src/io.lisp @ f9fec2ff0ff5

Add assocar/assocdr/rassocar/rassocdr accessors
author Steve Losh <>
date Thu, 08 Apr 2021 20:29:23 -0400
parents 1028d690ab05
children (none)

(defun read-all (stream)
  "Read all forms from `stream` and return them as a fresh list."
    (for v :in-stream stream)
    (collect v)))

(defun read-all-from-string (string)
  "Read all forms from `string` and return them as a fresh list."
    (with done = (gensym))
    (with start = 0)
    (for (values form pos) = (read-from-string string nil done
                                               :start start))
    (while (not (eq form done)))
    (collect form)
    (setf start pos)))

(defun read-all-from-file (path)
  "Read all forms from the file at `path` and return them as a fresh list."
  (with-open-file (file path :direction :input)
    (read-all file)))