
Purge quickutils, add some more tests
[view raw] [browse files]
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 09 Apr 2021 22:54:39 -0400 (2021-04-10)
parents 4bbec114ea86
children 6bf064d46006
branches/tags (none)
files .lispwords DOCUMENTATION.markdown Makefile losh.asd package.lisp src/base.lisp src/clos.lisp src/control-flow.lisp src/debugging.lisp src/gnuplot.lisp src/hash-sets.lisp src/iterate.lisp src/lists.lisp src/package.lisp src/sequences.lisp test/control-flow.lisp test/example.txt test/lists.lisp test/package.lisp test/ring-buffers.lisp test/sequences.lisp vendor/make-quickutils.lisp vendor/quickutils.lisp


--- a/.lispwords	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/.lispwords	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
 (1 spit)
 (1 recursively)
+(1 do-file)
--- a/DOCUMENTATION.markdown	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/DOCUMENTATION.markdown	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -345,6 +345,44 @@
 Thread the given forms, with `_` as a placeholder.
+### `DO-FILE` (macro)
+      &BODY
+      BODY)
+Iterate over the contents of `file` using `reader`.
+    During iteration, `symbol` will be set to successive values read from the
+    file by `reader`.
+    `reader` can be any function that conforms to the usual reading interface,
+    i.e. anything that can handle `(read-foo stream eof-error-p eof-value)`.
+    Any keyword arguments other than `:reader` will be passed along to `open`.
+    If `nil` is used for one of the `:if-…` options to `open` and this results
+    in `open` returning `nil`, no iteration will take place.
+    An implicit block named `nil` surrounds the iteration, so `return` can be
+    used to terminate early.
+    Returns `nil` by default.
+    Examples:
+      (do-file (line "foo.txt")
+        (print line))
+      (do-file (form "foo.lisp" :reader #'read :external-format :EBCDIC-US)
+        (when (eq form :stop)
+          (return :stopped-early))
+        (print form))
+      (do-file (line "does-not-exist.txt" :if-does-not-exist nil)
+        (this-will-not-be-executed))
 ### `DO-IRANGE` (macro)
@@ -1464,17 +1502,57 @@
 Return a fresh list of the range `[1, to]`.
-### `N..` (function)
-    (N.. FROM BELOW)
-Return a fresh list of the range `[from, below)`.
-### `N...` (function)
-    (N... FROM TO)
-Return a fresh list of the range `[from, to]`.
+### `ASSOCAR` (function)
+Return the `car` of `(apply #'assoc item alist args)`.
+### `ASSOCDR` (function)
+Return the `cdr` of `(apply #'assoc item alist args)`.
+### `IRANGE` (function)
+Return a fresh list of the range `[start, end]` by `step`.
+  `end` can be smaller than `start`, in which case the numbers will be stepped
+  down instead of up.
+  `step` must always be a positive value, regardless of the direction of the
+  range.
+### `RANGE` (function)
+Return a fresh list of the range `[start, end)` by `step`.
+  `end` can be smaller than `start`, in which case the numbers will be stepped
+  down instead of up.
+  `step` must always be a positive value, regardless of the direction of the
+  range.
+### `RASSOCAR` (function)
+Return the `car` of `(apply #'rassoc item alist args)`.
+### `RASSOCDR` (function)
+Return the `cdr` of `(apply #'rassoc item alist args)`.
 ### `SOMELIST` (function)
@@ -1896,6 +1974,10 @@
 Return a random boolean with `chance` probability of `t`.
+Simple ring buffer implementation.
 ## Package `LOSH.SEQUENCES`
 Utilities for operating on sequences.
@@ -2014,7 +2096,7 @@
     (enumerate '(a b c) :start 1)
     ; => ((1 . A) (2 . B) (3 . C))
-    (enumerate '(a b c) :key #'ensure-keyword)
+    (enumerate '(a b c) :key #'alexandria:make-keyword)
     ; => ((0 . :A) (1 . :B) (2 . :C))
@@ -2333,6 +2415,7 @@
   * `stream`: output will be returned as a character stream.
   * `string`: all output will be gathered up and returned as a single string.
   * `list`: all output will be gathered up and returned as a list of lines.
+  * `vector`: all output will be gathered up and returned as a vector of octets.
   If `wait` is `nil`, the only acceptable values for `result-type` are `null`
   and `stream`.
--- a/Makefile	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/Makefile	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -2,12 +2,6 @@
 heading_printer = $(shell which heading || echo 'true')
 sourcefiles = $(shell ffind --full-path --literal .lisp)
-# Vendor ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-vendor: vendor/quickutils.lisp
-vendor/quickutils.lisp: vendor/make-quickutils.lisp
-	cd vendor && ros run -L sbcl --load make-quickutils.lisp  --eval '(quit)'
 # Documentation ---------------------------------------------------------------
 DOCUMENTATION.markdown: $(sourcefiles)
 	sbcl --noinform --load make-docs.lisp  --eval '(quit)'
--- a/losh.asd	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/losh.asd	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -9,37 +9,39 @@
   :in-order-to ((asdf:test-op (asdf:test-op :losh/test)))
-  :depends-on (:iterate
+  :depends-on (:alexandria
+               :iterate
                #+sbcl :sb-sprof)
-  :serial t
-  ((:module "vendor"
-    :serial t
-    :components ((:file "quickutils")))
-   (:file "package")
-   (:module "src"
+  ((:module "src"
     :components (
+                 ;; -1 --------------------------------------------------------
+                 (:file "package")
+                 (:file "base" :depends-on ("package"))
                  ;; 0 ---------------------------------------------------------
-                 (:file "chili-dogs")
-                 (:file "clos")
-                 (:file "eldritch-horrors")
-                 (:file "functions")
-                 (:file "hash-sets")
-                 (:file "io")
-                 (:file "lists")
-                 (:file "mutation")
-                 (:file "shell")
+                 (:file "chili-dogs" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "clos" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "eldritch-horrors" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "functions" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "hash-sets" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "io" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "lists" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "mutation" :depends-on ("base"))
+                 (:file "shell" :depends-on ("base"))
                  ;; 1 ---------------------------------------------------------
                  (:file "arrays" :depends-on ("chili-dogs"))
                  (:file "bits" :depends-on ("chili-dogs"))
                  (:file "queues" :depends-on ("chili-dogs"))
                  (:file "priority-queues" :depends-on ("mutation"))
+                 (:file "ring-buffers" :depends-on ("chili-dogs"
+                                                    "eldritch-horrors"
+                                                    "mutation"))
                  ;; 2 ---------------------------------------------------------
                  (:file "control-flow" :depends-on ("queues"))
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@
                  (:file "gnuplot" :depends-on ("control-flow"
+                                               "lists"
@@ -89,7 +92,8 @@
                              (:file "arrays")
                              (:file "lists")
                              (:file "sequences")
-                             (:file "control-flow"))))
+                             (:file "control-flow")
+                             (:file "ring-buffers"))))
   :perform (asdf:test-op (op system)
              (funcall (read-from-string "losh.test:run-tests"))))
--- a/package.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,468 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :losh.internal
-  (:use :cl))
-(in-package :losh.internal)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (defun external-symbols (package)
-    (let ((symbols nil))
-      (do-external-symbols (s (find-package package) symbols)
-        (push s symbols)))))
-(defmacro defpackage-inheriting (name parent-packages &rest args)
-  `(defpackage ,name
-     ,@args
-     ,@(loop :for parent-package :in parent-packages
-             :collect `(:use ,parent-package)
-             :collect `(:export ,@(external-symbols parent-package)))))
-(defpackage :losh.chili-dogs
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Gotta go FAST.")
-  (:export
-    :defun-inline
-    :defun-inlineable))
-(defpackage :losh.clos
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for working with CLOS.")
-  (:export
-    :defclass*
-    :define-condition*))
-(defpackage :losh.eldritch-horrors
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.")
-  (:export
-    :eval-dammit
-    :define-with-macro))
-(defpackage :losh.functions
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for working with higher-order functions.")
-  (:export
-    :juxt
-    :nullary
-    :fixed-point))
-(defpackage :losh.hash-sets
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Simple hash set implementation.")
-  (:export
-    :hash-set
-    :make-hash-set
-    :copy-hash-set
-    :hset-empty-p
-    :hset-contains-p
-    :hset-elements
-    :hset-count
-    :hset-insert!
-    :hset-remove!
-    :hset-pop!
-    :hset-clear!
-    :hset=
-    :hset-union
-    :hset-union!
-    :hset-intersection
-    :hset-intersection!
-    :hset-difference
-    :hset-difference!
-    :hset-filter
-    :hset-filter!
-    :hset-map
-    :hset-map!
-    :hset-reduce))
-(defpackage :losh.io
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for input/output/reading/etc.")
-  (:export
-    :read-all
-    :read-all-from-file
-    :read-all-from-string))
-(defpackage :losh.lists
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for operating on lists.")
-  (:export
-    :0..   :1..   :n..
-    :0...  :1...  :n...
-    :somelist
-    :assocar  :assocdr
-    :rassocar :rassocdr))
-(defpackage :losh.mutation
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for mutating places in-place.")
-  (:export
-    :zapf
-    :%
-    :mulf
-    :divf
-    :modf
-    :remainderf
-    :truncatef
-    :clampf
-    :negatef
-    :notf
-    :callf))
-(defpackage :losh.shell
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for interacting with external programs.")
-  (:export
-    :sh
-    :pbcopy
-    :pbpaste
-    :*pbcopy-command*
-    :*pbpaste-command*))
-(defpackage :losh.arrays
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs)
-  (:documentation "Utilities related to arrays.")
-  (:export
-    :do-array
-    :bisect-left
-    :bisect-right
-    :fill-multidimensional-array
-    :fill-multidimensional-array-t
-    :fill-multidimensional-array-fixnum
-    :fill-multidimensional-array-single-float
-    :vector-last))
-(defpackage :losh.bits
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for low-level bit stuff.")
-  (:export
-    :+/8
-    :-/8
-    :+/16
-    :-/16
-    :+/32
-    :-/32
-    :+/64
-    :-/64))
-(defpackage :losh.queues
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs)
-  (:documentation "A simple queue implementation.")
-  (:export
-    :queue
-    :make-queue
-    :queue-contents
-    :queue-size
-    :queue-empty-p
-    :enqueue
-    :dequeue
-    :queue-append))
-(defpackage :losh.priority-queues
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.mutation)
-  (:documentation "Jankass priority queue implementation.")
-  (:export
-    :priority-queue
-    :make-priority-queue
-    :pq-insert
-    :pq-ensure
-    :pq-dequeue))
-(defpackage :losh.ring-buffers
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs
-    :losh.eldritch-horrors
-    :losh.mutation)
-  (:documentation "Simple ring buffer implementation.")
-  (:export
-    :do-ring-buffer
-    :make-ring-buffer
-    :rb-contents
-    :rb-count
-    :rb-empty-p
-    :rb-full-p
-    :rb-pop
-    :rb-push
-    :rb-ref
-    :rb-safe-push
-    :rb-size
-    :ring-buffer
-    ))
-(defpackage :losh.control-flow
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.queues)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for managing control flow.")
-  (:export
-    :-<>
-    :<>
-    :_
-    :nest
-    :recursively
-    :recur
-    :when-found
-    :if-found
-    :gathering
-    :gathering-vector
-    :gather
-    :if-let
-    :if-let*
-    :when-let
-    :when-let*
-    :multiple-value-bind*
-    :do-repeat
-    :do-range
-    :do-irange
-    :do-file))
-(defpackage :losh.math
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs
-    :losh.control-flow)
-  (:documentation "Utilities related to math and numbers.")
-  (:export
-    :tau
-    :tau/2
-    :1/2tau
-    :tau/4
-    :1/4tau
-    :2/4tau
-    :3/4tau
-    :tau/8
-    :1/8tau
-    :2/8tau
-    :3/8tau
-    :4/8tau
-    :5/8tau
-    :6/8tau
-    :7/8tau
-    :clamp
-    :degrees
-    :dividesp
-    :in-range-p
-    :lerp
-    :map-range
-    :norm
-    :precise-lerp
-    :radians
-    :square
-    :digit))
-(defpackage :losh.hash-tables
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.control-flow)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for operating on hash tables.")
-  (:export
-    :hash-table-contents
-    :mutate-hash-values
-    :remhash-if
-    :remhash-if-not
-    :remhash-if-key
-    :remhash-if-not-key
-    :remhash-if-value
-    :remhash-if-not-value))
-(defpackage :losh.iterate
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.hash-sets
-    :losh.ring-buffers)
-  (:documentation "Custom `iterate` drivers and clauses.")
-  (:export
-    :across-flat-array
-    :against
-    :anding
-    :averaging
-    :collect-frequencies
-    :collect-hash
-    :collect-set
-    :cycling
-    :end
-    :every-nth
-    :finding-all
-    :finding-first
-    :for-nested
-    :in-array
-    :in-hashset
-    :in-lists
-    :in-ring-buffer
-    :in-sequences
-    :in-whatever
-    :index-of-flat-array
-    :initially
-    :into
-    :macroexpand-iterate
-    :matching
-    :modulo
-    :oring
-    :overlap
-    :pairs-of-list
-    :per-iteration-into
-    :real-time
-    :returning
-    :run-time
-    :seed
-    :since-start-into
-    :skip-origin
-    :start
-    :test
-    :then
-    :timing
-    :within-radius
-    ))
-(defpackage :losh.random
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs
-    :losh.math)
-  (:documentation "Utilities related to randomness.")
-  (:export
-    :randomp
-    :random-elt
-    :random-range
-    :random-range-exclusive
-    :random-range-inclusive
-    :random-around
-    :random-gaussian
-    :random-gaussian-integer
-    :d))
-(defpackage :losh.sequences
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.chili-dogs
-    :losh.functions
-    :losh.hash-tables
-    :losh.iterate
-    :losh.mutation)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for operating on sequences.")
-  (:export
-    :extrema
-    :enumerate
-    :prefix-sums
-    :frequencies
-    :proportions
-    :group-by
-    :take
-    :take-while
-    :drop
-    :drop-while
-    :summation
-    :product
-    :doseq
-    :string-join
-    :define-sorting-predicate
-    :make-sorting-predicate))
-(defpackage :losh.debugging
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.math
-    :losh.control-flow
-    :losh.hash-tables)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for figuring out what the hell is going on.")
-  (:export
-    #+sbcl :profile
-    #+sbcl :start-profiling
-    #+sbcl :stop-profiling
-    :aesthetic-string
-    :bits
-    :comment
-    :dis
-    :gimme
-    :hex
-    :phr
-    :pr
-    :pretty-print-hash-table
-    :print-table
-    :prl
-    :shut-up
-    :structural-string
-    ))
-(defpackage :losh.gnuplot
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.control-flow
-    :losh.debugging
-    :losh.sequences)
-  (:documentation "Utilities for plotting data with gnuplot.")
-  (:export
-    :gnuplot
-    :gnuplot-args
-    :gnuplot-function
-    :gnuplot-histogram))
-(defpackage :losh.weightlists
-  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.quickutils
-    :losh.sequences)
-  (:documentation
-    "A simple data structure for choosing random items with weighted probabilities.")
-  (:export
-    :weightlist
-    :weightlist-weights
-    :weightlist-items
-    :make-weightlist
-    :weightlist-random))
-(defpackage-inheriting :losh
-  (
-   :losh.arrays
-   :losh.bits
-   :losh.chili-dogs
-   :losh.clos
-   :losh.control-flow
-   :losh.debugging
-   :losh.eldritch-horrors
-   :losh.functions
-   :losh.gnuplot
-   :losh.hash-sets
-   :losh.hash-tables
-   :losh.io
-   :losh.iterate
-   :losh.lists
-   :losh.math
-   :losh.mutation
-   :losh.priority-queues
-   :losh.queues
-   :losh.random
-   :losh.ring-buffers
-   :losh.sequences
-   :losh.shell
-   :losh.weightlists
-   )
-  (:use
-    :cl
-    :iterate
-    :losh.quickutils)
-  (:documentation
-    "This package exports all of the symbols in the other packages.
-  If you just want to get everything you can `:use` this one and be done with
-  it.  Otherwise you can `:use` only the ones you need.
-  "))
-;;;; Remember to add it to the docs!
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/base.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(in-package :losh.base)
+(defun mkstr (&rest args)
+  ;;; From On Lisp, page 58.
+  (with-output-to-string (s)
+    (dolist (a args)
+      (princ a s))))
+(defun symb (&rest args)
+  ;;; From On Lisp, page 58.
+  (values (intern (apply #'mkstr args))))
--- a/src/clos.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/clos.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   (destructuring-bind (name &rest slot-options) (ensure-list slot-spec)
       ,@(unless (getf slot-options :initarg)
-          `(:initarg ,(ensure-keyword name)))
+          `(:initarg ,(alexandria:make-keyword name)))
       ,@(unless (or (getf slot-options :reader)
                     (getf slot-options :writer)
                     (getf slot-options :accessor))
--- a/src/control-flow.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/control-flow.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
   (with-gensyms (outer inner)
-    (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (parse-body body)
+    (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (alexandria:parse-body body)
       (destructuring-bind (then else) body
         `(block ,outer
            (block ,inner
@@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
   (with-gensyms (outer inner)
-    (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (parse-body body)
+    (multiple-value-bind (body declarations) (alexandria:parse-body body)
       (destructuring-bind (then else) body
         `(block ,outer
            (block ,inner
--- a/src/debugging.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/debugging.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@
                     (mapcar (curry #'mapcar (compose #'length #'aesthetic-string))
                             rows))) ; lol
       (for row :in rows)
-      (format t "~{~vA~^ | ~}~%" (weave column-sizes row))))
+      (format t "~{~vA~^ | ~}~%" (mapcan #'list column-sizes row))))
--- a/src/gnuplot.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/gnuplot.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
               (* bin-width (round y bin-width)))
-    hash-table-alist
+    alexandria:hash-table-alist
     (apply #'gnuplot <>
            :style :boxes
            :min-y 0
--- a/src/hash-sets.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/hash-sets.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -226,6 +226,6 @@
 (define-hset-op hset-elements (hset)
   "Return a fresh list containing the elements of `hset`."
-  (hash-table-keys storage))
+  (alexandria:hash-table-keys storage))
--- a/src/iterate.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/iterate.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@
         (with ,len = nil)
         (with ,idx = nil)
-        (generate ,seq :in-whatever (remove-if #'emptyp ,seqs))
+        (generate ,seq :in-whatever (remove-if #'alexandria:emptyp ,seqs))
         (,kwd ,var next
            (when (seq-done-p ,seq ,len ,idx)
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
 (defun keywordize-clause (clause)
     (for (k v . nil) :on clause :by #'cddr)
-    (collect (ensure-keyword k))
+    (collect (alexandria:make-keyword k))
     (collect v)))
 (defun keywordize-some-of-clause (clause)
--- a/src/lists.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/lists.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -15,29 +15,52 @@
              (thereis (funcall predicate l)))))
+(defun range (start end &key (step 1))
+  "Return a fresh list of the range `[start, end)` by `step`.
+  `end` can be smaller than `start`, in which case the numbers will be stepped
+  down instead of up.
+  `step` must always be a positive value, regardless of the direction of the
+  range.
+  "
+  (check-type step (real (0) *))
+  (if (<= start end)
+    (loop :for i :from start :below end :by step :collect i)
+    (loop :for i :downfrom start :above end :by step :collect i)))
+(defun irange (start end &key (step 1))
+  "Return a fresh list of the range `[start, end]` by `step`.
+  `end` can be smaller than `start`, in which case the numbers will be stepped
+  down instead of up.
+  `step` must always be a positive value, regardless of the direction of the
+  range.
+  "
+  (check-type step (real (0) *))
+  (if (<= start end)
+    (loop :for i :from start :to end :by step :collect i)
+    (loop :for i :downfrom start :to end :by step :collect i)))
 (defun 0.. (below)
   "Return a fresh list of the range `[0, below)`."
-  (loop :for i :from 0 :below below :collect i))
+  (range 0 below))
 (defun 1.. (below)
   "Return a fresh list of the range `[1, below)`."
-  (loop :for i :from 1 :below below :collect i))
-(defun n.. (from below)
-  "Return a fresh list of the range `[from, below)`."
-  (loop :for i :from from :below below :collect i))
+  (range 1 below))
 (defun 0... (to)
   "Return a fresh list of the range `[0, to]`."
-  (loop :for i :from 0 :to to :collect i))
+  (irange 0 to))
 (defun 1... (to)
   "Return a fresh list of the range `[1, to]`."
-  (loop :for i :from 1 :to to :collect i))
-(defun n... (from to)
-  "Return a fresh list of the range `[from, to]`."
-  (loop :for i :from from :to to :collect i))
+  (irange 1 to))
 (declaim (inline assocar assocdr rassocar rassocdr
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/package.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,481 @@
+(defpackage :losh.internal
+  (:use :cl))
+(in-package :losh.internal)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defun external-symbols (package)
+    (let ((symbols nil))
+      (do-external-symbols (s (find-package package) symbols)
+        (push s symbols)))))
+(defmacro defpackage-inheriting (name parent-packages &rest args)
+  `(defpackage ,name
+     ,@args
+     ,@(loop :for parent-package :in parent-packages
+             :collect `(:use ,parent-package)
+             :collect `(:export ,@(external-symbols parent-package)))))
+(defpackage :losh.base
+  (:use :cl)
+  (:import-from :alexandria
+    :compose :curry :rcurry
+    :with-gensyms :once-only
+    :ensure-list
+    )
+  (:export
+    :compose :curry :rcurry
+    :with-gensyms :once-only
+    :ensure-list
+    :symb :mkstr))
+(defpackage :losh.chili-dogs
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Gotta go FAST.")
+  (:export
+    :defun-inline
+    :defun-inlineable))
+(defpackage :losh.clos
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for working with CLOS.")
+  (:export
+    :defclass*
+    :define-condition*))
+(defpackage :losh.eldritch-horrors
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.")
+  (:export
+    :eval-dammit
+    :define-with-macro))
+(defpackage :losh.functions
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for working with higher-order functions.")
+  (:export
+    :juxt
+    :nullary
+    :fixed-point))
+(defpackage :losh.hash-sets
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Simple hash set implementation.")
+  (:export
+    :hash-set
+    :make-hash-set
+    :copy-hash-set
+    :hset-empty-p
+    :hset-contains-p
+    :hset-elements
+    :hset-count
+    :hset-insert!
+    :hset-remove!
+    :hset-pop!
+    :hset-clear!
+    :hset=
+    :hset-union
+    :hset-union!
+    :hset-intersection
+    :hset-intersection!
+    :hset-difference
+    :hset-difference!
+    :hset-filter
+    :hset-filter!
+    :hset-map
+    :hset-map!
+    :hset-reduce))
+(defpackage :losh.io
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for input/output/reading/etc.")
+  (:export
+    :read-all
+    :read-all-from-file
+    :read-all-from-string))
+(defpackage :losh.lists
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for operating on lists.")
+  (:export
+    :0..   :1..   :range
+    :0...  :1...  :irange
+    :somelist
+    :assocar  :assocdr
+    :rassocar :rassocdr))
+(defpackage :losh.mutation
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for mutating places in-place.")
+  (:export
+    :zapf
+    :%
+    :mulf
+    :divf
+    :modf
+    :remainderf
+    :truncatef
+    :clampf
+    :negatef
+    :notf
+    :callf))
+(defpackage :losh.shell
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for interacting with external programs.")
+  (:export
+    :sh
+    :pbcopy
+    :pbpaste
+    :*pbcopy-command*
+    :*pbpaste-command*))
+(defpackage :losh.arrays
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs)
+  (:documentation "Utilities related to arrays.")
+  (:export
+    :do-array
+    :bisect-left
+    :bisect-right
+    :fill-multidimensional-array
+    :fill-multidimensional-array-t
+    :fill-multidimensional-array-fixnum
+    :fill-multidimensional-array-single-float
+    :vector-last))
+(defpackage :losh.bits
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for low-level bit stuff.")
+  (:export
+    :+/8
+    :-/8
+    :+/16
+    :-/16
+    :+/32
+    :-/32
+    :+/64
+    :-/64))
+(defpackage :losh.queues
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs)
+  (:documentation "A simple queue implementation.")
+  (:export
+    :queue
+    :make-queue
+    :queue-contents
+    :queue-size
+    :queue-empty-p
+    :enqueue
+    :dequeue
+    :queue-append))
+(defpackage :losh.priority-queues
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.mutation)
+  (:documentation "Jankass priority queue implementation.")
+  (:export
+    :priority-queue
+    :make-priority-queue
+    :pq-insert
+    :pq-ensure
+    :pq-dequeue))
+(defpackage :losh.ring-buffers
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs
+    :losh.eldritch-horrors
+    :losh.mutation)
+  (:documentation "Simple ring buffer implementation.")
+  (:export
+    :do-ring-buffer
+    :make-ring-buffer
+    :rb-contents
+    :rb-count
+    :rb-empty-p
+    :rb-full-p
+    :rb-pop
+    :rb-push
+    :rb-ref
+    :rb-safe-push
+    :rb-size
+    :ring-buffer
+    ))
+(defpackage :losh.control-flow
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.queues)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for managing control flow.")
+  (:export
+    :-<>
+    :<>
+    :_
+    :nest
+    :recursively
+    :recur
+    :when-found
+    :if-found
+    :gathering
+    :gathering-vector
+    :gather
+    :if-let
+    :if-let*
+    :when-let
+    :when-let*
+    :multiple-value-bind*
+    :do-repeat
+    :do-range
+    :do-irange
+    :do-file))
+(defpackage :losh.math
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs
+    :losh.control-flow)
+  (:documentation "Utilities related to math and numbers.")
+  (:export
+    :tau
+    :tau/2
+    :1/2tau
+    :tau/4
+    :1/4tau
+    :2/4tau
+    :3/4tau
+    :tau/8
+    :1/8tau
+    :2/8tau
+    :3/8tau
+    :4/8tau
+    :5/8tau
+    :6/8tau
+    :7/8tau
+    :clamp
+    :degrees
+    :dividesp
+    :in-range-p
+    :lerp
+    :map-range
+    :norm
+    :precise-lerp
+    :radians
+    :square
+    :digit))
+(defpackage :losh.hash-tables
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.control-flow)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for operating on hash tables.")
+  (:export
+    :hash-table-contents
+    :mutate-hash-values
+    :remhash-if
+    :remhash-if-not
+    :remhash-if-key
+    :remhash-if-not-key
+    :remhash-if-value
+    :remhash-if-not-value))
+(defpackage :losh.iterate
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.hash-sets
+    :losh.ring-buffers)
+  (:documentation "Custom `iterate` drivers and clauses.")
+  (:export
+    :across-flat-array
+    :against
+    :anding
+    :averaging
+    :collect-frequencies
+    :collect-hash
+    :collect-set
+    :cycling
+    :end
+    :every-nth
+    :finding-all
+    :finding-first
+    :for-nested
+    :in-array
+    :in-hashset
+    :in-lists
+    :in-ring-buffer
+    :in-sequences
+    :in-whatever
+    :index-of-flat-array
+    :initially
+    :into
+    :macroexpand-iterate
+    :matching
+    :modulo
+    :oring
+    :overlap
+    :pairs-of-list
+    :per-iteration-into
+    :real-time
+    :returning
+    :run-time
+    :seed
+    :since-start-into
+    :skip-origin
+    :start
+    :test
+    :then
+    :timing
+    :within-radius
+    ))
+(defpackage :losh.random
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs
+    :losh.math)
+  (:documentation "Utilities related to randomness.")
+  (:export
+    :randomp
+    :random-elt
+    :random-range
+    :random-range-exclusive
+    :random-range-inclusive
+    :random-around
+    :random-gaussian
+    :random-gaussian-integer
+    :d))
+(defpackage :losh.sequences
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs
+    :losh.functions
+    :losh.hash-tables
+    :losh.iterate
+    :losh.mutation)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for operating on sequences.")
+  (:export
+    :extrema
+    :enumerate
+    :prefix-sums
+    :frequencies
+    :proportions
+    :group-by
+    :take
+    :take-while
+    :drop
+    :drop-while
+    :summation
+    :product
+    :doseq
+    :string-join
+    :define-sorting-predicate
+    :make-sorting-predicate))
+(defpackage :losh.debugging
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.math
+    :losh.control-flow
+    :losh.hash-tables)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for figuring out what the hell is going on.")
+  (:export
+    #+sbcl :profile
+    #+sbcl :start-profiling
+    #+sbcl :stop-profiling
+    :aesthetic-string
+    :bits
+    :comment
+    :dis
+    :gimme
+    :hex
+    :phr
+    :pr
+    :pretty-print-hash-table
+    :print-table
+    :prl
+    :shut-up
+    :structural-string
+    ))
+(defpackage :losh.gnuplot
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.control-flow
+    :losh.debugging
+    :losh.lists
+    :losh.sequences)
+  (:documentation "Utilities for plotting data with gnuplot.")
+  (:export
+    :gnuplot
+    :gnuplot-args
+    :gnuplot-function
+    :gnuplot-histogram))
+(defpackage :losh.weightlists
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.sequences)
+  (:documentation
+    "A simple data structure for choosing random items with weighted probabilities.")
+  (:export
+    :weightlist
+    :weightlist-weights
+    :weightlist-items
+    :make-weightlist
+    :weightlist-random))
+(defpackage-inheriting :losh
+  (
+   :losh.arrays
+   :losh.bits
+   :losh.chili-dogs
+   :losh.clos
+   :losh.control-flow
+   :losh.debugging
+   :losh.eldritch-horrors
+   :losh.functions
+   :losh.gnuplot
+   :losh.hash-sets
+   :losh.hash-tables
+   :losh.io
+   :losh.iterate
+   :losh.lists
+   :losh.math
+   :losh.mutation
+   :losh.priority-queues
+   :losh.queues
+   :losh.random
+   :losh.ring-buffers
+   :losh.sequences
+   :losh.shell
+   :losh.weightlists
+   )
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base)
+  (:documentation
+    "This package exports all of the symbols in the other packages.
+  If you just want to get everything you can `:use` this one and be done with
+  it.  Otherwise you can `:use` only the ones you need.
+  "))
+;;;; Remember to add it to the docs!
--- a/src/sequences.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/src/sequences.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   (let* ((freqs (frequencies sequence :test test :key key))
-         (total (reduce #'+ (hash-table-values freqs)
+         (total (reduce #'+ (alexandria:hash-table-values freqs)
                         :initial-value (if float 1.0 1))))
     (mutate-hash-values (lambda (v) (/ v total))
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@
     (enumerate '(a b c) :start 1)
     ; => ((1 . A) (2 . B) (3 . C))
-    (enumerate '(a b c) :key #'ensure-keyword)
+    (enumerate '(a b c) :key #'alexandria:make-keyword)
     ; => ((0 . :A) (1 . :B) (2 . :C))
--- a/test/control-flow.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/test/control-flow.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -193,6 +193,12 @@
                (do-repeat 0
                  (gather 1))))))
+(define-test do-file
+  (is (equal '("1" "2" "34")
+             (gathering (do-file (line "test/example.txt") (gather line)))))
+  (is (equal '(1 2 34)
+             (gathering (do-file (s "test/example.txt" :reader #'read) (gather s))))))
 (define-test gathering
   #+sbcl (declare (sb-ext:muffle-conditions sb-ext:code-deletion-note))
@@ -245,4 +251,3 @@
                      (d b)))
                (list a b c d)))))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/example.txt	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
--- a/test/lists.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/test/lists.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -20,3 +20,4 @@
                        '(a b c d e)
                        '(e d c b a)))))
--- a/test/package.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/test/package.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
 (defpackage :losh.test
-  (:use :cl :1am :losh)
+  (:use :cl :1am :losh :iterate)
   (:shadowing-import-from :1am :test)
   (:export :run-tests))
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/test/ring-buffers.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+(in-package :losh.test)
+(defun check-ring-buffer (rb expected-contents)
+  ;; rb-contents
+  (is (equal expected-contents (rb-contents rb)))
+  ;; rb-count
+  (is (= (length expected-contents) (rb-count rb)))
+  ;; rb-empty
+  (if (null expected-contents)
+    (is (rb-empty-p rb))
+    (is (not (rb-empty-p rb))))
+  ;; rb-full
+  (if (= (length expected-contents) (1- (rb-size rb)))
+    (is (rb-full-p rb))
+    (is (not (rb-full-p rb))))
+  ;; do-ring-buffer
+  (let ((contents expected-contents))
+    (do-ring-buffer (val rb)
+      (is (equal (pop contents) val)))
+    (is (null contents)))
+  ;; iterate driver
+  (let ((contents expected-contents))
+    (iterate (for val :in-ring-buffer rb)
+             (is (equal (pop contents) val)))
+    (is (null contents)))
+  ;; rb-ref
+  (iterate (for val :in expected-contents)
+           (for i :from 0)
+           (is (equal val (rb-ref rb i))))
+  (iterate (for val :in (reverse expected-contents))
+           (for i :downfrom -1)
+           (is (equal val (rb-ref rb i)))))
+(define-test basic-ring-buffers
+  (let ((rb (make-ring-buffer :size 4)))
+    (check-ring-buffer rb '())
+    (is (= 4 (rb-size rb)))
+    (rb-push rb 'a)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(a))
+    (rb-push rb 'b)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(a b))
+    (rb-push rb 'c)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(a b c))
+    (rb-push rb 'd)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(b c d))
+    (rb-push rb 'e)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(c d e))
+    (rb-push rb 'f)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(d e f))
+    (rb-push rb 'g)             (check-ring-buffer rb '(e f g))
+    (is (eql 'e (rb-pop rb)))   (check-ring-buffer rb '(f g))
+    (is (eql 'f (rb-pop rb)))   (check-ring-buffer rb '(g))
+    (is (eql 'g (rb-pop rb)))   (check-ring-buffer rb '())
+    (signals error (rb-pop rb))
+    (check-ring-buffer rb '())
+    (rb-safe-push rb 'a)
+    (rb-safe-push rb 'b)
+    (rb-safe-push rb 'c)
+    (is (= 4 (rb-size rb)))
+    (check-ring-buffer rb '(a b c))
+    (signals error (rb-safe-push rb 'd))))
+(define-test fuzz-ring-buffers
+  (do-range ((n 2 30))
+    (iterate
+      (with rb = (make-ring-buffer :size n))
+      (with data = (coerce (0... 400) 'vector))
+      (with i = 0)
+      (repeat 400)
+      ;; Randomly push/pop (but never try to pop if empty).
+      (if (or (rb-empty-p rb) (randomp 0.7))
+        (progn (rb-push rb (aref data i))
+               (incf i))
+        (rb-pop rb))
+      (for expected = (coerce (subseq data (- i (rb-count rb)) i) 'list))
+      (check-ring-buffer rb expected))))
--- a/test/sequences.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ b/test/sequences.lisp	Fri Apr 09 22:54:39 2021 -0400
@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
 (in-package :losh.test)
+(defparameter *words* nil)
+(defun words ()
+  (when (null *words*)
+    (setf *words* (gathering-vector ()
+                    (do-file (line "/usr/share/dict/words")
+                      (gather line)))))
+  *words*)
 (define-test make-sorting-predicate
   (flet ((check (original expected &rest preds)
@@ -54,7 +62,6 @@
   (#'< :key #'length)
 (define-test define-sorting-predicate
   (flet ((check (original expected pred)
            (let ((actual (sort (copy-seq original) pred)))
@@ -75,6 +82,51 @@
            '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
+(defun sortedp (sequence predicate)
+  ;; TODO Should this be a util of its own?
+  (etypecase sequence
+    (list (loop :for x = (pop sequence)
+                :until (null sequence)
+                :never (funcall predicate (first sequence) x)))
+    (sequence (loop :with l = (length sequence)
+                    :for x :from 0 :below l
+                    :for y :from 1 :below l
+                    :never (funcall predicate (elt sequence y) (elt sequence x))))))
+(defun vowelp (char)
+  (find (char-downcase char) "aeiou"))
+(defun vowels< (a b)
+  (< (count-if #'vowelp a) (count-if #'vowelp b)))
+(defun random-elts (n sequence &key (result-type 'list))
+  "Return `N` random elements from `sequence` (duplicates allowed).
+  This wil not be fast if `sequence` is a list.
+  "
+  (ecase result-type
+    (list (loop :repeat n :collect (random-elt sequence)))
+    (vector (loop :with result = (make-array n)
+                  :for i :from 0 :below n
+                  :do (setf (aref result i) (random-elt sequence))
+                  :finally (return result)))))
+(define-test fuzz-sorting-predicates
+  (let ((specs (vector 'string<
+                       (cons '< 'length)
+                       (cons 'string< 'reverse)
+                       'vowels<
+                       (cons '< 'sxhash)))
+        (words (words)))
+    (do-repeat 256
+      (let* ((specs (random-elts (random-range 1 (+ 3 (length specs))) specs))
+             (predicate (apply #'make-sorting-predicate specs))
+             (seq (random-elts (random-range 0 100) words :result-type 'vector)))
+        (setf seq (sort seq predicate))
+        (is (sortedp seq predicate))))))
 (define-test string-join
   (is (string= "" (string-join #\x '())))
@@ -84,3 +136,16 @@
   (is (string= "A, B, C" (string-join ", " #(a b c))))
   (is (string= "foo" (string-join #\space '("foo"))))
   (is (string= "f o o" (string-join #\space "foo"))))
+(define-test fuzz-string-join
+  (let ((words (words)))
+    (do-repeat 500
+      (let* ((n (random-range 0 10))
+             (ws (random-elts n words))
+             (sep (random-elt #(#\, "" "," ", ")))
+             (result (string-join sep ws)))
+        (if (zerop n)
+          (is (string= "" result))
+          (is (= (+ (reduce #'+ ws :key #'length)
+                    (* (1- n) (length (string sep))))
+                 (length result))))))))
--- a/vendor/make-quickutils.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-(ql:quickload 'quickutil)
-  "quickutils.lisp"
-  :utilities '(
-               :compose
-               :copy-hash-table
-               :curry
-               :emptyp
-               :ensure-keyword
-               :ensure-list
-               :flatten
-               :hash-table-alist
-               :hash-table-keys
-               :hash-table-values
-               :make-gensym
-               :map-tree
-               :mkstr
-               :once-only
-               :parse-body
-               :range
-               :rcurry
-               :symb
-               :weave
-               :with-gensyms
-               )
-  :package "LOSH.QUICKUTILS")
--- a/vendor/quickutils.lisp	Fri Apr 09 19:48:53 2021 -0402
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-;;;; This file was automatically generated by Quickutil.
-;;;; See http://quickutil.org for details.
-;;;; To regenerate:
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (unless (find-package "LOSH.QUICKUTILS")
-    (defpackage "LOSH.QUICKUTILS"
-      (:documentation "Package that contains Quickutil utility functions.")
-      (:use #:cl))))
-(in-package "LOSH.QUICKUTILS")
-(when (boundp '*utilities*)
-  (setf *utilities* (union *utilities* '(:MAKE-GENSYM-LIST :ENSURE-FUNCTION
-                                         :COMPOSE :COPY-HASH-TABLE :CURRY
-                                         :NON-ZERO-P :EMPTYP :ENSURE-KEYWORD
-                                         :ENSURE-LIST :FLATTEN
-                                         :HASH-TABLE-ALIST :MAPHASH-KEYS
-                                         :HASH-TABLE-KEYS :MAPHASH-VALUES
-                                         :HASH-TABLE-VALUES :MAKE-GENSYM
-                                         :MAP-TREE :MKSTR :ONCE-ONLY
-                                         :PARSE-BODY :RANGE :RCURRY :SYMB
-                                         :WEAVE :STRING-DESIGNATOR
-                                         :WITH-GENSYMS))))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (defun make-gensym-list (length &optional (x "G"))
-    "Returns a list of `length` gensyms, each generated as if with a call to `make-gensym`,
-using the second (optional, defaulting to `\"G\"`) argument."
-    (let ((g (if (typep x '(integer 0)) x (string x))))
-      (loop repeat length
-            collect (gensym g))))
-  )                                        ; eval-when
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  ;;; To propagate return type and allow the compiler to eliminate the IF when
-  ;;; it is known if the argument is function or not.
-  (declaim (inline ensure-function))
-  (declaim (ftype (function (t) (values function &optional))
-                  ensure-function))
-  (defun ensure-function (function-designator)
-    "Returns the function designated by `function-designator`:
-if `function-designator` is a function, it is returned, otherwise
-it must be a function name and its `fdefinition` is returned."
-    (if (functionp function-designator)
-        function-designator
-        (fdefinition function-designator)))
-  )                                        ; eval-when
-  (defun compose (function &rest more-functions)
-    "Returns a function composed of `function` and `more-functions` that applies its ;
-arguments to to each in turn, starting from the rightmost of `more-functions`,
-and then calling the next one with the primary value of the last."
-    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
-    (reduce (lambda (f g)
-              (let ((f (ensure-function f))
-                    (g (ensure-function g)))
-                (lambda (&rest arguments)
-                  (declare (dynamic-extent arguments))
-                  (funcall f (apply g arguments)))))
-            more-functions
-            :initial-value function))
-  (define-compiler-macro compose (function &rest more-functions)
-    (labels ((compose-1 (funs)
-               (if (cdr funs)
-                   `(funcall ,(car funs) ,(compose-1 (cdr funs)))
-                   `(apply ,(car funs) arguments))))
-      (let* ((args (cons function more-functions))
-             (funs (make-gensym-list (length args) "COMPOSE")))
-        `(let ,(loop for f in funs for arg in args
-                     collect `(,f (ensure-function ,arg)))
-           (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
-           (lambda (&rest arguments)
-             (declare (dynamic-extent arguments))
-             ,(compose-1 funs))))))
-  (defun copy-hash-table (table &key key test size
-                                     rehash-size rehash-threshold)
-    "Returns a copy of hash table `table`, with the same keys and values
-as the `table`. The copy has the same properties as the original, unless
-overridden by the keyword arguments.
-Before each of the original values is set into the new hash-table, `key`
-is invoked on the value. As `key` defaults to `cl:identity`, a shallow
-copy is returned by default."
-    (setf key (or key 'identity))
-    (setf test (or test (hash-table-test table)))
-    (setf size (or size (hash-table-size table)))
-    (setf rehash-size (or rehash-size (hash-table-rehash-size table)))
-    (setf rehash-threshold (or rehash-threshold (hash-table-rehash-threshold table)))
-    (let ((copy (make-hash-table :test test :size size
-                                 :rehash-size rehash-size
-                                 :rehash-threshold rehash-threshold)))
-      (maphash (lambda (k v)
-                 (setf (gethash k copy) (funcall key v)))
-               table)
-      copy))
-  (defun curry (function &rest arguments)
-    "Returns a function that applies `arguments` and the arguments
-it is called with to `function`."
-    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
-    (let ((fn (ensure-function function)))
-      (lambda (&rest more)
-        (declare (dynamic-extent more))
-        ;; Using M-V-C we don't need to append the arguments.
-        (multiple-value-call fn (values-list arguments) (values-list more)))))
-  (define-compiler-macro curry (function &rest arguments)
-    (let ((curries (make-gensym-list (length arguments) "CURRY"))
-          (fun (gensym "FUN")))
-      `(let ((,fun (ensure-function ,function))
-             ,@(mapcar #'list curries arguments))
-         (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
-         (lambda (&rest more)
-           (apply ,fun ,@curries more)))))
-  (defun non-zero-p (n)
-    "Check if `n` is non-zero."
-    (not (zerop n)))
-  (defgeneric emptyp (object)
-    (:documentation "Determine if `object` is empty.")
-    (:method ((x null)) t)
-    (:method ((x cons)) nil)
-    (:method ((x vector)) (zerop (length x))) ; STRING :< VECTOR
-    (:method ((x array)) (notany #'non-zero-p (array-dimensions x)))
-    (:method ((x hash-table)) (zerop (hash-table-count x))))
-  (defun ensure-keyword (x)
-    "Ensure that a keyword is returned for the string designator `x`."
-    (values (intern (string x) :keyword)))
-  (defun ensure-list (list)
-    "If `list` is a list, it is returned. Otherwise returns the list designated by `list`."
-    (if (listp list)
-        list
-        (list list)))
-  (defun flatten (&rest xs)
-    "Flatten (and append) all lists `xs` completely."
-    (labels ((rec (xs acc)
-               (cond ((null xs)  acc)
-                     ((consp xs) (rec (car xs) (rec (cdr xs) acc)))
-                     (t          (cons xs acc)))))
-      (rec xs nil)))
-  (defun hash-table-alist (table)
-    "Returns an association list containing the keys and values of hash table
-    (let ((alist nil))
-      (maphash (lambda (k v)
-                 (push (cons k v) alist))
-               table)
-      alist))
-  (declaim (inline maphash-keys))
-  (defun maphash-keys (function table)
-    "Like `maphash`, but calls `function` with each key in the hash table `table`."
-    (maphash (lambda (k v)
-               (declare (ignore v))
-               (funcall function k))
-             table))
-  (defun hash-table-keys (table)
-    "Returns a list containing the keys of hash table `table`."
-    (let ((keys nil))
-      (maphash-keys (lambda (k)
-                      (push k keys))
-                    table)
-      keys))
-  (declaim (inline maphash-values))
-  (defun maphash-values (function table)
-    "Like `maphash`, but calls `function` with each value in the hash table `table`."
-    (maphash (lambda (k v)
-               (declare (ignore k))
-               (funcall function v))
-             table))
-  (defun hash-table-values (table)
-    "Returns a list containing the values of hash table `table`."
-    (let ((values nil))
-      (maphash-values (lambda (v)
-                        (push v values))
-                      table)
-      values))
-  (defun make-gensym (name)
-    "If `name` is a non-negative integer, calls `gensym` using it. Otherwise `name`
-must be a string designator, in which case calls `gensym` using the designated
-string as the argument."
-    (gensym (if (typep name '(integer 0))
-                name
-                (string name))))
-  (defun map-tree (function tree)
-    "Map `function` to each of the leave of `tree`."
-    (check-type tree cons)
-    (labels ((rec (tree)
-               (cond
-                 ((null tree) nil)
-                 ((atom tree) (funcall function tree))
-                 ((consp tree)
-                  (cons (rec (car tree))
-                        (rec (cdr tree)))))))
-      (rec tree)))
-  (defun mkstr (&rest args)
-    "Receives any number of objects (string, symbol, keyword, char, number), extracts all printed representations, and concatenates them all into one string.
-Extracted from _On Lisp_, chapter 4."
-    (with-output-to-string (s)
-      (dolist (a args) (princ a s))))
-  (defmacro once-only (specs &body forms)
-    "Evaluates `forms` with symbols specified in `specs` rebound to temporary
-variables, ensuring that each initform is evaluated only once.
-Each of `specs` must either be a symbol naming the variable to be rebound, or of
-the form:
-    (symbol initform)
-Bare symbols in `specs` are equivalent to
-    (symbol symbol)
-    (defmacro cons1 (x) (once-only (x) `(cons ,x ,x)))
-      (let ((y 0)) (cons1 (incf y))) => (1 . 1)"
-    (let ((gensyms (make-gensym-list (length specs) "ONCE-ONLY"))
-          (names-and-forms (mapcar (lambda (spec)
-                                     (etypecase spec
-                                       (list
-                                        (destructuring-bind (name form) spec
-                                          (cons name form)))
-                                       (symbol
-                                        (cons spec spec))))
-                                   specs)))
-      ;; bind in user-macro
-      `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (g n) (list g `(gensym ,(string (car n)))))
-              gensyms names-and-forms)
-         ;; bind in final expansion
-         `(let (,,@(mapcar (lambda (g n)
-                             ``(,,g ,,(cdr n)))
-                           gensyms names-and-forms))
-            ;; bind in user-macro
-            ,(let ,(mapcar (lambda (n g) (list (car n) g))
-                    names-and-forms gensyms)
-               ,@forms)))))
-  (defun parse-body (body &key documentation whole)
-    "Parses `body` into `(values remaining-forms declarations doc-string)`.
-Documentation strings are recognized only if `documentation` is true.
-Syntax errors in body are signalled and `whole` is used in the signal
-arguments when given."
-    (let ((doc nil)
-          (decls nil)
-          (current nil))
-      (tagbody
-       :declarations
-         (setf current (car body))
-         (when (and documentation (stringp current) (cdr body))
-           (if doc
-               (error "Too many documentation strings in ~S." (or whole body))
-               (setf doc (pop body)))
-           (go :declarations))
-         (when (and (listp current) (eql (first current) 'declare))
-           (push (pop body) decls)
-           (go :declarations)))
-      (values body (nreverse decls) doc)))
-  (defun range (start end &key (step 1) (key 'identity))
-    "Return the list of numbers `n` such that `start <= n < end` and
-`n = start + k*step` for suitable integers `k`. If a function `key` is
-provided, then apply it to each number."
-    (assert (<= start end))
-    (loop :for i :from start :below end :by step :collecting (funcall key i)))
-  (defun rcurry (function &rest arguments)
-    "Returns a function that applies the arguments it is called
-with and `arguments` to `function`."
-    (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 1)))
-    (let ((fn (ensure-function function)))
-      (lambda (&rest more)
-        (declare (dynamic-extent more))
-        (multiple-value-call fn (values-list more) (values-list arguments)))))
-  (defun symb (&rest args)
-    "Receives any number of objects, concatenates all into one string with `#'mkstr` and converts them to symbol.
-Extracted from _On Lisp_, chapter 4.
-See also: `symbolicate`"
-    (values (intern (apply #'mkstr args))))
-  (defun weave (&rest lists)
-    "Return a list whose elements alternate between each of the lists
-`lists`. Weaving stops when any of the lists has been exhausted."
-    (apply #'mapcan #'list lists))
-  (deftype string-designator ()
-    "A string designator type. A string designator is either a string, a symbol,
-or a character."
-    `(or symbol string character))
-  (defmacro with-gensyms (names &body forms)
-    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
-`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
-    (symbol string-designator)
-Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
-    (symbol symbol)
-The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
-unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
-    `(let ,(mapcar (lambda (name)
-                     (multiple-value-bind (symbol string)
-                         (etypecase name
-                           (symbol
-                            (values name (symbol-name name)))
-                           ((cons symbol (cons string-designator null))
-                            (values (first name) (string (second name)))))
-                       `(,symbol (gensym ,string))))
-            names)
-       ,@forms))
-  (defmacro with-unique-names (names &body forms)
-    "Binds each variable named by a symbol in `names` to a unique symbol around
-`forms`. Each of `names` must either be either a symbol, or of the form:
-    (symbol string-designator)
-Bare symbols appearing in `names` are equivalent to:
-    (symbol symbol)
-The string-designator is used as the argument to `gensym` when constructing the
-unique symbol the named variable will be bound to."
-    `(with-gensyms ,names ,@forms))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (export '(compose copy-hash-table curry emptyp ensure-keyword ensure-list
-            flatten hash-table-alist hash-table-keys hash-table-values
-            make-gensym map-tree mkstr once-only parse-body range rcurry symb
-            weave with-gensyms with-unique-names)))
-;;;; END OF quickutils.lisp ;;;;