src/dot.lisp @ 884333cfb6fb v1.3.2

Detect *all* cycles during topological sort

Previously the cycle detection was limited to detecting when we hit
a currently-being-visited node during a traversal.  So something like this would
be correctly found:

    A --> B --> C
          ^     |
          |     |

We start at the root (A), go to B, then to C, then to B, and detect that we're
still working on B and signal the error.

But this doesn't find all cycles, because we *start* at the root nodes, and if
a cycle doesn't have any outcropping branches we'll never reach it at all.  For

    A --> B
    ^     |
    |     |

This graph has no roots, so we incorrectly ignore the cycle.

This patch fixes the problem by keeping a count of visited nodes and and making
sure it matches the digraph's size at the end.

author Steve Losh <>
date Mon, 14 Dec 2020 20:13:51 -0500
parents 412a127b7419
children 63712529f020 f11da0d6a058

(defun find-dot-roots (digraph)
  (let ((nodes (vertices digraph))
        (roots nil)
        (test (digraph::digraph-test digraph)))
    (labels ((descendents (vertex)
               (map-depth-first #'identity digraph vertex))
             (prune (vertex)
               (setf nodes (set-difference nodes (descendents vertex)
                                           :test test)))
             (mark-root-and-prune (vertex)
               (push vertex roots)
               (prune vertex)))
      (mapc #'mark-root-and-prune (digraph::roots digraph))
      (loop :while nodes :do (mark-root-and-prune (pop nodes))))

(defparameter *current-digraph* nil)

(defmethod cl-dot:graph-object-node ((graph (eql 'digraph)) (vertex t))
  (make-instance 'cl-dot:node
    :attributes `(:label ,(format nil "~A" vertex) :shape :circle)))

(defmethod cl-dot:graph-object-points-to ((graph (eql 'digraph)) (vertex t))
  (successors *current-digraph* vertex))

(defun draw (digraph &key (filename "digraph.png") (format :png))
  "Draw `digraph` with cl-dot."
  (let ((*current-digraph* digraph))
      (cl-dot:generate-graph-from-roots 'digraph (find-dot-roots digraph))
      :format format))