package.lisp @ 66e02df8c0b3

Minor cleanup
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 20 Sep 2016 15:34:32 +0000
parents 75229fb62b8c
children 8f9411271fd7
(defpackage #:losh.internal
  (:use #:cl))

(in-package #:losh.internal)

(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
  (defun external-symbols (package)
    (let ((symbols nil))
      (do-external-symbols (s (find-package package) symbols)
        (push s symbols)))))

(defmacro defpackage-inheriting (name parent-packages &rest args)
  `(defpackage ,name
     ,@(loop :for parent-package :in parent-packages
             `(:use ,parent-package)
             `(:export ,@(external-symbols parent-package)))))

(defpackage #:losh.math
  (:documentation "Utilities related to math and numbers.")


(defpackage #:losh.random
  (:documentation "Utilities related to randomness.")

(defpackage #:losh.functions
  (:documentation "Utilities for working with higher-order functions.")

(defpackage #:losh.control-flow
  (:documentation "Utilities for managing control flow.")

(defpackage #:losh.mutation
  (:documentation "Utilities for mutating places in-place.")

(defpackage #:losh.lists
  (:documentation "Utilities related to lists.")

(defpackage #:losh.arrays
  (:documentation "Utilities related to arrays.")

(defpackage #:losh.queues
  (:documentation "A simple queue implementation.")

(defpackage #:losh.iterate
  (:use #:iterate) ; need this for iterate's `for` symbol fuckery
  (:documentation "Custom `iterate` drivers and clauses.")

(defpackage #:losh.distributions
  (:documentation "Utilities for calculating statistical... things.")

(defpackage #:losh.hash-sets
  (:documentation "A simple hash set implementation.")

(defpackage #:losh.debugging
  (:documentation "Utilities for figuring out what the hell is going on.")

(defpackage #:losh.weightlists
    "A simple data structure for choosing random items with weighted probabilities.")

(defpackage #:losh.eldritch-horrors
  (:documentation "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here.")

(defpackage-inheriting #:losh
    "This package exports all of the symbols in the other packages.

  If you just want to get everything you can `:use` this one and be done with
  it.  Otherwise you can `:use` only the ones you need.


;;;; Remember to add it to the docs!