Add #! and #; readers
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Sun, 03 Dec 2023 17:29:39 -0500 |
parents |
461876acdff5 |
children |
(none) |
(in-package :losh.astar)
(defstruct path
(estimate 0)
(cost 0)
(previous nil))
(defun path-to-list (path &aux result)
(recursively ((path path))
(unless (null path)
(push (path-state path) result)
(recur (path-previous path))))
(defun-inlineable astar (&key start neighbors goalp cost heuristic test limit
get-seen set-seen)
"Search for a path from `start` to a goal using A★.
The following parameters are all required:
* `start`: the starting state.
* `neighbors`: a function that takes a state and returns all states reachable
from it.
* `goalp`: a predicate that takes a state and returns whether it is a goal.
* `cost`: a function that takes two states `a` and `b` and returns the cost
to move from `a` to `b`.
* `heuristic`: a function that takes a state and estimates the distance
remaining to the goal.
* `test`: an equality predicate for comparing nodes. It must be suitable for
passing to `make-hash-table`.
If the heuristic function is admissable (i.e. it never overestimates the
remaining distance) the algorithm will find the shortest path. If you don't
have a decent heuristic, just use `(constantly 0)` to degrade to Dijkstra.
Note that `test` is required. The only sensible default would be `eql`, but
if you were using states that need a different predicate and forgot to pass it
the algorithm would end up blowing the heap, which is unpleasant.
The following parameters are optional:
* `limit`: a maximum cost. Any paths that exceed this cost will not be
* `set-seen`: a function that takes a state and a cost, and records it.
If not provided a hash table will be used, but sometimes (depending on what
your states are) it can be faster to store visited nodes more efficiently.
* `get-seen`: a function that takes a state and retrieves the stored cost, or
`nil` if the state has not been seen.
(let ((seen (unless get-seen (make-hash-table :test test)))
(frontier (pileup:make-heap #'< :key #'path-estimate)))
(labels ((set-seen% (path)
(if set-seen
(funcall set-seen (path-state path) (path-cost path))
(setf (gethash (path-state path) seen) (path-cost path))))
(get-seen% (state)
(if get-seen
(funcall get-seen state)
(gethash state seen)))
(push-path (path)
(set-seen% path)
(pileup:heap-insert path frontier)))
(initially (push-path (make-path :state start)))
(for (values current found) = (pileup:heap-pop frontier))
(unless found
(return (values nil nil)))
(for current-state = (path-state current))
(when (funcall goalp current-state)
(return (values (path-to-list current) t)))
(for current-cost = (path-cost current))
(for next-state :in (funcall neighbors current-state))
(for next-cost = (+ current-cost (funcall cost current-state next-state)))
(for seen-cost = (get-seen% next-state))
(unless (and limit (> next-cost limit))
(when (or (null seen-cost) (< next-cost seen-cost))
(for next-estimate = (+ next-cost (funcall heuristic next-state)))
(push-path (make-path :state next-state
:cost next-cost
:estimate next-estimate
:previous current)))))))))