src/caves/entities/player.clj @ b894c3ffe436

what have I done?
author Steve Losh <>
date Sat, 14 Jul 2012 00:31:26 -0400
parents 716b6b7e09f1
children 180b5b981d92
(ns caves.entities.player
  (:use [caves.entities.core :only [Entity add-aspect]]
        [ :only [Mobile move can-move?]]
        [caves.entities.aspects.digger :only [Digger dig can-dig?]]
        [caves.entities.aspects.attacker :only [Attacker attack]]
        [caves.entities.aspects.destructible :only [Destructible take-damage]]
        [caves.coords :only [destination-coords]]
        [ :only [is-empty? get-tile-kind set-tile-floor

(defrecord Player [id glyph color location])

(defn check-tile
  "Check that the tile at the destination passes the given predicate."
  [world dest pred]
  (pred (get-tile-kind world dest)))

(extend-type Player Entity
  (tick [this world]

(add-aspect Player Mobile)

(extend-type Player Digger
  (dig [this world dest]
    {:pre [(can-dig? this world dest)]}
    (set-tile-floor world dest))
  (can-dig? [this world dest]
    (check-tile world dest #{:wall})))

(extend-type Player Attacker
  (attack [this world target]
    {:pre [(satisfies? Destructible target)]}
    (let [damage 1]
      (take-damage target world damage))))

(defn make-player [location]
  (->Player :player "@" :white location))

(defn move-player [world dir]
  (let [player (get-in world [:entities :player])
        target (destination-coords (:location player) dir)
        entity-at-target (get-entity-at world target)]
      entity-at-target (attack player world entity-at-target)
      (can-move? player world target) (move player world target)
      (can-dig? player world target) (dig player world target)
      :else world)))