Commit Log

commit description author date
c0e64287468e Add stack viewer and saner UI Steve Losh 2016-11-18
4e284e3b3aff Cleanup Steve Losh 2016-11-18
e6a45e9d9869 WELL DO IT LIVE Steve Losh 2016-11-18
5e7aa5bae23f Add a basic debugger UI Steve Losh 2016-11-17
bdaf51633983 Clean up the disassembler Steve Losh 2016-11-17
a316b453595a Start working on a basic debugger Steve Losh 2016-11-17
8e58d7eb4d03 More work. Things appear on the screen now. Steve Losh 2016-11-17
fd215349e7bb More opcodes Steve Losh 2016-11-16
5cfbf08cb54d Add GUI and implement a bit more Steve Losh 2016-11-16
f7f47291a61a Start writing this thing I guess Steve Losh 2016-11-16
d7119e2cc512 Initial commit Steve Losh 2016-11-15
No more entries