
Add bisect functions, add more gnuplot options
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author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Mon, 16 Jan 2017 12:06:45 +0000 (2017-01-16)
parents 1aaec79f2887
children fbd9837856a8
branches/tags (none)
files DOCUMENTATION.markdown losh.lisp package.lisp


--- a/DOCUMENTATION.markdown	Thu Jan 05 22:43:53 2017 +0000
+++ b/DOCUMENTATION.markdown	Mon Jan 16 12:06:45 2017 +0000
@@ -22,6 +22,74 @@
 Utilities related to arrays.
+### `BISECT-LEFT` (function)
+Bisect `vector` based on `(predicate el target)` and return the LEFT element
+  `vector` must be sorted (with `predicate`) before this function is called
+  (this is not checked).
+  You can think of this function as partitioning the elements into two halves:
+  those that satisfy `(predicate el target)` and those that don't, and then
+  selecting the element on the LEFT side of the split:
+      satisfying  not statisfying
+    #(..........  ...............)
+               ^
+               |
+          result
+  Two values will be returned: the element and its index.  If no element
+  satisfies the predicate `nil` will be returned for both values.
+  Examples:
+    ;                 index
+    ;              0 1 2 3 4 5          val  index
+    (bisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5) ; =>   3, 1
+    (bisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5) ; =>   5, 2
+    (bisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 7) ; =>   7, 4
+    (bisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 1) ; => nil, nil
+    (bisect #'>  #(9 8 8 8 1 0) 5) ; =>   8, 3
+### `BISECT-RIGHT` (function)
+Bisect `vector` based on `(predicate el target)` and return the RIGHT element
+  `vector` must be sorted (with `predicate`) before this function is called
+  (this is not checked).
+  You can think of this function as partitioning the elements into two halves:
+  those that satisfy `(predicate el target)` and those that don't, and then
+  selecting the element on the RIGHT side of the split:
+      satisfying  not statisfying
+    #(..........  ...............)
+                  ^
+                  |
+                  result
+  Two values will be returned: the element and its index.  If every element
+  satisfies the predicate `nil` will be returned for both values.
+  Examples:
+    ;                 index
+    ;               0 1 2 3 4 5           val  index
+    (rbisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5)  ; =>   5, 2
+    (rbisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5)  ; =>   7, 3
+    (rbisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 7)  ; =>   9, 5
+    (rbisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 10) ; => nil, nil
+    (rbisect #'>  #(9 8 8 8 1 0) 5)  ; =>   1, 4
 ### `DO-ARRAY` (macro)
@@ -667,9 +735,10 @@
 ### `GNUPLOT-ARGS` (function)
-    (GNUPLOT-ARGS &KEY (FILENAME plot.png) (SIZE-X 1200) (SIZE-Y 800) (LABEL-X)
-                  (LABEL-Y) (LINE-TITLE 'DATA) (LINE-WIDTH 4) (AXIS-X NIL)
-                  (AXIS-Y NIL) (GRAPH-TITLE) &ALLOW-OTHER-KEYS)
+                  (SIZE-Y 800) (LABEL-X) (LABEL-Y) (LINE-TITLE 'DATA)
+                  (LINE-WIDTH 4) (AXIS-X NIL) (AXIS-Y NIL) (GRAPH-TITLE)
 Return the formatted command line arguments for the given gnuplot arguments.
@@ -1235,7 +1304,7 @@
-Return a random number within `spread` of `value`.
+Return a random number within `spread` of `value` (inclusive).
 ### `RANDOM-ELT` (function)
--- a/losh.lisp	Thu Jan 05 22:43:53 2017 +0000
+++ b/losh.lisp	Mon Jan 16 12:06:45 2017 +0000
@@ -747,6 +747,99 @@
 (defun-fmda single-float)
+(defun-inlineable bisect-left (predicate vector target)
+  "Bisect `vector` based on `(predicate el target)` and return the LEFT element
+  `vector` must be sorted (with `predicate`) before this function is called
+  (this is not checked).
+  You can think of this function as partitioning the elements into two halves:
+  those that satisfy `(predicate el target)` and those that don't, and then
+  selecting the element on the LEFT side of the split:
+      satisfying  not statisfying
+    #(..........  ...............)
+               ^
+               |
+          result
+  Two values will be returned: the element and its index.  If no element
+  satisfies the predicate `nil` will be returned for both values.
+  Examples:
+    ;                 index
+    ;              0 1 2 3 4 5          val  index
+    (bisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5) ; =>   3, 1
+    (bisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5) ; =>   5, 2
+    (bisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 7) ; =>   7, 4
+    (bisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 1) ; => nil, nil
+    (bisect #'>  #(9 8 8 8 1 0) 5) ; =>   8, 3
+  "
+  (if (zerop (length vector))
+    (values nil nil)
+    (iterate
+      (with bottom = 0)
+      (with top = (length vector))
+      (for index = (truncate (+ bottom top) 2))
+      (for value = (aref vector index))
+      (for result = (funcall predicate value target))
+      (if (= bottom index)
+        (return (if result
+                  (values value index)
+                  (values nil nil)))
+        (if result
+          (setf bottom index)
+          (setf top index))))))
+(defun-inlineable bisect-right (predicate vector target)
+  "Bisect `vector` based on `(predicate el target)` and return the RIGHT element
+  `vector` must be sorted (with `predicate`) before this function is called
+  (this is not checked).
+  You can think of this function as partitioning the elements into two halves:
+  those that satisfy `(predicate el target)` and those that don't, and then
+  selecting the element on the RIGHT side of the split:
+      satisfying  not statisfying
+    #(..........  ...............)
+                  ^
+                  |
+                  result
+  Two values will be returned: the element and its index.  If every element
+  satisfies the predicate `nil` will be returned for both values.
+  Examples:
+    ;                 index
+    ;               0 1 2 3 4 5           val  index
+    (rbisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5)  ; =>   5, 2
+    (rbisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 5)  ; =>   7, 3
+    (rbisect #'<= #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 7)  ; =>   9, 5
+    (rbisect #'<  #(1 3 5 7 7 9) 10) ; => nil, nil
+    (rbisect #'>  #(9 8 8 8 1 0) 5)  ; =>   1, 4
+  "
+  (if (zerop (length vector))
+    (values nil nil)
+    (iterate
+      (with bottom = -1)
+      (with top = (1- (length vector)))
+      (for index = (ceiling (+ bottom top) 2))
+      (for value = (aref vector index))
+      (for result = (funcall predicate value target))
+      (if (= top index)
+        (return (if result
+                  (values nil nil)
+                  (values value index)))
+        (if result
+          (setf bottom index)
+          (setf top index))))))
 ;;;; Queues -------------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;; Based on the PAIP queues (thanks, Norvig), but beefed up a little bit to add
 ;;; tracking of the queue size.
@@ -2077,6 +2170,7 @@
 (defun gnuplot-args (&key
                      (filename "plot.png")
+                     (style :lines)
                      (size-x 1200)
                      (size-y 800)
@@ -2086,6 +2180,8 @@
                      (axis-x nil)
                      (axis-y nil)
+                     (logscale-x nil)
+                     (logscale-y nil)
   "Return the formatted command line arguments for the given gnuplot arguments.
@@ -2106,8 +2202,10 @@
       (when graph-title (f "set title '~A'" (esc graph-title)))
       (when label-x (f "set xlabel '~A'" (esc label-x)))
       (when label-y (f "set ylabel '~A'" (esc label-y)))
-      (f "plot '-' using 1:2 title '~A' with lines linewidth ~D"
-         (esc line-title) line-width))))
+      (when logscale-x (f "set logscale x"))
+      (when logscale-y (f "set logscale y"))
+      (f "plot '-' using 1:2 title '~A' with ~(~A~) linewidth ~D"
+         (esc line-title) style line-width))))
 (defun gnuplot (data
@@ -2172,6 +2270,7 @@
          (data (mapcar #'cons x y)))
     (apply #'gnuplot data args)))
 (defmacro gnuplot-expr (expr &rest args)
   "Plot `expr` (an expression involving `x`) with gnuplot.
--- a/package.lisp	Thu Jan 05 22:43:53 2017 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Mon Jan 16 12:06:45 2017 +0000
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
   (:documentation "Utilities related to arrays.")
+    :bisect-left
+    :bisect-right