Commit Log

commit description author date
8cf220c55f13 Make copy-digraph actually copy the data v1.2.1 Steve Losh 2018-11-03
10d265927e33 Clean up testing infrastructure in the Makefile Steve Losh 2018-11-03
969c97036477 Add `:homepage` to `defsystem` Steve Losh 2018-01-15
bece5a4bffc5 Added tag v1.2.0 for changeset 6f56512ea85a Steve Losh 2017-12-18
6f56512ea85a Bump version v1.2.0 Steve Losh 2017-12-18
3c6a684417b1 Changelog Steve Losh 2017-12-18
f87bd8fe8739 Added tag v1.1.0 for changeset cd7d9aaa9385 Steve Losh 2017-12-18
e88c9fd73e3b Add `rootp` and `leafp` Steve Losh 2017-12-18
8b15dad7dad2 Eat shit, Bitbucket Steve Losh 2017-05-15
b1e67e3dd37f Add LICENSE Steve Losh 2017-03-14
cd7d9aaa9385 Bump version & changelog v1.1.0 Steve Losh 2017-01-20
b7b83364b2ea Be friendlier Steve Losh 2017-01-20
12700a8dbc35 Clean up with `:allow-other-keys` on the caller side Steve Losh 2017-01-02
a8e88620b62c Quicklisp doesn't have quicklisp Steve Losh 2016-11-21
6de791e0fdd5 I tested it on Linux too Steve Losh 2016-11-20
315c7eadac5f Mention concurrency Steve Losh 2016-11-20
4dd91c341487 Added tag v1.0.0 for changeset 516585a909d0 Steve Losh 2016-11-20
516585a909d0 Add `emptyp`, export `roots` and `leafs` v1.0.0 Steve Losh 2016-11-20
f5d201dead81 Add `reachablep` Steve Losh 2016-11-08
f5713558cc48 Update documentation Steve Losh 2016-11-07
23445296a018 Update README Steve Losh 2016-11-06
412a127b7419 Add some documentation Steve Losh 2016-11-06
1b9b79185f17 Add some docstrings Steve Losh 2016-11-06
b786d38cb2aa Unfuck the Graphviz labels Steve Losh 2016-11-06
f5cdc0242ec0 Split systems Steve Losh 2016-11-06
f2f7da4fd4fb Add digraph.png to .hgignore. Steve Losh 2016-11-06
8a0ab75bd0df Add some tests Steve Losh 2016-11-06
3b7144885d7e Make the test scaffolding actually work Steve Losh 2016-11-06
96febb435c83 Add test scaffolding Steve Losh 2016-11-06
c3d408862ac3 Rename Steve Losh 2016-11-05
5504cf7fd389 Initial commit Steve Losh 2016-11-05