
Add some docstrings
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 16 Jan 2018 23:12:25 -0500 (2018-01-17)
parents b8cc0a56b57e
children aa5470cfe026
branches/tags (none)
files src/main.lisp


--- a/src/main.lisp	Tue Jan 16 19:56:02 2018 -0500
+++ b/src/main.lisp	Tue Jan 16 23:12:25 2018 -0500
@@ -9,14 +9,12 @@
   (loop :while (eql #\# (peek-char t stream nil nil))
         :do (skip-comment stream)))
-(defun peek (stream)
-  (peek-char nil stream nil nil))
 (defun read-number (stream)
+  "Read the next ASCII-encoded number from `stream`."
   (skip-whitespace stream)
   (loop :with i = 0
-        :for ch = (peek stream)
+        :for ch = (peek-char nil stream nil nil)
         :while ch
         :for digit = (digit-char-p ch)
         :while digit
@@ -25,16 +23,18 @@
         :finally (return i)))
 (defun write-number (value stream)
+  "Write `value` to stream as an ASCII-encoded number."
   (format stream "~D " value))
 (defun read-magic-byte (stream)
+  "Read the initial `P#` from `stream`, returning the magic `#` character."
   (assert (eql (read-byte stream) (char-code #\P)))
   (code-char (read-byte stream)))
 (defun file-format (magic-byte)
-  "Return `(values format binary?)` for the given magic byte."
+  "Return `(values format binary?)` for the given magic byte character."
   (ecase magic-byte
     (#\1 (values :pbm nil))
     (#\2 (values :pgm nil))
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
     (#\6 (values :ppm t))))
 (defun magic-byte (file-format binary?)
+  "Return the magic byte character to use for the given format/encoding combination."
   (if binary?
     (ecase file-format
       (:pbm #\4)
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@
 (defun pixel-type (format bit-depth)
+  "Return the type specifier for a pixel of an image with the given `format` and `bit-depth`."
   (ecase format
     (:pbm 'bit)
     (:pgm `(integer 0 ,bit-depth))
@@ -83,7 +85,7 @@
                                                 (funcall reader stream)
                                                 (funcall reader stream))
                         :element-type 'fixnum))))))
-    data))
+    (values data format bit-depth)))
 (defun write% (data stream format binary? maximum-value)
@@ -106,6 +108,24 @@
 ;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defun read-from-stream (stream)
+  "Read a PPM image file from `stream`, returning an array of pixels and more.
+  `stream` must be a binary input stream.
+  The primary return value will be a 2D array with dimensions `(width height)`.
+  Each element of the array will be a single pixel whose type depends on the
+  image file format:
+  * PBM: `bit`
+  * PGM: `(integer 0 bit-depth)`
+  * PPM: `(simple-array (integer 0 bit-depth) (3))`
+  Two other values are returned:
+  * The format of the image that was read (one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`).
+  * The bit depth of the image.
+  "
   (multiple-value-bind (format binary?)
       (file-format (read-magic-byte stream))
     (read% (flexi-streams:make-flexi-stream stream :external-format :ascii)
@@ -115,18 +135,86 @@
                         (format :ppm)
                         (encoding :binary)
                         (bit-depth (ecase format (:pbm 1) ((:pgm :ppm) 255))))
+  "Write a PPM image array `data` to `stream`.
+  Nothing is returned.
+  `format` must be one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`.
+  `encoding` must be one of `:binary`, `:ascii`.
+  `bit-depth` must be the desired bit depth of the image (the maximum value any
+  particular pixel can have).  For PBM images it must be `1`.
+  For PBM and PGM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of integers
+  between `0` and `bit-depth` inclusive.
+  For PPM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of pixels, each of
+  which must be a 3 element vector of integers between `0` and `bit-depth`
+  inclusive.
+  "
   (check-type format (member :ppm :pgm :pbm))
   (check-type encoding (member :binary :ascii))
-  (write% data stream format (eql :binary encoding) bit-depth))
+  (if (eql format :pbm)
+    (check-type bit-depth (eql 1))
+    (check-type bit-depth (integer 1 *)))
+  (write% data stream format (eql :binary encoding) bit-depth)
+  (values))
 (defun read-from-file (path)
+  "Read a PPM image file from `path`, returning an array of pixels and more.
+  The primary return value will be a 2D array with dimensions `(width height)`.
+  Each element of the array will be a single pixel whose type depends on the
+  image file format:
+  * PBM: `bit`
+  * PGM: `(integer 0 bit-depth)`
+  * PPM: `(simple-array (integer 0 bit-depth) (3))`
+  Two other values are returned:
+  * The format of the image that was read (one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`).
+  * The bit depth of the image.
+  "
   (with-open-file (s path :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
     (read-from-stream s)))
 (defun write-to-file (path data &key
+                      (if-exists nil if-exists-given)
                       (format :ppm)
                       (encoding :binary)
                       (bit-depth (ecase format (:pbm 1) ((:pgm :ppm) 255))))
-  (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-    (write-to-stream s data :format format :encoding encoding :bit-depth bit-depth)))
+  "Write a PPM image array `data` to a file at `path`.
+  Nothing is returned.
+  `format` must be one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`.
+  `encoding` must be one of `:binary`, `:ascii`.
+  `bit-depth` must be the desired bit depth of the image (the maximum value any
+  particular pixel can have).  For PBM images it must be `1`.
+  For PBM and PGM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of integers
+  between `0` and `bit-depth` inclusive.
+  For PPM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of pixels, each of
+  which must be a 3 element vector of integers between `0` and `bit-depth`
+  inclusive.
+  "
+  (flet ((write-it (stream)
+           (write-to-stream stream data
+                            :format format
+                            :encoding encoding
+                            :bit-depth bit-depth)))
+    (if if-exists-given
+      (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+        (write-it s))
+      (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+        (write-it s))))
+  (values))