src/directed-graph.lisp @ 4a86a78b3de6

Added tag v1.2.1 for changeset 8cf220c55f13
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 03 Nov 2018 15:44:01 -0400
parents 8cf220c55f13
children 0434eb58dde3
(in-package :digraph)

;;;; Utils --------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun make-hash-table-portably (&key (size 0) test hash-function)
    :test test
    :size size
    ;; Don't explode if the implementation doesn't support :hash-function.
    :allow-other-keys t
    :hash-function hash-function))

;;;; Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
(defclass digraph ()
  ((nodes :initarg :nodes :reader digraph-nodes)
   (test :initarg :test :reader digraph-test)
   (hash-function :initarg :hash-function :reader digraph-hash-function))
  (:documentation "A directed graph.  Use `make-digraph` to create one."))

(defun make-digraph (&key initial-vertices
                     (test #'eql)
                     (hash-function nil))
  "Create and return a new digraph.

  `initial-vertices` can be a sequence of vertices to add to the graph.

  `test` should be one of the hash table equality predicates.

  If your Lisp implementation supports the `:hash-function` argument for
  creating hash tables with custom predicates, you can specify one with

  (let ((digraph (make-instance 'digraph
                   :nodes (make-hash-table-portably
                            :test test
                            :size (length initial-vertices)
                            :hash-function hash-function)
                   :test test
                   :hash-function hash-function)))
    (map nil (curry #'insert-vertex digraph) initial-vertices)

(defmethod print-object ((d digraph) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (d stream :type t :identity t)
    (format stream "~:S" (hash-table-keys (digraph-nodes d)))))

(defmacro pred (digraph object)
  `(car (gethash ,object (digraph-nodes ,digraph))))

(defmacro succ (digraph object)
  `(cdr (gethash ,object (digraph-nodes ,digraph))))

(defmacro do-vertices ((symbol digraph) &body body)
  `(loop :for ,symbol :being :the hash-keys :of (digraph-nodes ,digraph)
    :do (progn ,@body)))

(defmacro do-edges ((predecessor-symbol successor-symbol digraph) &body body)
  (with-gensyms (succs)
      :for ,predecessor-symbol :being :the hash-keys :of (digraph-nodes ,digraph)
      :using (hash-value (nil . ,succs))
      :do (loop :for ,successor-symbol :in ,succs ; i miss u, iterate
                :do (progn ,@body)))))

;;;; Basic API ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun emptyp (digraph)
  "Return `t` if `digraph` has no vertices or edges, `nil` otherwise."
  (zerop (hash-table-count (digraph-nodes digraph))))

(defun vertices (digraph)
  "Return a fresh list of the vertices of `digraph`."
  (hash-table-keys (digraph-nodes digraph)))

(defun edges (digraph)
  "Return a fresh list of the edges of `digraph`.

  Each edge will be a cons of the form `(predecessor . successor)`.

  (map-edges #'cons digraph))

(defun predecessors (digraph vertex)
  "Return a fresh list of the predecessors of `vertex`."
  (copy-list (pred digraph vertex)))

(defun successors (digraph vertex)
  "Return a fresh list of the successors of `vertex`."
  (copy-list (succ digraph vertex)))

(defun neighbors (digraph vertex)
  "Return a fresh list of the neighbors of `vertex`."
  (union (predecessors digraph vertex)
         (successors digraph vertex)
         :test (digraph-test digraph)))

(defun contains-vertex-p (digraph vertex)
  "Return whether the graph contains `vertex`."
  (nth-value 1 (gethash vertex (digraph-nodes digraph))))

(defun contains-edge-p (digraph predecessor successor)
  "Return whether the graph contains an edge from `predecessor` to `successor`."
  (ensure-boolean (member successor (succ digraph predecessor)
                          :test (digraph-test digraph))))

(defun insert-vertex (digraph vertex)
  "Insert `vertex` into the graph if it is not already a member.

  Returns `t` if the vertex was already in the graph, or `nil` if it was

  (nth-value 1 (ensure-gethash vertex (digraph-nodes digraph)
                               (cons nil nil))))

(defun insert-edge (digraph predecessor successor)
  "Insert an edge from `predecessor` to `successor` if not already present.

  The `predecessor` and `successor` vertices must exist in the graph already.

  Returns `t` if the edge was already in the graph, or `nil` if it was

  (assert (contains-vertex-p digraph predecessor) (predecessor)
    "Cannot add edge with predecessor ~S because it is not in the graph"
  (assert (contains-vertex-p digraph successor) (successor)
    "Cannot add edge with successor ~S because it is not in the graph"
      (contains-edge-p digraph predecessor successor)
    (pushnew predecessor (pred digraph successor) :test (digraph-test digraph))
    (pushnew successor (succ digraph predecessor) :test (digraph-test digraph))))

(defun insert-chain (digraph predecessor successor &rest later-successors)
  "Insert edges between a series of vertices.

  Give a series of vertices `V0 V1 ... Vn`, edges between each will be inserted
  if not already present:

    V0 -> V1 -> ... -> Vn

  All vertices must exist in the graph already.

  Returns `nil`.

  (insert-edge digraph predecessor successor)
  (when later-successors
    (apply #'insert-chain digraph successor later-successors)))

(defun remove-edge (digraph predecessor successor)
  "Remove an edge from `predecessor` to `successor` if present.

  Returns `t` if there was such an edge, or `nil` if not.

  (if (contains-edge-p digraph predecessor successor)
      (removef (succ digraph predecessor) successor :test (digraph-test digraph))
      (removef (pred digraph successor) predecessor :test (digraph-test digraph))

(defun remove-vertex (digraph vertex)
  "Remove `vertex` from the graph if present.

  If there are any edges to/from `vertex` they will be automatically removed.

  Returns `t` if there was such a vertex, or `nil` if not.

  (if (contains-vertex-p digraph vertex)
    (let ((ps (pred digraph vertex))
          (ss (succ digraph vertex))
          (test (digraph-test digraph)))
      (loop :for p :in ps :do (removef (succ digraph p) vertex :test test))
      (loop :for s :in ss :do (removef (pred digraph s) vertex :test test))
      (remhash vertex (digraph-nodes digraph))

(defun degree (digraph vertex)
  "Return the number of neighbors of `vertex`."
  (length (neighbors digraph vertex)))

(defun degree-in (digraph vertex)
  "Return the number of predecessors of `vertex`."
  (length (pred digraph vertex)))

(defun degree-out (digraph vertex)
  "Return the number of successors of `vertex`."
  (length (succ digraph vertex)))

(defun count-vertices (digraph)
  "Return the number of vertices in `digraph`."
  (hash-table-count (digraph-nodes digraph)))

(defun count-edges (digraph)
  "Return the number of edges in `digraph`."
  (let ((result 0))
    (do-edges (nil nil digraph) (incf result))

(defun rootp (digraph vertex)
  "Return whether `vertex` is a root vertex in `digraph`."
  (null (pred digraph vertex)))

(defun leafp (digraph vertex)
  "Return whether `vertex` is a leaf vertex in `digraph`."
  (null (succ digraph vertex)))

;;;; Iteration ----------------------------------------------------------------
(defun mapc-vertices (function digraph)
  "Call `function` on each vertex in `digraph`.

  The order in which the vertices are processed is unspecified.

  Returns `nil`.

  (do-vertices (v digraph) (funcall function v)))

(defun mapc-edges (function digraph)
  "Call `function` on each edge in `digraph`.

  For each edge, `function` will be called once with two arguments:

    (function predecessor successor)

  The order in which the edges are processed is unspecified.

  Returns `nil`.

  (do-edges (p s digraph) (funcall function p s)))

(defun map-vertices (function digraph)
  "Return a fresh list with the results of calling `function` on each vertex.

  The order of the resulting list is unspecified.

  (let ((result nil))
    (do-vertices (v digraph) (push (funcall function v) result))

(defun map-edges (function digraph)
  "Return a fresh list with the results of calling `function` on each edge.

  For each edge, `function` will be called once with two arguments:

    (function predecessor successor)

  The order of the resulting list is unspecified.

  (let ((result nil))
    (do-edges (p s digraph) (push (funcall function p s) result))

;;;; Copying ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun copy-digraph (digraph)
  "Create a fresh copy of `digraph`.

  The vertex objects themselves are not copied, but everything else is.

  ;; todo make this faster, but at least this works
  (let ((copy (make-digraph :test (digraph-test digraph)
                            :hash-function (digraph-hash-function digraph)
                            :initial-vertices (vertices digraph))))
    (do-edges (p s digraph) (insert-edge copy p s))

;;;; Traversal ----------------------------------------------------------------
;;; Adapted from

(defun mapc-depth-first (function digraph start-vertex)
  "Apply `function` to the vertices of a depth-first traversal of `digraph`.

  Returns `nil`.

  Vertices are processed in depth-first order, beginning at `start-vertex`.

  Cycles in the graph will not be traversed into.

  (let ((seen nil))
    (labels ((recur (vertex)
               (when (not (member vertex seen :test (digraph-test digraph)))
                 (push vertex seen)
                 (funcall function vertex)
                 (mapcar #'recur (succ digraph vertex)))))
      (when (contains-vertex-p digraph start-vertex)
        (recur start-vertex))))

(defun mapc-breadth-first (function digraph start-vertex)
  "Apply `function` to the vertices of a breadth-first traversal of `digraph`.

  Returns `nil`.

  Vertices are processed in breadth-first order, beginning at `start-vertex`.

  Cycles in the graph will not be traversed into.

  (let ((seen nil)
        (remaining nil))
    (labels ((recur (vertex)
               (when (not (member vertex seen :test (digraph-test digraph)))
                 (push vertex seen)
                 (funcall function vertex)
                 ;;; todo maybe use jpl queues here...
                 (appendf remaining (succ digraph vertex)))
               (when remaining
                 (recur (pop remaining)))))
      (when (contains-vertex-p digraph start-vertex)
        (recur start-vertex))))

(defun map-depth-first (function digraph start-vertex)
  "Apply `function` to the vertices of a breadth-first traversal of `digraph`.

  Returns a fresh list with the results.

  Vertices are processed in depth-first order, beginning at `start-vertex`, and
  the resulting list has this order as well.

  Cycles in the graph will not be traversed into.

  (let ((result nil))
    (mapc-depth-first (lambda (v) (push (funcall function v) result))
                      digraph start-vertex)
    (nreverse result)))

(defun map-breadth-first (function digraph start-vertex)
  "Apply `function` to the vertices of a breadth-first traversal of `digraph`.

  Returns a fresh list with the results.

  Vertices are processed in breadth-first order, beginning at `start-vertex`,
  and the resulting list has this order as well.

  Cycles in the graph will not be traversed into.

  (let ((result nil))
    (mapc-breadth-first (lambda (v) (push (funcall function v) result))
                        digraph start-vertex)
    (nreverse result)))

(defun roots (digraph)
  "Return all root vertices in `digraph`.

  This is currently O(vertices).

  A root is a vertex with no incoming edges (i.e. in-degree 0).

  (remove-if-not (curry #'rootp digraph)
                 (vertices digraph)))

(defun leafs (digraph)
  "Return all leaf vertices in `digraph`.

  This is currently O(vertices).

  A root is a vertex with no outgoing edges (i.e. out-degree 0).

  (remove-if-not (curry #'leafp digraph)
                 (vertices digraph)))

(defun topological-sort% (function digraph)
  (let ((status (make-hash-table-portably
                  :test (digraph-test digraph)
                  :hash-function (digraph-hash-function digraph))))
        ((visit (vertex)
           (ecase (gethash vertex status :new)
              (error "Cycle detected during topological map involving vertex ~S"
             (:new (recur vertex))
             (:done nil)))
         (recur (vertex)
           (setf (gethash vertex status) :active)
           (mapc #'visit (succ digraph vertex))
           (setf (gethash vertex status) :done)
           (funcall function vertex)))
      (mapc #'visit (roots digraph))))

(defun topological-sort (digraph)
  "Return a fresh list of the vertices of `digraph` in topological order.

  Edges are treated as meaning \"depends on\", so an edge `A --> B` means \"A
  depends on B\" and that B must come before A in the resulting list.  Aside
  from this restriction, the order of the resulting list is arbitrary.

  The order in which the vertices are processed is unspecified.

  An error will be signaled if the graph contains a cycle.

  (let ((result nil))
    (topological-sort% (lambda (v) (push v result)) digraph)
    (nreverse result)))

(defun reachablep (digraph start target &key (strategy :breadth-first))
  "Return `t` if it is possible to reach `target` from `start`, otherwise `nil`.

  All vertices are reachable from themselves.

  Otherwise a `target` is reachable from `start` if a directed path exists from
  the start to the target.

  `strategy` will be used to determine how to traverse the graph when searching
  for a path, and can be one of `:breadth-first` or `:depth-first`.

  (let* ((traverse (ccase strategy
                     (:breadth-first #'mapc-breadth-first)
                     (:depth-first #'mapc-depth-first)))
         (test (digraph-test digraph))
         (check (lambda (vertex)
                  (when (funcall test vertex target)
                    (return-from reachablep t)))))
    (funcall traverse check digraph start)

;;;; Scratch ------------------------------------------------------------------
(defun make-test-digraph ()
  ;; a ---->  middle  ----> z         ORPHAN
  ;; ^          ^  ^
  ;; |          |  |
  ;; B ---------+  |
  ;; |             |          +-------------------+
  ;; v             |          |                   v
  ;; c --------> dogs        FOO ----> bar ----> baz
  ;; ^                        |
  ;; |                        |
  ;; +------------------------+
  (let ((g (make-digraph
             '(a b c dogs middle z orphan foo bar baz))))
    (insert-edge g 'a 'middle)
    (insert-edge g 'b 'middle)
    (insert-edge g 'b 'a)
    (insert-edge g 'middle 'z)
    ; (insert-edge g 'z 'z)
    (insert-edge g 'b 'c)
    (insert-edge g 'c 'dogs)
    (insert-edge g 'dogs 'middle)
    ; (insert-edge g 'dogs 'c)
    (insert-edge g 'foo 'baz)
    (insert-edge g 'foo 'bar)
    (insert-edge g 'bar 'baz)

  (defparameter *d* (make-test-digraph))
  (setf cl-dot:*dot-path* "/usr/local/bin/dot")
  ( *d*))