element-type here too because usocket+CCL
                  ;; fucks it up if you only specify it in socket-accept
                  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
    (setf *server-thread*
          (run-in-thread (format nil "NREPL Server (~a/~a)" address port)
                (accept-connections socket)
              (format t "Closing server socket...~%")
              (usocket:socket-close socket))))))

(defun stop-server ()
  "Kill the server thread, if it exists."
  (let ((s (shiftf *server-thread* nil)))
    (when s
      (bt:destroy-thread s))))