src/debugging.lisp @ 322aefbbcb9f

Add `(reductions ... :result-type ...)` argument
author Steve Losh <>
date Tue, 20 Feb 2024 11:36:38 -0500
parents 65478981d36d
children (none)
(in-package :losh.debugging)

(defun pr (&rest args)
  "Print `args` readably, separated by spaces and followed by a newline.

  Returns the first argument, so you can just wrap it around a form without
  interfering with the rest of the program.

  This is what `print` should have been.

  (format t "~{~S~^ ~}~%" args)
  (first args))

(defmacro prl (&rest args)
  "Print `args` labeled and readably.

  Each argument form will be printed, then evaluated and the result printed.
  One final newline will be printed after everything.

  Returns the last result.


    (let ((i 1)
          (l (list 1 2 3)))
      (prl i (second l)))
    ; =>
    i 1
    (second l) 2

    (progn ,@(mapcar (lambda (arg)
                       (with-gensyms (a)
                         `(let ((,a ,arg))
                            (pr ',arg ,a)

(defun phr ()
  "Print a horizontal rule to aid in visual debugging."
  (pr "-----------------------------------------------------------------------"))

(defun bits (&optional (n *) (size 8) (stream t))
  "Print the bits of the `size`-bit two's complement integer `n` to `stream`.


    (bits 5 10)
    => 0000000101

    (bits -5 10)
    => 1111111011

  (format stream (format nil "~~~D,'0B" size) (ldb (byte size 0) n)))

(defun hex (&optional (thing *) (stream t))
  "Print the `thing` to `stream` with numbers in base 16.


    (hex 255)
    => FF

    (hex #(0 128))
    => #(0 80)

  (let ((*print-base* 16))
    (case stream
      ((nil) (prin1-to-string thing))
      ((t) (prin1 thing stream) (terpri stream) nil)
      (otherwise (prin1 thing stream) (terpri stream) nil))))

(defmacro shut-up (&body body)
  "Run `body` with stdout and stderr redirected to the void."
  `(let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
         (*error-output* (make-broadcast-stream)))

(defmacro dis (&body body)
  "Disassemble the code generated for a `lambda` with `arglist` and `body`.

  It will also spew compiler notes so you can see why the garbage box isn't
  doing what you think it should be doing.

  (let ((%disassemble #+sbcl 'sb-disassem:disassemble-code-component
                      #-sbcl 'disassemble))
    (destructuring-bind (arglist &body body)
        (iterate (for b :first body :then (cdr b))
                 (while (not (listp (car b))))
                 (finally (return b)))
      `(,%disassemble (compile nil '(lambda ,arglist
                                     (declare (optimize speed))

(defmacro comment (&body body)
  "Do nothing with a bunch of forms.

  Handy for block-commenting multiple expressions.

  (declare (ignore body))

(defun aesthetic-string (thing)
  "Return the string used to represent `thing` when printing aesthetically."
  (format nil "~A" thing))

(defun structural-string (thing)
  "Return the string used to represent `thing` when printing structurally."
  (format nil "~S" thing))

(defun print-table (rows)
  "Print `rows` as a nicely-formatted table.

  Each row should have the same number of colums.

  Columns will be justified properly to fit the longest item in each one.


    (print-table '((1 :red something)
                   (2 :green more)))
    1 | RED   | SOMETHING
    2 | GREEN | MORE

  (when rows
      (with column-sizes =
            (reduce (curry #'mapcar #'max)
                    (mapcar (curry #'mapcar (compose #'length #'aesthetic-string))
                            rows))) ; lol
      (for row :in rows)
      (format t "~{~vA~^ | ~}~%" (mapcan #'list column-sizes row))))

(defun pretty-print-hash-table (*standard-output* ht)
      (*standard-output* (hash-table-contents ht) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
    (loop (destructuring-bind (k v) (pprint-pop)
            (write k)
            (write-string ": ")
            (write v)
            (write-string ", ")
            (pprint-newline :linear)))))

(set-pprint-dispatch 'hash-table 'pretty-print-hash-table)

(defun dump-profile (filename)
  (with-open-file (*standard-output* filename
                                     :direction :output
                                     :if-exists :supersede)
    (sb-sprof:report :type :graph
                     :sort-by :cumulative-samples
                     :sort-order :ascending)
    (sb-sprof:report :type :flat
                     :min-percent 0.5)))

(defun start-profiling (&key call-count-packages (mode :cpu))
  "Start profiling performance.  SBCL only.

  `call-count-packages` should be a list of package designators.  Functions in
  these packages will have their call counts recorded via

  (_ call-count-packages
    (mapcar #'mkstr _)
    (mapcar #'string-upcase _)
    (mapc #'sb-sprof::profile-call-counts _))
  (sb-sprof::start-profiling :max-samples 50000
                             :mode mode
                             ; :mode :time
                             :sample-interval 0.01
                             :threads :all))

(defun stop-profiling (&optional (filename ""))
  "Stop profiling performance and dump a report to `filename`.  SBCL only."
  (dump-profile filename))

(defmacro profile (form &key (mode :cpu))
  "Profile `form` and dump the report to ``."
     (start-profiling :mode ,mode)
         (time ,form)

(defmacro profile-when (condition &body body)
  "Evaluate and return `body`, profiling when `condition` is true."
  (with-gensyms (thunk)
    `(flet ((,thunk () ,@body))
       (if ,condition
         (profile (,thunk))

(defmacro timing ((&key (time :run) (result-type 'integer)) &body body)
  "Execute `body`, discard its result, and return the time taken.

  `time` must be one of `:run` or `:real`.

  `result-type` must be `integer` (which will return internal time units) or
  `rational`/`single-float`/`double-float` (which will return seconds).

  (with-gensyms (start end result)
    `(let ((,start ,(ecase time
                      (:run '(get-internal-run-time))
                      (:real '(get-internal-real-time)))))
       (progn ,@body)
       (let* ((,end ,(ecase time
                       (:run '(get-internal-run-time))
                       (:real '(get-internal-real-time))))
              (,result (- ,end ,start)))
         ,(ecase result-type
            (integer `,result)
            (rational `(/ ,result internal-time-units-per-second))
            (single-float `(coerce (/ ,result internal-time-units-per-second) 'single-float))
            (double-float `(coerce (/ ,result internal-time-units-per-second) 'double-float)))))))

(defmacro gimme (n &body body)
  `(iterate (repeat ,n)
     (collect (progn ,@body))))