src/high-level/boxes.lisp @ a661458d896b

author Steve Losh <>
date Fri, 24 Nov 2017 14:29:08 -0500
parents e0811ef78cce
children (none)
(in-package :bearlibterminal/high-level)

(defun draw-box-outline (x y w h
                         top bottom left right
                         top-left top-right
                         bot-left bot-right)
  (loop :for bx :from (1+ x) :below (+ x w -1)
        :do (setf (blt:cell-char bx y) top
                  (blt:cell-char bx (+ y h -1)) bottom))
  (loop :for by :from (1+ y) :below (+ y h -1)
        :do (setf (blt:cell-char x by) left
                  (blt:cell-char (+ x w -1) by) right))
    (blt:cell-char x y) top-left
    (blt:cell-char (+ x w -1) y) top-right
    (blt:cell-char x (+ y h -1)) bot-left
    (blt:cell-char (+ x w -1) (+ y h -1)) bot-right)

(defun draw-box-fill (x y w h)
  (loop :for bx :from x :below (+ x w)
        :do (loop :for by :from y :below (+ y h)
                  :do (setf (blt:cell-char bx by) #\full_block))))

(defun draw-box-background (x y w h color outline?)
  (setf (blt:color) color)
  (draw-box-fill (1+ x) (1+ y) (- w 2) (- h 2))
  (if outline?
    (draw-box-outline x y w h
    (draw-box-outline x y w h

(defun draw-box-border-light (x y w h color)
  (setf (blt:color) color)
  (draw-box-outline x y w h

(defun draw-box-border-heavy (x y w h color)
  (setf (blt:color) color)
  (draw-box-outline x y w h

(defun draw-box-border-double (x y w h color)
  (setf (blt:color) color)
  (draw-box-outline x y w h

(defun draw-box-border-block (x y w h color)
  (setf (blt:color) color)
  (draw-box-outline x y w h

(defun draw-box-contents (x y w h contents)
  (blt:print (1+ x) (1+ y) contents
             :width (- w 2)
             :height (- h 2)))

(defun draw-box (x y width height &key
                 (contents nil)
                 (border :light)
                 (background-color (blt:rgba 0 0 0))
                 (border-color (blt:rgba 255 255 255)))
  "Draw a box.

  The border of the box, if present, will be one cell wide/tall.

  `border` specifies the type of border to draw, and can be one of `:light`,
  `:heavy`, or `:double`, or `nil` for no border.

  `background-color` and `border-color` specify the colors to use.  If `nil` is
  given they will not be drawn.

  The `width` and `height` measurements include the two border cells, if
  present.  For example: a `width` of `10` would have `8` cells of content
  space with a border.

  If given, `contents` will be `print`ed inside the box with the appropriate
  bounds.  The color, font, etc will all be whatever they are currently set to.

  **EXPERIMENTAL**: This function is experimental and may change or be remove
  entirely in the future.

  (save-value blt:composition
    (setf (blt:composition) t)

    (when background-color
      (draw-box-background x y width height background-color
                           (and border border-color)))
    (when (and border border-color)
      (funcall (ecase border
                 (:light #'draw-box-border-light)
                 (:heavy #'draw-box-border-heavy)
                 (:double #'draw-box-border-double)
                 (:block #'draw-box-border-block))
               x y width height border-color))

    (when contents
      (draw-box-contents x y width height contents))))