
Clean up the debugging interface
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author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 18 Nov 2016 14:58:05 +0000 (2016-11-18)
parents c0e64287468e
children d18676cbb4f2
branches/tags (none)
files package.lisp src/debugger.lisp src/emulator.lisp src/gui.lisp


--- a/package.lisp	Fri Nov 18 13:14:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/package.lisp	Fri Nov 18 14:58:05 2016 +0000
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (defpackage :chip8.gui
-  (:use :cl+qt :iterate :losh
+  (:use :cl+qt :iterate :losh :cl-arrows
 (defpackage :chip8.debugger
--- a/src/debugger.lisp	Fri Nov 18 13:14:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/debugger.lisp	Fri Nov 18 14:58:05 2016 +0000
@@ -18,102 +18,10 @@
 ;;;; Disassembler -------------------------------------------------------------
 ;;;; Code
-(defun disassemble-instruction (instruction)
-  (let ((_x__ (ldb (byte 4 8) instruction))
-        (__x_ (ldb (byte 4 4) instruction))
-        (___x (ldb (byte 4 0) instruction))
-        (__xx (ldb (byte 8 0) instruction))
-        (_xxx (ldb (byte 12 0) instruction)))
-    (case (logand #xF000 instruction)
-      (#x0000 (case instruction
-                (#x00E0 '(cls))
-                (#x00EE '(ret))))
-      (#x1000 `(jp ,_xxx))
-      (#x2000 `(call ,_xxx))
-      (#x3000 `(se (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
-      (#x4000 `(sne (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
-      (#x5000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
-                (#x0 `(se (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))))
-      (#x6000 `(ld (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
-      (#x7000 `(add (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
-      (#x8000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
-                (#x0 `(ld (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x1 `(or (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x2 `(and (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x3 `(xor (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x4 `(add (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x5 `(sub (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x6 `(shr (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#x7 `(subn (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
-                (#xE `(shl (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))))
-      (#x9000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
-                (#x0 `(sne (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))))
-      (#xA000 `(ld i ,_xxx))
-      (#xB000 `(jp (v 0) ,_xxx))
-      (#xC000 `(rnd (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
-      (#xD000 `(drw (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_) ,___x))
-      (#xE000 (case (logand #x00FF instruction)
-                (#x9E `(skp (v ,_x__)))
-                (#xA1 `(sknp (v ,_x__)))))
-      (#xF000 (case (logand #x00FF instruction)
-                (#x07 `(ld (v ,_x__) dt))
-                (#x0A `(ld (v ,_x__) k))
-                (#x15 `(ld dt (v ,_x__)))
-                (#x18 `(ld st (v ,_x__)))
-                (#x1E `(add i (v ,_x__)))
-                (#x29 `(ld f (v ,_x__)))
-                (#x33 `(ld b (v ,_x__)))
-                (#x55 `(ld (mem i) ,_x__))
-                (#x65 `(ld ,_x__ (mem i))))))))
-(defun bit-diagram (integer)
-  (iterate (for high-bit :from 15 :downto 8)
-           (for low-bit :from 7 :downto 0)
-           (for hi = (logbitp high-bit integer))
-           (for lo = (logbitp low-bit integer))
-           (collect (cond
-                      ((and hi lo) #\full_block)
-                      (hi #\upper_half_block)
-                      (lo #\lower_half_block)
-                      (t #\space))
-                    :result-type 'string)))
-(defun retrieve-instruction (array index)
-  (chip8::cat-bytes (aref array index)
-                    ;; ugly hack to handle odd-sized roms
-                    (if (< (1+ index) (length array))
-                      (aref array (1+ index))
-                      0)))
-(defun instruction-information (array index)
-  (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction array index)))
-    (list index
-          instruction
-          (disassemble-instruction instruction)
-          (bit-diagram instruction))))
-(defun disassemble-instructions (array start)
-  (iterate
-    (for i :from start :below (length array) :by 2)
-    (collect (instruction-information array i) :result-type vector)))
-(defun dump (array start &optional (offset 0))
-  (iterate (for (address instruction disassembly bits)
-                :in-vector (disassemble-instructions array start))
-           (sleep 0.005)
-           (format t "~3,'0X: ~4,'0X ~24A ~8A~%"
-                   (+ address offset)
-                   instruction
-                   (or disassembly "")
-                   bits)))
-(defparameter *rom*
-  (read-file-into-byte-vector "roms/merlin.rom"))
-(defparameter *test*
-  (disassemble-instructions *rom* 0))
+(defun disassemble-address (chip address)
+  (-<> chip
+    chip8::chip-memory
+    (chip8::instruction-information <> address)))
 ;;;; Model
@@ -136,8 +44,7 @@
 (defun get-disassembly-contents (model row col)
   (let ((data (-<> model
-                chip8::chip-memory
-                (instruction-information <> (* 2 row))
+                (disassemble-address <> (* 2 row))
                 (nth col <>))))
     (ecase col
       (0 (format nil "~3,'0X" data))
--- a/src/emulator.lisp	Fri Nov 18 13:14:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/emulator.lisp	Fri Nov 18 14:58:05 2016 +0000
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@
 ;;;; Data ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+(defstruct debugger
+  (paused nil :type boolean)
+  (take-step nil :type boolean)
+  (print-needed nil :type boolean))
 (defstruct chip
   (memory (make-simple-array 'int8 4096)
           :type (basic-array int8 4096)
@@ -103,7 +108,8 @@
            :adjustable nil
            :fill-pointer 0
            :element-type 'int12)
-         :type (stack 16)))
+         :type (stack 16))
+  (debugger (make-debugger) :type debugger :read-only t))
 (define-with-macro chip
   memory registers
@@ -113,7 +119,11 @@
   video video-dirty
   keys awaiting-key
-  stack)
+  stack
+  debugger)
+(define-with-macro debugger
+  paused take-step print-needed)
 (declaim (inline chip-flag (setf chip-flag)))
@@ -124,6 +134,147 @@
   (setf (aref (chip-registers chip) #xF) new-value))
+;;;; Disassembler -------------------------------------------------------------
+(defun disassemble-instruction (instruction)
+  (let ((_x__ (ldb (byte 4 8) instruction))
+        (__x_ (ldb (byte 4 4) instruction))
+        (___x (ldb (byte 4 0) instruction))
+        (__xx (ldb (byte 8 0) instruction))
+        (_xxx (ldb (byte 12 0) instruction)))
+    (case (logand #xF000 instruction)
+      (#x0000 (case instruction
+                (#x00E0 '(cls))
+                (#x00EE '(ret))))
+      (#x1000 `(jp ,_xxx))
+      (#x2000 `(call ,_xxx))
+      (#x3000 `(se (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
+      (#x4000 `(sne (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
+      (#x5000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
+                (#x0 `(se (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))))
+      (#x6000 `(ld (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
+      (#x7000 `(add (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
+      (#x8000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
+                (#x0 `(ld (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x1 `(or (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x2 `(and (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x3 `(xor (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x4 `(add (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x5 `(sub (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x6 `(shr (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#x7 `(subn (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))
+                (#xE `(shl (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))))
+      (#x9000 (case (logand #x000F instruction)
+                (#x0 `(sne (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_)))))
+      (#xA000 `(ld i ,_xxx))
+      (#xB000 `(jp (v 0) ,_xxx))
+      (#xC000 `(rnd (v ,_x__) ,__xx))
+      (#xD000 `(drw (v ,_x__) (v ,__x_) ,___x))
+      (#xE000 (case (logand #x00FF instruction)
+                (#x9E `(skp (v ,_x__)))
+                (#xA1 `(sknp (v ,_x__)))))
+      (#xF000 (case (logand #x00FF instruction)
+                (#x07 `(ld (v ,_x__) dt))
+                (#x0A `(ld (v ,_x__) k))
+                (#x15 `(ld dt (v ,_x__)))
+                (#x18 `(ld st (v ,_x__)))
+                (#x1E `(add i (v ,_x__)))
+                (#x29 `(ld f (v ,_x__)))
+                (#x33 `(ld b (v ,_x__)))
+                (#x55 `(ld (mem i) ,_x__))
+                (#x65 `(ld ,_x__ (mem i))))))))
+(defun bit-diagram (integer)
+  (iterate (for high-bit :from 15 :downto 8)
+           (for low-bit :from 7 :downto 0)
+           (for hi = (logbitp high-bit integer))
+           (for lo = (logbitp low-bit integer))
+           (collect (cond
+                      ((and hi lo) #\full_block)
+                      (hi #\upper_half_block)
+                      (lo #\lower_half_block)
+                      (t #\space))
+                    :result-type 'string)))
+(defun retrieve-instruction (array index)
+  (chip8::cat-bytes (aref array index)
+                    ;; ugly hack to handle odd-sized roms
+                    (if (< (1+ index) (length array))
+                      (aref array (1+ index))
+                      0)))
+(defun instruction-information (array index)
+  (let ((instruction (retrieve-instruction array index)))
+    (list index
+          instruction
+          (disassemble-instruction instruction)
+          (bit-diagram instruction))))
+(defun print-disassembled-instruction (array index)
+  (destructuring-bind (address instruction disassembly bits)
+      (instruction-information array index)
+    (format t "~3,'0X: ~4,'0X ~24A ~8A~%"
+            address
+            instruction
+            (or disassembly "")
+            bits)))
+(defun disassemble-instructions (array start)
+  (iterate
+    (for i :from start :below (length array) :by 2)
+    (collect (instruction-information array i) :result-type vector)))
+(defun dump-disassembly (array &optional (start 0) (end (length array)))
+  (iterate
+    (for i :from start :below end :by 2)
+    (print-disassembled-instruction array i)
+    (sleep 0.001)))
+;;;; Debugger -----------------------------------------------------------------
+(declaim (ftype (function (debugger) boolean)
+                debugger-should-wait-p))
+(defun debugger-pause (debugger)
+  (with-debugger (debugger)
+    (setf paused t print-needed t)))
+(defun debugger-unpause (debugger)
+  (with-debugger (debugger)
+    (setf paused nil print-needed nil)))
+(defun debugger-toggle-pause (debugger)
+  (if (debugger-paused debugger)
+    (debugger-unpause debugger)
+    (debugger-pause debugger)))
+(defun debugger-step (debugger)
+  (with-debugger (debugger)
+    (setf take-step t)))
+(defun debugger-print (debugger chip)
+  (with-debugger (debugger)
+    (when (and paused print-needed)
+      (setf print-needed nil)
+      (destructuring-bind (address instruction disassembly bits)
+          (instruction-information (chip-memory chip) (chip-program-counter chip))
+        (format t "~3,'0X: ~4,'0X ~24A ~8A~%"
+                address
+                instruction
+                (or disassembly "")
+                bits)))))
+(defun debugger-should-wait-p (debugger)
+  (with-debugger (debugger)
+    (if (not paused) ; if we're not paused, we never need to wait
+      nil
+      (if take-step
+        (progn (setf take-step nil ; if we're paused, but are ready to step, go 
+                     print-needed t)
+               nil)
+        t)))) ; otherwise we're fully paused -- wait
 ;;;; Graphics -----------------------------------------------------------------
 (declaim (inline font-location vref (setf vref))
          (ftype (function (chip int8 int8 int4) null) draw-sprite)
@@ -360,7 +511,6 @@
   (ftype (function (chip int16) null) dispatch-instruction))
 (defparameter *running* t)
-(defparameter *paused* nil)
 (defparameter *c* nil)
@@ -427,24 +577,23 @@
 (defun emulate-cycle (chip)
   (with-chip (chip)
-    (if (or *paused* awaiting-key)
-      (sleep 10/1000)
-      (let ((instruction (cat-bytes (aref memory program-counter)
-                                    (aref memory (1+ program-counter)))))
-        ; (format t "~4,'0X: ~4,'0X~%" program-counter instruction)
-        (zapf program-counter (chop 12 (+ % 2)))
-        (dispatch-instruction chip instruction)
-        (sleep 0.001)
-        (update-timers chip)))
+    (debugger-print debugger chip)
+    (cond
+      ((debugger-should-wait-p debugger) (sleep 100/1000))
+      (awaiting-key (sleep 10/1000))
+      (t (let ((instruction (cat-bytes (aref memory program-counter)
+                                       (aref memory (1+ program-counter)))))
+           (zapf program-counter (chop 12 (+ % 2)))
+           (dispatch-instruction chip instruction)
+           (sleep 0.001)
+           (update-timers chip))))
     (setf timer-previous (get-internal-real-time))
 (defun run (rom-filename)
   (let ((chip (make-chip)))
-    (setf *running* t
-          *paused* nil
-          *c* chip)
+    (setf *running* t *c* chip)
     (load-rom chip rom-filename)
       (lambda ()
--- a/src/gui.lisp	Fri Nov 18 13:14:42 2016 +0000
+++ b/src/gui.lisp	Fri Nov 18 14:58:05 2016 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 ;;;; Config -------------------------------------------------------------------
 (defparameter *current* nil)
-(defparameter *scale* 6)
+(defparameter *scale* 8)
 (defparameter *width* (* *scale* 64))
 (defparameter *height* (* *scale* 32))
 (defparameter *fps* 60)
@@ -94,26 +94,25 @@
   (q+:end-native-painting painter))
 (defun render-debug (screen painter)
-  (declare (ignore screen))
-  (when chip8::*paused*
-    (with-finalizing* ((font (q+:make-qfont "Menlo" 40))
-                       (border-color (q+:make-qcolor 255 255 255))
-                       (fill-color (q+:make-qcolor 0 0 0))
-                       (path (q+:make-qpainterpath))
-                       (pen (q+:make-qpen))
-                       (brush (q+:make-qbrush fill-color)))
-      (setf (q+:width pen) 1)
-      (setf (q+:color pen) border-color)
+  (when (-> screen screen-chip chip8::chip-debugger chip8::debugger-paused)
+         (with-finalizing* ((font (q+:make-qfont "Menlo" 20))
+                            (border-color (q+:make-qcolor 255 255 255))
+                            (fill-color (q+:make-qcolor 0 0 0))
+                            (path (q+:make-qpainterpath))
+                            (pen (q+:make-qpen))
+                            (brush (q+:make-qbrush fill-color)))
+           (setf (q+:width pen) 1)
+           (setf (q+:color pen) border-color)
-      (setf (q+:pen painter) pen)
-      (setf (q+:brush painter) brush)
-      (setf (q+:font painter) font)
-      (setf (q+:weight font) (
-      (setf (q+:style-hint font) (q+:qfont.type-writer))
+           (setf (q+:pen painter) pen)
+           (setf (q+:brush painter) brush)
+           (setf (q+:font painter) font)
+           (setf (q+:weight font) (
+           (setf (q+:style-hint font) (q+:qfont.type-writer))
-      ; (setf (q+:pen painter) (q+:make-qcolor "#ff0000"))
-      (q+:add-text path 10 40 font "PAUSED")
-      (q+:draw-path painter path))))
+           ; (setf (q+:pen painter) (q+:make-qcolor "#ff0000"))
+           (q+:add-text path 10 20 font "PAUSED")
+           (q+:draw-path painter path))))
 (define-override (screen paint-event) (ev)
   (declare (ignore ev))
@@ -158,11 +157,15 @@
     (if pad-key
       (when pad-key
         (chip8::keyup chip pad-key))
-      (cond ((= key (q+:qt.key_escape))
-             (die screen))
+      (qtenumcase key
+        ((q+:qt.key_escape)
+         (die screen))
-            ((= key (q+:qt.key_space))
-             (zapf chip8::*paused* (not %))))))
+        ((q+:qt.key_space)
+         (-> chip chip8::chip-debugger chip8::debugger-toggle-pause))
+        ((q+:qt.key_f7)
+         (-> chip chip8::chip-debugger chip8::debugger-step)))))