author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Tue, 14 Jan 2020 20:12:41 -0500 |
parents |
70f64dff49b5 |
children |
8f8345435007 |
(in-package :netpbm)
;;;; Peekable Streams ---------------------------------------------------------
(defstruct (peekable-stream (:conc-name nil)
(:constructor make-peekable-stream (s)))
(p nil :type (or null (unsigned-byte 8)))
(s (error "Required") :type stream))
(defun read-byte (stream &optional (eof-error-p t))
(if (p stream)
(prog1 (p stream)
(setf (p stream) nil))
(cl:read-byte (s stream) eof-error-p nil)))
(defun peek-byte (stream)
(when (null (p stream))
(setf (p stream) (cl:read-byte (s stream))))
(p stream))
(defun unread-byte (stream byte)
(assert (null (p stream)))
(setf (p stream) byte)
;;;; Implementation -----------------------------------------------------------
;;; TODO: We're explicit about ASCII values here, but other places in the code
;;; rely on char-code and friends returning ASCII. Eventually we should
;;; probably fix that.
(defconstant +space+ 32)
(defconstant +tab+ 9)
(defconstant +line-feed+ 10)
(defconstant +vertical-tab+ 11)
(defconstant +form-feed+ 12)
(defconstant +carriage-return+ 13)
(defconstant +comment-char+ 35)
(defun white-space-p (byte)
(if (member byte (list +space+ +form-feed+
+tab+ +vertical-tab+
+line-feed+ +carriage-return+))
(defun line-terminator-p (byte)
(if (member byte (list +line-feed+ +carriage-return+))
(defun skip-comment-body (stream)
(loop :until (line-terminator-p (read-byte stream))))
(defun skip-whitespace (stream)
(loop :for byte = (read-byte stream nil)
:while (white-space-p byte)
:finally (unread-byte stream byte)))
(defun error-junk (section byte)
(error "Junk byte in ~A data: ~D (~S)" section byte (code-char byte)))
(defun byte-to-digit (byte)
(when (and byte (<= (char-code #\0) byte (char-code #\9)))
(- byte (char-code #\0))))
(defun read-raster-number (stream)
"Read the next ASCII-encoded number from `stream` (does not allow comments)."
(skip-whitespace stream)
(loop :with i = nil
:for byte = (read-byte stream nil)
:for digit = (byte-to-digit byte)
:unless (or (null byte) digit (white-space-p byte))
:do (error-junk "raster" byte)
:while digit
:do (setf i (+ (* (or i 0) 10) digit))
:finally (return i)))
(defun read-header-number (stream)
"Read the next ASCII-encoded number from `stream` (allows comments)."
(skip-whitespace stream)
(loop :with i = nil
:for byte = (read-byte stream nil)
:for digit = (byte-to-digit byte)
:while byte
:while (cond ((= byte +comment-char+) (skip-comment-body stream) t)
(digit (setf i (+ (* (or i 0) 10) digit)) t)
((white-space-p byte) nil)
(t (error-junk "header" byte)))
:finally (return i)))
(defun read-magic-byte (stream)
"Read the initial `P#` from `stream`, returning the magic `#` character."
(assert (eql (cl:read-byte stream) (char-code #\P)) (stream)
"Stream ~S does not appear to be in P*M file."
(code-char (cl:read-byte stream)))
(defun write-string-as-bytes (string stream)
(loop :for ch :across string
:do (write-byte (char-code ch) stream)))
(defun format-to-stream (stream &rest format-args)
(write-string-as-bytes (apply #'format nil format-args) stream))
(defmacro check-number (place maximum-value)
`(assert (typep ,place `(integer 0 ,maximum-value)) (,place)
"Cannot write sample value ~D to Netpbm file with maximum value of ~D"
(defun write-number-ascii (value stream maximum-value)
"Write `value` to stream as an ASCII-encoded number, with sanity check."
(check-number value maximum-value)
(format-to-stream stream "~D " value))
(defun write-number-binary (value stream maximum-value)
"Write `value` to `stream` as a binary value, with sanity check."
(check-number value maximum-value)
(write-byte value stream))
(defun write-line-feed (stream)
(write-byte +line-feed+ stream))
(defun file-format (magic-byte)
"Return `(values format binary?)` for the given magic byte character."
(ecase magic-byte
(#\1 (values :pbm nil))
(#\2 (values :pgm nil))
(#\3 (values :ppm nil))
(#\4 (values :pbm t))
(#\5 (values :pgm t))
(#\6 (values :ppm t))))
(defun magic-byte (file-format binary?)
"Return the magic byte character to use for the given format/encoding combination."
(if binary?
(ecase file-format
(:pbm #\4)
(:pgm #\5)
(:ppm #\6))
(ecase file-format
(:pbm #\1)
(:pgm #\2)
(:ppm #\3))))
(defun pixel-type (format bit-depth)
"Return the type specifier for a pixel of an image with the given `format` and `bit-depth`."
(ecase format
(:pbm 'bit)
(:pgm `(integer 0 ,bit-depth))
(:ppm `(simple-array (integer 0 ,bit-depth) (3)))))
(defun bits (byte)
(loop :for i :from 7 :downto 0
:collect (ldb (byte 1 i) byte)))
(defun make-color (r g b)
(make-array 3
:initial-contents (list r g b)
:element-type 'fixnum))
;;;; Reading ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun read-bitmap-binary (stream &aux (buffer nil))
(flet ((read-bit (stream)
(when (null buffer)
(setf buffer (bits (read-byte stream))))
(pop buffer))
(flush-buffer ()
(setf buffer nil)))
(let* ((width (read-header-number stream))
(height (read-header-number stream))
(data (make-array (list width height) :element-type 'bit)))
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(setf (aref data x y) (- 1 (read-bit stream))))
(values data :pbm 1))))
(defun read-bitmap-ascii (stream)
(flet ((read-bit (stream)
(skip-whitespace stream)
(byte-to-digit (read-byte stream))))
(let* ((width (read-header-number stream))
(height (read-header-number stream))
(data (make-array (list width height) :element-type 'bit)))
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(setf (aref data x y) (- 1 (read-bit stream)))))
(values data :pbm 1))))
(defun read-graymap (stream binary?)
(let* ((width (read-header-number stream))
(height (read-header-number stream))
(bit-depth (read-header-number stream))
(data (make-array (list width height)
:element-type `(integer 0 ,bit-depth)))
(reader (if binary? #'read-byte #'read-raster-number)))
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(setf (aref data x y) (funcall reader stream))))
(values data :pgm bit-depth)))
(defun read-pixmap (stream binary?)
(let* ((width (read-header-number stream))
(height (read-header-number stream))
(bit-depth (read-header-number stream))
(data (make-array (list width height)
:element-type `(simple-array (integer 0 ,bit-depth) (3))))
(reader (if binary? #'read-byte #'read-raster-number)))
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(setf (aref data x y) (make-color (funcall reader stream)
(funcall reader stream)
(funcall reader stream)))))
(values data :ppm bit-depth)))
(defun read-texture (stream binary?)
(let* ((width (read-header-number stream))
(height (read-header-number stream))
(bit-depth (float (read-header-number stream) 1.0f0))
(data (make-array (* width height 3)
:element-type '(single-float 0.0 1.0)))
(reader (if binary? #'read-byte #'read-raster-number)))
(loop :for y :from (1- height) :downto 0 :do
(dotimes (x width)
(let ((i (+ (* y width 3) (* 3 x))))
(setf (aref data (+ i 0)) (/ (funcall reader stream) bit-depth)
(aref data (+ i 1)) (/ (funcall reader stream) bit-depth)
(aref data (+ i 2)) (/ (funcall reader stream) bit-depth)))))
(values data width height)))
(defun read-netpbm (stream format binary? texture?)
(if texture?
(ecase format
(:ppm (read-texture stream binary?)))
(ecase format
(:pbm (if binary?
(read-bitmap-binary stream)
(read-bitmap-ascii stream)))
(:pgm (read-graymap stream binary?))
(:ppm (read-pixmap stream binary?)))))
;;;; Writing ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun write-bitmap-binary (data stream &aux (buffer 0) (buffer-length 0))
(labels ((write-buffer (stream)
(write-byte buffer stream)
(setf buffer 0 buffer-length 0))
(write-bit (bit stream)
(setf buffer (+ (ash buffer 1) bit))
(incf buffer-length)
(when (= buffer-length 8)
(write-buffer stream)))
(flush-buffer (stream)
(when (plusp buffer-length)
(setf buffer (ash buffer (- 8 buffer-length)))
(write-buffer stream))))
(destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions data)
(format-to-stream stream "P~D~%~D ~D~%" (magic-byte :pbm t) width height)
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(let ((pixel (aref data x y)))
(write-bit (- 1 pixel) stream)))
(flush-buffer stream)))))
(defun write-bitmap-ascii (data stream)
(destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions data)
(format-to-stream stream "P~D~%~D ~D~%" (magic-byte :pbm nil) width height)
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(write-number-ascii (- 1 (aref data x y)) stream 1))
(write-line-feed stream))))
(defun write-graymap (data stream binary? maximum-value)
(let ((writer (if binary?
(destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions data)
(format-to-stream stream "P~D~%~D ~D~%~D~%"
(magic-byte :pgm binary?) width height maximum-value)
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(funcall writer (aref data x y) stream maximum-value))
(unless binary? (write-line-feed stream))))))
(defun write-pixmap (data stream binary? maximum-value)
(let ((writer (if binary?
(destructuring-bind (width height) (array-dimensions data)
(format-to-stream stream "P~D~%~D ~D~%~D~%"
(magic-byte :ppm binary?) width height maximum-value)
(dotimes (y height)
(dotimes (x width)
(let ((pixel (aref data x y)))
(funcall writer (aref pixel 0) stream maximum-value)
(funcall writer (aref pixel 1) stream maximum-value)
(funcall writer (aref pixel 2) stream maximum-value)))
(unless binary? (write-line-feed stream))))))
(defun write-netpbm (data stream format binary? maximum-value)
(ecase format
(:pbm (if binary?
(write-bitmap-binary data stream)
(write-bitmap-ascii data stream)))
(:pgm (write-graymap data stream binary? maximum-value))
(:ppm (write-pixmap data stream binary? maximum-value))))
;;;; API ----------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; TODO: The stream type checking here is kind of a mess. Basically what we
;;; care about is the following:
;;; * For input streams we need to be able to call (read-byte …) and get
;;; back numbers in the range 0-255.
;;; * For output streams we need to be able to call (write-byte …) with
;;; numbers in the range 0-255.
;;; As far as I can tell, there's no way to verify this in advance. Or, indeed,
;;; *at all*, because the spec for `write-byte` says:
;;; > Might signal an error of type type-error if byte is not an integer of the
;;; > stream element type of stream.
;;; "Might"?!
(defun read-from-stream (stream)
"Read a PPM image file from `stream`, returning an array of pixels and more.
`stream` must be a binary input stream, specifically of `(unsigned-byte 8)`s
unless you *really* know what you're doing.
The primary return value will be a 2D array with dimensions `(width height)`.
Each element of the array will be a single pixel whose type depends on the
image file format:
* PBM: `bit`
* PGM: `(integer 0 maximum-value)`
* PPM: `(simple-array (integer 0 maximum-value) (3))`
Two other values are returned:
* The format of the image that was read (one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`).
* The bit depth of the image.
(check-type stream stream)
(assert (input-stream-p stream) (stream)
"Stream ~S is not an input stream." stream)
(multiple-value-bind (format binary?)
(file-format (read-magic-byte stream))
(read-netpbm (make-peekable-stream stream) format binary? nil)))
(defun read-from-file (path)
"Read a PPM image file from `path`, returning an array of pixels and more.
The primary return value will be a 2D array with dimensions `(width height)`.
Each element of the array will be a single pixel whose type depends on the
image file format:
* PBM: `bit`
* PGM: `(integer 0 maximum-value)`
* PPM: `(simple-array (integer 0 maximum-value) (3))`
Two other values are returned:
* The format of the image that was read (one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`).
* The bit depth of the image.
(with-open-file (s path :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(read-from-stream s)))
(defun write-to-stream (stream data &key
(format :ppm)
(encoding :binary)
(maximum-value (ecase format (:pbm 1) ((:pgm :ppm) 255))))
"Write a PPM image array `data` to `stream`.
Nothing is returned.
`stream` must be a binary output stream, specifically of `(unsigned-byte 8)`s
unless you *really* know what you're doing.
`format` must be one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`.
`encoding` must be one of `:binary`, `:ascii`.
`maximum-value` must be the desired bit depth of the image (the maximum value
any particular pixel can have). For PBM images it must be `1`.
For PBM and PGM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of integers
between `0` and `maximum-value` inclusive.
For PPM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of pixels, each of
which must be a 3 element vector of integers between `0` and `maximum-value`
(check-type stream stream)
(assert (output-stream-p stream) (stream)
"Stream ~S is not an output stream." stream)
(check-type format (member :ppm :pgm :pbm))
(check-type encoding (member :binary :ascii))
(if (eql format :pbm)
(check-type maximum-value (eql 1))
(check-type maximum-value (integer 1 *)))
(write-netpbm data stream format (eql :binary encoding) maximum-value)
(defun write-to-file (path data &key
(if-exists nil if-exists-given)
(format :ppm)
(encoding :binary)
(maximum-value (ecase format (:pbm 1) ((:pgm :ppm) 255))))
"Write a PPM image array `data` to a file at `path`.
Nothing is returned.
`format` must be one of `:pbm`, `:pgm`, `:ppm`.
`encoding` must be one of `:binary`, `:ascii`.
`maximum-value` must be the desired bit depth of the image (the maximum value
any particular pixel can have). For PBM images it must be `1`.
For PBM and PGM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of integers
between `0` and `maximum-value` inclusive.
For PPM images, `data` must be a two dimensional array of pixels, each of
which must be a 3 element vector of integers between `0` and `maximum-value`
(check-type format (member :ppm :pgm :pbm))
(check-type encoding (member :binary :ascii))
(if (eql format :pbm)
(check-type maximum-value (eql 1))
(check-type maximum-value (integer 1 *)))
(flet ((write-it (stream)
(write-to-stream stream data
:format format
:encoding encoding
:maximum-value maximum-value)))
(if if-exists-given
(with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists if-exists :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(write-it s))
(with-open-file (s path :direction :output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(write-it s))))
(defun read-texture-from-file (path)
"Read a PPM image file from `path`, returning an OpenGL-style array and more.
The primary return value will be an OpenGL-style array of type:
(simple-array (single-float 0.0 1.0) (* width height 3))
The vertical axis of the image will be flipped, which is what OpenGL expects.
Three values are returned: the array, the width, and the height.
(with-open-file (s path :direction :input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
(read-texture-from-stream s)))
(defun read-texture-from-stream (stream)
"Read a PPM image file from `stream`, returning an OpenGL-style array and more.
`stream` must be a binary input stream, specifically of `(unsigned-byte 8)`s
unless you *really* know what you're doing. The stream must contain a PPM
formatted image — PBM and PGM images are not supported.
The primary return value will be an OpenGL-style array of type:
(simple-array (single-float 0.0 1.0) (* width height 3))
The vertical axis of the image will be flipped, which is what OpenGL expects.
Three values are returned: the array, the width, and the height.
(check-type stream stream)
(assert (input-stream-p stream) (stream)
"Stream ~S is not an input stream." stream)
(multiple-value-bind (format binary?)
(file-format (read-magic-byte stream))
(read-netpbm (make-peekable-stream stream) format binary? t)))