
Add astar and tweak a few other things
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Fri, 05 Aug 2022 00:04:27 -0400 (2022-08-05)
parents c2970d9e6ea7
children 95a549a2c55b b51a18850dc5
branches/tags (none)
files DOCUMENTATION.markdown losh.asd make-docs.lisp src/astar.lisp src/control-flow.lisp src/package.lisp src/sequences.lisp test/sequences.lisp


--- a/DOCUMENTATION.markdown	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/DOCUMENTATION.markdown	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -18,6 +18,56 @@
+## Package `LOSH.ASTAR`
+A★ search in a handy package.
+### `ASTAR` (function)
+Search for a path from `start` to a goal using A★.
+  The following parameters are all required:
+  * `start`: the starting state.
+  * `neighbors`: a function that takes a state and returns all states reachable
+    from it.
+  * `goalp`: a predicate that takes a state and returns whether it is a goal.
+  * `cost`: a function that takes two states `a` and `b` and returns the cost
+    to move from `a` to `b`.
+  * `heuristic`: a function that takes a state and estimates the distance
+    remaining to the goal.
+  * `test`: an equality predicate for comparing nodes.  It must be suitable for
+    passing to `make-hash-table`.
+  If the heuristic function is admissable (i.e. it never overestimates the
+  remaining distance) the algorithm will find the shortest path.  If you don't
+  have a decent heuristic, just use `(constantly 0)` to degrade to Dijkstra.
+  Note that `test` is required.  The only sensible default would be `eql`, but
+  if you were using states that need a different predicate and forgot to pass it
+  the algorithm would end up blowing the heap, which is unpleasant.
+  The following parameters are optional:
+  * `limit`: a maximum cost.  Any paths that exceed this cost will not be
+    considered.
+  * `set-seen`: a function that takes a state and a cost, and records it.
+    If not provided a hash table will be used, but sometimes (depending on what
+    your states are) it can be faster to store visited nodes more efficiently.
+  * `get-seen`: a function that takes a state and retrieves the stored cost, or
+    `nil` if the state has not been seen.
 ## Package `LOSH.ARRAYS`
 Utilities related to arrays.
@@ -381,13 +431,14 @@
     i.e. anything that can handle `(read-foo stream eof-error-p eof-value)`.
     Any keyword arguments other than `:reader` will be passed along to `open`.
     If `nil` is used for one of the `:if-…` options to `open` and this results
     in `open` returning `nil`, no iteration will take place.
     An implicit block named `nil` surrounds the iteration, so `return` can be
     used to terminate early.
-    Returns `nil` by default.
+    Returns `nil`.
@@ -2217,10 +2268,10 @@
   `predicate-spec` can be one of:
+  * A quoted symbol.
   * `(function ...)`
   * `(lambda ...)`
-  * A list of `(predicate &key key)`.
-  * Any other object, which will be treated as a predicate.
+  * A list of `(predicate &key key)`, where `predicate` is any of the above.
   If a `key` is specified, it will be called on arguments before passing them to
   `predicate`.  Note that the `key` only affects the predicate it's consed to,
@@ -2232,7 +2283,7 @@
     ;; Sort shorter strings first, breaking ties lexicographically:
     (define-sorting-predicate fancy<
-      (#< :key #'length)
+      (#'< :key #'length)
     (sort (list "zz" "abc" "yy") #'fancy<)
@@ -2240,9 +2291,9 @@
     ;; Sort customers by last name, then first name, then ID number:
     (define-sorting-predicate customer<
-       (#string< :key #'last-name)
-       (#string< :key #'first-name)
-       (#< :key #'id))
+       (#'string< :key #'last-name)
+       (#'string< :key #'first-name)
+       (#'< :key #'id))
     (sort (find-customers) #'customer<)
--- a/losh.asd	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/losh.asd	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -9,12 +9,17 @@
   :in-order-to ((asdf:test-op (asdf:test-op :losh/test)))
-  :depends-on (:alexandria
-               :iterate
+  :depends-on (
+               #+sbcl :sb-sprof
+               :alexandria
-               #+sbcl :sb-sprof)
+               :iterate
+               :pileup
+               )
   ((:module "src"
@@ -47,6 +52,8 @@
                  (:file "control-flow" :depends-on ("queues"))
                  ;; 3 ---------------------------------------------------------
+                 (:file "astar" :depends-on ("control-flow"
+                                             "chili-dogs"))
                  (:file "iterate" :depends-on ("control-flow"
                  (:file "math" :depends-on ("control-flow"
--- a/make-docs.lisp	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/make-docs.lisp	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 (defparameter *document-packages*
   (list "LOSH"
+        "LOSH.ASTAR"
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/astar.lisp	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+(in-package :losh.astar)
+(defstruct path
+  state
+  (estimate 0)
+  (cost 0)
+  (previous nil))
+(defun path-to-list (path &aux result)
+  (recursively ((path path))
+    (unless (null path)
+      (push (path-state path) result)
+      (recur (path-previous path))))
+  result)
+(defun-inlineable astar (&key start neighbors goalp cost heuristic test limit
+                              get-seen set-seen)
+  "Search for a path from `start` to a goal using A★.
+  The following parameters are all required:
+  * `start`: the starting state.
+  * `neighbors`: a function that takes a state and returns all states reachable
+    from it.
+  * `goalp`: a predicate that takes a state and returns whether it is a goal.
+  * `cost`: a function that takes two states `a` and `b` and returns the cost
+    to move from `a` to `b`.
+  * `heuristic`: a function that takes a state and estimates the distance
+    remaining to the goal.
+  * `test`: an equality predicate for comparing nodes.  It must be suitable for
+    passing to `make-hash-table`.
+  If the heuristic function is admissable (i.e. it never overestimates the
+  remaining distance) the algorithm will find the shortest path.  If you don't
+  have a decent heuristic, just use `(constantly 0)` to degrade to Dijkstra.
+  Note that `test` is required.  The only sensible default would be `eql`, but
+  if you were using states that need a different predicate and forgot to pass it
+  the algorithm would end up blowing the heap, which is unpleasant.
+  The following parameters are optional:
+  * `limit`: a maximum cost.  Any paths that exceed this cost will not be
+    considered.
+  * `set-seen`: a function that takes a state and a cost, and records it.
+    If not provided a hash table will be used, but sometimes (depending on what
+    your states are) it can be faster to store visited nodes more efficiently.
+  * `get-seen`: a function that takes a state and retrieves the stored cost, or
+    `nil` if the state has not been seen.
+  "
+  (let ((seen (unless get-seen (make-hash-table :test test)))
+        (frontier (pileup:make-heap #'< :key #'path-estimate)))
+    (labels ((set-seen% (path)
+               (if set-seen
+                 (funcall set-seen (path-state path) (path-cost path))
+                 (setf (gethash (path-state path) seen) (path-cost path))))
+             (get-seen% (state)
+               (if get-seen
+                 (funcall get-seen state)
+                 (gethash state seen)))
+             (push-path (path)
+               (set-seen% path)
+               (pileup:heap-insert path frontier)))
+      (iterate
+        (initially (push-path (make-path :state start)))
+        (for (values current found) = (pileup:heap-pop frontier))
+        (unless found
+          (return (values nil nil)))
+        (for current-state = (path-state current))
+        (when (funcall goalp current-state)
+          (return (values (path-to-list current) t)))
+        (for current-cost = (path-cost current))
+        (iterate
+          (for next-state :in (funcall neighbors current-state))
+          (for next-cost = (+ current-cost (funcall cost current-state next-state)))
+          (for seen-cost = (get-seen% next-state))
+          (unless (and limit (> next-cost limit))
+            (when (or (null seen-cost) (< next-cost seen-cost))
+              (for next-estimate = (+ next-cost (funcall heuristic next-state)))
+              (push-path (make-path :state next-state
+                                    :cost next-cost
+                                    :estimate next-estimate
+                                    :previous current)))))))))
--- a/src/control-flow.lisp	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/src/control-flow.lisp	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -548,13 +548,14 @@
     i.e. anything that can handle `(read-foo stream eof-error-p eof-value)`.
     Any keyword arguments other than `:reader` will be passed along to `open`.
     If `nil` is used for one of the `:if-…` options to `open` and this results
     in `open` returning `nil`, no iteration will take place.
     An implicit block named `nil` surrounds the iteration, so `return` can be
     used to terminate early.
-    Returns `nil` by default.
+    Returns `nil`.
--- a/src/package.lisp	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/src/package.lisp	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -247,6 +247,14 @@
+(defpackage :losh.astar
+  (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
+    :losh.chili-dogs
+    :losh.control-flow)
+  (:documentation "A★ search in a handy package.")
+  (:export
+    :astar))
 (defpackage :losh.math
   (:use :cl :iterate :losh.base
@@ -459,6 +467,7 @@
+   :losh.astar
--- a/src/sequences.lisp	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/src/sequences.lisp	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -462,10 +462,10 @@
   `predicate-spec` can be one of:
+  * A quoted symbol.
   * `(function ...)`
   * `(lambda ...)`
-  * A list of `(predicate &key key)`.
-  * Any other object, which will be treated as a predicate.
+  * A list of `(predicate &key key)`, where `predicate` is any of the above.
   If a `key` is specified, it will be called on arguments before passing them to
   `predicate`.  Note that the `key` only affects the predicate it's consed to,
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
     ;; Sort shorter strings first, breaking ties lexicographically:
     (define-sorting-predicate fancy<
-      (#\< :key #'length)
+      (#'< :key #'length)
     (sort (list \"zz\" \"abc\" \"yy\") #'fancy<)
@@ -485,43 +485,38 @@
     ;; Sort customers by last name, then first name, then ID number:
     (define-sorting-predicate customer<
-       (#\string< :key #'last-name)
-       (#\string< :key #'first-name)
-       (#\< :key #'id))
+       (#'string< :key #'last-name)
+       (#'string< :key #'first-name)
+       (#'< :key #'id))
     (sort (find-customers) #'customer<)
-  (with-gensyms (x y kx ky)
-    (labels
-        ((parse-spec (spec)
-           (if (consp spec)
-             (if (member (first spec) '(function lambda))
-               (values spec nil)
-               (destructuring-bind (predicate &key key) spec
-                 (values predicate key)))
-             (values spec nil)))
-         (expand (spec more-specs)
-           (multiple-value-bind (predicate key) (parse-spec spec)
-             (once-only (predicate)
-               (if (null more-specs)
-                 `(if ,(if key
-                         (once-only (key)
-                           `(funcall ,predicate (funcall ,key ,x) (funcall ,key ,y)))
-                         `(funcall ,predicate ,x ,y))
-                    t
-                    nil)
-                 (if key
-                   (once-only (key)
-                     `(let ((,kx (funcall ,key ,x))
-                            (,ky (funcall ,key ,y)))
-                        (cond
-                          ((funcall ,predicate ,kx ,ky) t)
-                          ((funcall ,predicate ,ky ,kx) nil)
-                          (t ,(expand (first more-specs) (rest more-specs))))))
-                   `(cond
-                      ((funcall ,predicate ,x ,y) t)
-                      ((funcall ,predicate ,y ,x) nil)
-                      (t ,(expand (first more-specs) (rest more-specs))))))))))
+  (with-gensyms (x y)
+    (labels ((parse-spec (spec)
+               "Parse `spec` and return the predicate and key as values."
+               (if (consp spec)
+                 (if (member (first spec) '(function lambda quote))
+                   (values spec '#'identity)
+                   (destructuring-bind (predicate &key (key '#'identity)) spec
+                     (values predicate key)))
+                 (values spec '#'identity)))
+             (expand (specs)
+               "Expand `specs` into the body code of the new predicate."
+               (destructuring-bind (spec . remaining) specs
+                 (multiple-value-bind (predicate key) (parse-spec spec)
+                   (once-only (predicate key)
+                     (with-gensyms (kx ky)
+                       `(let ((,kx (funcall ,key ,x))
+                              (,ky (funcall ,key ,y)))
+                          ,(if (null remaining)
+                             `(if (funcall ,predicate ,kx ,ky)
+                                t
+                                nil)
+                             `(cond
+                                ((funcall ,predicate ,kx ,ky) t)
+                                ((funcall ,predicate ,ky ,kx) nil)
+                                (t ,(expand remaining)))))))))))
       `(defun ,name (,x ,y)
-         ,(expand predicate-spec more-predicate-specs)))))
+         ,(expand (cons predicate-spec more-predicate-specs))))))
--- a/test/sequences.lisp	Tue Dec 14 19:12:33 2021 -0500
+++ b/test/sequences.lisp	Fri Aug 05 00:04:27 2022 -0400
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@
   (#'< :key #'length)
+(define-sorting-predicate sort-fancy-quoted<
+  ('char< :key (lambda (s) (char s (1- (length s)))))
+  ('< :key #'length)
+  'string<)
 (define-test define-sorting-predicate
   (flet ((check (original expected pred)
            (let ((actual (sort (copy-seq original) pred)))
@@ -80,7 +85,10 @@
     (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
            '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
-           #'sort-fancy<)))
+           #'sort-fancy<)
+    (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
+           '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
+           #'sort-fancy-quoted<)))
 (defun sortedp (sequence predicate)
   ;; TODO Should this be a util of its own?