src/middleware/eval.lisp @ 743c0a981785

Oh boy, here we go...

Finally getting back to poking at this.  Apparently my Common Lisp has gotten
better in the past six months because good lord this code looks bad now.

Anyway, a few changes:

* Make it run on CCL by working around a usocket bug.
* Remove the workaround hacks.  It's never gonna work with Fireplace anyway.
* Make the socket stream once instead of on every read/write so the GC doesn't hate us.
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 09 Apr 2016 20:42:34 +0000
parents 15af562c7bca
children 7d0cd39ee703
(in-package #:nrepl)

(define-condition evaluation-error (error)
  ((text :initarg :text :reader text)
   (orig :initarg :orig :reader orig)
   (data :initarg :data :reader data :initform ())))

(defclass evaluator ()
  ((standard-input :initarg :in :reader in)
   (standard-output :initarg :out :reader out)
   (standard-error :initarg :err :reader err)))

(defun shuttle-stream (from-stream stream-name message)
  (do ((data "" (flex:octets-to-string
                  (flex:get-output-stream-sequence from-stream)
                  :external-format :utf-8)))
    ((and (not (open-stream-p from-stream))
          (equal data ""))
    (when (not (equal data ""))
      (respond message (make-map "status" '("ok")
                                 stream-name data)))
    (sleep 0.1)))

(defun get-forms (code)
  "Get all lisp forms from the given hunk of code.

   Signal an evaluation-error if the input is mangled.

    (read-all-from-string code)
    (error (e)
           (error 'evaluation-error
                  :text "Malformed input!"
                  :orig e))))

(defun clean-backtrace (backtrace)
  (format nil "~{~A~^~%~}"
          (loop :for line :in (split-sequence:split-sequence #\newline backtrace)
                :until (ppcre:scan "NREPL::NREPL-EVALUATE-FORM" line)
                :collect line)))

(defun nrepl-evaluate-form (form)
  (declare (optimize (debug 3)))
  ;im so sorry you have to see this
         (lambda (err)
           ; if we hit an error, print the backtrace to the stream before
           ; reraising.  if we wait til later to print it, it'll be too late.
           (error 'evaluation-error
                  :text "Error during evaluation!"
                  :orig err
                  :data (list
                          "form" (prin1-to-string form)
                          "backtrace" (clean-backtrace
                                        #+sbcl (with-output-to-string (s)
                                                   :stream s
                                                   :print-frame-source t
                                                   :from :interrupted-frame))
                                        #-sbcl "dunno"))))))
      (eval form))))

(define-middleware wrap-eval "eval" message
  (let* ((code (fset:lookup message "code"))
         (captured-out (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
         (captured-err (flex:make-in-memory-output-stream))
           (flex:make-flexi-stream captured-out :external-format :utf-8))
           (flex:make-flexi-stream captured-err :external-format :utf-8)))
    (flet ((eval-form (form)
             (let ((result (nrepl-evaluate-form form)))
               (respond message
                        (make-map "form" (prin1-to-string form)
                                  "value" result))))
           (error-respond (e)
             (respond message
                      (apply #'make-map
                             "status" '("error")
                             "error" (text e)
                             "original" (format nil "~A" (orig e))
                             (data e))))
           (make-shuttle-thread (stream desc)
               (lambda () (shuttle-stream stream desc message))
               :name (format nil "NREPL ~A writer" desc))))
          (make-shuttle-thread captured-out "stdout")
          (make-shuttle-thread captured-err "stderr")
              (loop for form in (get-forms code) do (eval-form form))
              (respond message (make-map "status" '("done"))))
            (evaluation-error (e) (error-respond e))))
        (close captured-out)
        (close captured-err)))))