src/eldritch-horrors.lisp @ 1b8a1cc764c4
Remove -<>
author |
Steve Losh <> |
date |
Mon, 29 Nov 2021 23:19:29 -0500 |
parents |
1afaa33589b2 |
children |
b51a18850dc5 |
(in-package :losh.eldritch-horrors)
(defmacro with-flexible-accessors (slot-entries instance-form &rest body)
(with-gensyms (instance)
`(let ((,instance ,instance-form))
(declare (ignorable ,instance))
,(iterate (for (symbol accessor) :in slot-entries)
(collect `(,symbol (,accessor ,instance))))
(defmacro define-with-macro (type-and-options &rest slots)
"Define a with-`type` macro for the given `type` and `slots`.
This new macro wraps `with-accessors` so you don't have to type `type-`
a billion times.
The given `type` must be a symbol naming a struct or class. It must have the
appropriate accessors with names exactly of the form `type`-`slot`.
The defined macro will look something like this:
(define-with-macro foo a b)
(defmacro with-foo ((foo &optional (a-symbol 'a) (b-symbol 'b))
&body body)
`(with-accessors ((,a-symbol foo-a) (,b-symbol foo-b))
There's a lot of magic here, but it cuts down on boilerplate for simple things
quite a lot.
(defstruct foo x y)
(define-with-macro foo x y)
(defparameter *f* (make-foo :x 10 :y 20))
(defparameter *g* (make-foo :x 555 :y 999))
(with-foo (*f*)
(with-foo (*g* gx gy)
(print (list x y gx gy))))
(10 20 555 999)
(destructuring-bind (type &key conc-name)
(ensure-list type-and-options)
(let* ((accessors (loop :for slot :in slots
:collect (if conc-name (symb conc-name slot) slot)))
(symbol-args (loop :for slot :in slots
:collect (symb slot '-symbol)))
(macro-name (symb 'with- type))
(macro-arglist `((,type &optional
,@(loop :for slot :in slots
:for arg :in symbol-args
:collect `(,arg ',slot)))
&body body))
(accessor-binding-list (loop :for arg :in symbol-args
:for accessor :in accessors
:collect ``(,,arg ,',accessor))))
`(defmacro ,macro-name ,macro-arglist
`(with-flexible-accessors ,,`(list ,@accessor-binding-list)
(defmacro eval-dammit (&body body)
"Just evaluate `body` all the time, jesus christ lisp."
`(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) ,@body))