--- a/losh.lisp Sat Aug 13 18:57:43 2016 +0000
+++ b/losh.lisp Sat Aug 13 21:35:59 2016 +0000
@@ -663,6 +663,131 @@
(row-major-aref ,arr ,i)))))))))
+(defun parse-sequence-arguments
+ (from upfrom downfrom to downto above below by)
+ (let* ((start (or from upfrom downfrom))
+ (end (or to downto above below))
+ (increment (or by 1))
+ (down (or downfrom downto above))
+ (exclusive (or below above))
+ (done-p (if exclusive
+ (if down '<= '>=)
+ (if down '< '>)))
+ (op (if down '- '+)))
+ (values start end increment op done-p)))
+(defmacro-driver (FOR var CYCLING on-cycle &sequence)
+ "Iterate numerically as with `for`, but cycle around once finished.
+ `on-cycle` should be a form to execute every time the number cycles back to
+ the beginning. The value of `var` during this form's execution is undefined.
+ `generate` is supported.
+ Results are undefined if the cycle doesn't contain at least one number.
+ Examples:
+ (iterate (repeat 10)
+ (for x :cycling t :from 0 :to 3)
+ (collect x))
+ =>
+ (0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1)
+ (iterate (repeat 5)
+ (for x :cycling (print 'beep) :from 1 :downto 0 :by 0.5)
+ (print x))
+ =>
+ 1
+ 0.5
+ 0.0
+ 1
+ 0.5
+ "
+ (declare (ignore iterate::with-index))
+ (multiple-value-bind (start end increment op done-p)
+ (parse-sequence-arguments iterate::from iterate::upfrom iterate::downfrom
+ iterate::to iterate::downto
+ iterate::above iterate::below
+ iterate::by)
+ (let ((kwd (if generate 'generate 'for)))
+ (with-gensyms (%counter %start %end %increment)
+ `(progn
+ (with ,%start = ,start)
+ (with ,%end = ,end)
+ (with ,%increment = ,increment)
+ (with ,%counter)
+ (,kwd ,var next
+ (progn
+ (setf ,%counter
+ (if-first-time ,%start (,op ,%counter ,%increment)))
+ (if (,done-p ,%counter ,%end)
+ (prog1
+ (setf ,%counter ,%start)
+ ,on-cycle)
+ ,%counter))))))))
+(defmacro-clause (FOR-NESTED forms)
+ "Iterate the given `forms` in a nested fashion.
+ `forms` should be a list of iteration forms. Each one should have the same
+ format as a standard `(for var ...)` numeric iteration clause, but WITHOUT
+ the `for`.
+ The forms will iterate numerically as if in a series of nested loops, with
+ later forms cycling around as many times as is necessary.
+ Examples:
+ (iterate (for-nested ((x :from 0 :to 3)
+ (y :from 0 :below 1 :by 0.4)))
+ (print (list x y)))
+ =>
+ (0 0)
+ (0 0.4)
+ (0 0.8)
+ (1 0)
+ (1 0.4)
+ (1 0.8)
+ (2 0)
+ (2 0.4)
+ (2 0.8)
+ (3 0)
+ (3 0.4)
+ (3 0.8)
+ "
+ (iterate
+ (for (var . args) :in forms)
+ (for prev :previous var :initially nil)
+ ;; we basically turn
+ ;; (for-nested ((x :from 0 :to n)
+ ;; (y :from 0 :to m)
+ ;; (z :from 0 :to q)))
+ ;; into
+ ;; (generate x :from 0 :to n)
+ ;; (generate y :cycling (next x) :from 0 :to m)
+ ;; (generate z :cycling (next y) :from 0 :to q)
+ ;; (if-first-time
+ ;; (progn (next x) (next y) (next z))
+ ;; (next z))
+ (collect var :into vars)
+ (collect `(generate ,var
+ ,@(when prev `(:cycling (next ,prev)))
+ ,@args)
+ :into cycling-forms)
+ (finally (return `(progn
+ ,@cycling-forms
+ (if-first-time
+ (progn ,@(iterate (for v :in vars)
+ (collect `(next ,v))))
+ (next ,var)))))))
;;;; Distributions
(defun prefix-sums (list)
"Return a list of the prefix sums of the numbers in `list`.
--- a/package.lisp Sat Aug 13 18:57:43 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp Sat Aug 13 21:35:59 2016 +0000
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@
+ #:cycling
+ #:for-nested