test/sequences.lisp @ edf43f3bf670

Add `reductions`
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Tue, 20 Feb 2024 08:21:39 -0500
parents 461876acdff5
children 322aefbbcb9f
(in-package :losh.test)

(defparameter *words* nil)

(defun words ()
  (when (null *words*)
    (setf *words* (gathering-vector ()
                    (do-file (line "/usr/share/dict/words")
                      (gather line)))))

(define-test make-sorting-predicate
  (flet ((check (original expected &rest preds)
           (let ((actual (sort (copy-seq original)
                               (apply #'make-sorting-predicate preds))))
             (is (equalp expected actual)))))
    (check '("zz" "yy" "abc")
           '("abc" "yy" "zz")
    (check '("zz" "yy" "abc")
           '("yy" "zz" "abc")
           (cons #'< #'length)
    (check '("yy" "zz" "abc")
           '("zz" "yy" "abc")
           (cons #'< #'length)
    (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
           '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
           (lambda (x y)
             (char< (char x (1- (length x)))
                    (char y (1- (length y)))))
           (cons #'< #'length)
    (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
           '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
           (cons #'char< (lambda (s) (char s (1- (length s)))))
           (cons #'< #'length)

(define-sorting-predicate sort-trivial<

(define-sorting-predicate sort-short<
  (#'< :key #'length)

(define-sorting-predicate sort-short>
  (#'< :key #'length)

(define-sorting-predicate sort-last-char<
  (lambda (x y)
    (char< (char x (1- (length x)))
           (char y (1- (length y)))))
  (#'< :key #'length)

(define-sorting-predicate sort-fancy<
  (#'char< :key (lambda (s) (char s (1- (length s)))))
  (#'< :key #'length)

(define-sorting-predicate sort-fancy-quoted<
  ('char< :key (lambda (s) (char s (1- (length s)))))
  ('< :key #'length)

(define-test define-sorting-predicate
  (flet ((check (original expected pred)
           (let ((actual (sort (copy-seq original) pred)))
             (is (equalp expected actual)))))
    (check '("zz" "yy" "abc")
           '("abc" "yy" "zz")
    (check '("zz" "yy" "abc")
           '("yy" "zz" "abc")
    (check '("yy" "zz" "abc")
           '("zz" "yy" "abc")
    (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
           '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
    (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
           '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")
    (check '("az" "by" "aby" "zzy")
           '("by" "aby" "zzy" "az")

(defun sortedp (sequence predicate)
  ;; TODO Should this be a util of its own?
  (etypecase sequence
    (list (loop :for x = (pop sequence)
                :until (null sequence)
                :never (funcall predicate (first sequence) x)))
    (sequence (loop :with l = (length sequence)
                    :for x :from 0 :below l
                    :for y :from 1 :below l
                    :never (funcall predicate (elt sequence y) (elt sequence x))))))

(defun vowelp (char)
  (find (char-downcase char) "aeiou"))

(defun vowels< (a b)
  (< (count-if #'vowelp a) (count-if #'vowelp b)))

(defun random-elts (n sequence &key (result-type 'list))
  "Return `N` random elements from `sequence` (duplicates allowed).

  This wil not be fast if `sequence` is a list.

  (ecase result-type
    (list (loop :repeat n :collect (random-elt sequence)))
    (vector (loop :with result = (make-array n)
                  :for i :from 0 :below n
                  :do (setf (aref result i) (random-elt sequence))
                  :finally (return result)))))

(define-test fuzz-sorting-predicates
  (let ((specs (vector 'string<
                       (cons '< 'length)
                       (cons 'string< 'reverse)
                       (cons '< 'sxhash)))
        (words (words)))
    (do-repeat 256
      (let* ((specs (random-elts (random-range 1 (+ 3 (length specs))) specs))
             (predicate (apply #'make-sorting-predicate specs))
             (seq (random-elts (random-range 0 100) words :result-type 'vector)))
        (setf seq (sort seq predicate))
        (is (sortedp seq predicate))))))

(define-test string-join
  (is (string= "" (string-join #\x '())))
  (is (string= "A" (string-join #\x '(a))))
  (is (string= "AxB" (string-join #\x '(a b))))
  (is (string= "AxBxC" (string-join #\x '(a b c))))
  (is (string= "A, B, C" (string-join ", " #(a b c))))
  (is (string= "foo" (string-join #\space '("foo"))))
  (is (string= "f o o" (string-join #\space "foo"))))

(define-test fuzz-string-join
  (let ((words (words)))
    (do-repeat 500
      (let* ((n (random-range 0 10))
             (ws (random-elts n words))
             (sep (random-elt #(#\, "" "," ", ")))
             (result (string-join sep ws)))
        (if (zerop n)
          (is (string= "" result))
          (is (= (+ (reduce #'+ ws :key #'length)
                    (* (1- n) (length (string sep))))
                 (length result))))))))

(define-test reductions/basic
  (is (equal '() (reductions #'+ '())))
  (is (equal '(1) (reductions #'+ '(1))))
  (is (equal '(1 3) (reductions #'+ '(1 2))))
  (is (equal '(1 3 6) (reductions #'+ '(1 2 3))))
  (is (equal '(100 101 103 106)
             (reductions #'+ '(1 2 3) :initial-value 100)))
  (is (equal '(nil (-3) (-2 -3) (-1 -2 -3))
             (reductions #'cons '(1 2 3)
                         :initial-value nil
                         :key #'-
                         :from-end t))))

(define-test reductions/initial-value
  (is (equal '(23) (reductions #'+ '() :initial-value 23)))
  (is (equal '(23 123) (reductions #'+ '(100) :initial-value 23)))
  (is (equal '(23 123 1123) (reductions #'+ '(100 1000) :initial-value 23))))

(define-test reductions/key
  ;; Key should be called on the contents.
  (is (equal '(-1 -3 -6)
             (reductions #'+ '(1 2 3)
                         :key #'-)))
  ;; Key should NOT be called on the initial value, if given.
  (is (equal '(100 101 103 106)
             (reductions #'+ '((1) (2) (3))
                         :initial-value 100
                         :key #'car))))

(define-test reductions/start-end
  (is (equal '(0 1 3 6 10 15) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 0 :end nil)))
  (is (equal '(  1 3 6 10 15) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 1 :end nil)))
  (is (equal '(0 1 3 6 10   ) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 0 :end 5)))
  (is (equal '(    2 5  9   ) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 2 :end 5)))
  (is (equal '(    2        ) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 2 :end 3)))
  (is (equal '(             ) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 2 :end 2)))
  (is (equal '(             ) (reductions #'+ '(0 1 2 3 4 5) :start 6 :end nil)))
  (is (equal '(    2 5  9   ) (reductions #'+ (mapcar #'list '(0 1 2 3 4 5))
                                          :start 2 :end 5 :key #'car))))

(define-test reductions/from-end
  (flet ((cat (a b) (concatenate 'string a b)))
    (is (equalp '("E" "DE" "CDE" "BCDE" "ABCDE")
                (reductions #'cat '(a b c d e) :from-end t
                            :key #'string)))
    (is (equalp '("" "E" "DE" "CDE" "BCDE" "ABCDE")
                (reductions #'cat '(a b c d e) :from-end t
                            :key #'string :initial-value "")))
    (is (equalp '("" "C" "BC")
                (reductions #'cat '(a b c d e) :from-end t
                            :key #'string :initial-value ""
                            :start 1 :end 3)))
    (is (equalp '("C" "BC")
                (reductions #'cat '(a b c d e) :from-end t
                            :key #'string
                            :start 1 :end 3)))
    (is (equalp '()
                (reductions #'cat '(a b c d e) :from-end t
                            :key #'string
                            :start 1 :end 1)))
    (is (equalp '("")
                (reductions #'cat '(a b c d e) :from-end t
                            :key #'string :initial-value ""
                            :start 1 :end 1)))))

(define-test reductions/non-list
  (is (equal '(1 3 6) (reductions #'+ (vector 1 2 3))))
  (is (equal '(99 100) (reductions #'+ (vector 1 2 3) :start 0 :end 1 :initial-value 99)))
  (is (equal '(99) (reductions #'+ (vector 1 2 3) :start 0 :end 0 :initial-value 99))))