examples/story.lisp @ f31f114d1e79

Copy over and clean up from my sandbox repo
author Steve Losh <steve@stevelosh.com>
date Wed, 11 Jan 2017 16:54:51 +0000
parents (none)
children bad26979f2d4
(in-package :chancery)
(named-readtables:in-readtable :chancery)

(define-rule name
  "bob smith")

(define-rule nature-noun

(define-rule animal

(define-rule color

(define-rule activity

(define-rule sentence
  ("The" color animal "of the" nature-noun "is called" [name cap-all q] :. ".")
  ("The" animal "was" activity "in the" [nature-noun s] :. ".")
  ([name cap-all pos] "favorite color is" color :. ".")
  ([nature-noun cap] "air is fresh.")
  ("The" [animal s] "were" activity "in the" nature-noun :. "."))

(define-rule pronoun
  "he" "she")

(define-rule posessive-pronoun
  "his" "her")

(define-rule omen
  "good omen"
  "bad omen")

(define-rule story%
  ("There once was" [color a] animal "named"  hero :. "."
   cap-pro "journeyed to a distant" nature-noun "to find" [animal a] :. "."
   "On the way" pronoun "saw" (eval (+ 10 (random 10))) [animal s] activity :. "."
   hero "considered this to be a" omen :. ".")
  (bind ((victim animal))
    (hero "came upon a sick" victim :. "."
     cap-pro "touched the" victim "and" posessive-pronoun "wounds were healed.")))

(define-rule story
  (bind* ((hero [name cap-all])
          (pronoun pronoun)
          (cap-pro [pronoun cap]))

; (iterate (repeat 30) (pr (sentence)))